View Full Version : Speeding up quarantine and sanitizing driftwood with plants attached

10-18-2016, 02:06 AM
Hey guys,
As the title says i would like to speed up the quarantine as i am adding 5 different species of fish and 6 weeks per a specie is a long time... so what i was thinking to cut the time in half was doing like fish together eg pencilfish and cardinals, GR and Apistogramma agassizi. Would this work out ok? Each fish will still be held for 6 weeks.

Ive got a large (3ft) long driftwood with heaps of anubias nana attached and would like to sanitize the lot without removing plants, how would i go around doing this? It will be in a bath tub for 2 days aswell

Thanks in advance!

10-18-2016, 04:01 AM
You can mix all the diether fish together at same time and what lives and stays well through the 2 months QT proces can go in your display tank along with discus.

If you can soak the driftwood with anubias in your bathtub I would do a 10-20 min mild pink PP solution bath for sterilization and a good rinse afterwards.

10-18-2016, 05:35 AM
Thanks filip, what would be a mild PP ratio? Ive never used it before so yeah.

10-18-2016, 08:29 AM
Thanks filip, what would be a mild PP ratio? Ive never used it before so yeah.

read this thread...http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?70066-Using-Potassium-Permanganate-aka-PP

It will explain using it and the risks and pros.


10-18-2016, 08:29 AM
Use bleach instead. It is mild on plants and will not tint the wood.

10-18-2016, 09:52 AM
Use bleach instead. It is mild on plants and will not tint the wood.

this ^^^^ I have done with a 1:19 ratio and I have also used hydrogen peroxide. both worked in my case. But I have to ask if its parasites you are worried about will they not be gone by the time the fish are introduced? most parasites need host rather quickly or they die, so if its going to be multiple weeks won't they be dead by then?

10-19-2016, 12:36 AM
Ill have to check out that thread
The wood has a cave system in it so a bath would be more suitable however i have used bleach before and know that works, I'll have to stack up the pros and cons
The wood will hopefully be in the tub for 2 to 3 days, my old 6 ft where it comes from has a malfunction error in the silicone and is being replaced. I have had issue with parasites and bacteria in that tank before and want to make sure nothing is past on.

10-19-2016, 01:12 AM
this ^^^^ I have done with a 1:19 ratio and I have also used hydrogen peroxide. both worked in my case. But I have to ask if its parasites you are worried about will they not be gone by the time the fish are introduced? most parasites need host rather quickly or they die, so if its going to be multiple weeks won't they be dead by then?

The last time I got some plants I put some peroxide in a spray bottle and sprayed the plants, but I wasn't sure how long to let the peroxide sit before rinsing it off. How long would you say is long enough without doing too much damage to the plant?

10-19-2016, 08:47 AM
H2O2 will burn the plants fairly quick, even dissolved in water. Bleach is a lot more gentle when it comes to plants. In my experience at least.

10-19-2016, 09:50 AM
The last time I got some plants I put some peroxide in a spray bottle and sprayed the plants, but I wasn't sure how long to let the peroxide sit before rinsing it off. How long would you say is long enough without doing too much damage to the plant?

it works better on wood than plants. for plants i just use my hands and fingers to rub gently in tap water. Most of the time you're trying not to introduce a bunch of pond snails so I look for the eggs and rub them off or spot treat with the H2o2.

I have burned with both bleach and H2O2 on plants. it is a fine line from safe to oh crap. I have used H2O2 on plants to get rid of algae on leaves. I dip it count to 3 and rinse.

10-20-2016, 02:51 AM
Ok so it looks like bleach may be winning, would a dip of 10 seconds be enough to kill off parasites, bacteria ect? 1 to 19 ratio

10-20-2016, 02:57 AM
Ok so it looks like bleach may be winning, would a dip of 10 seconds be enough to kill off parasites, bacteria ect? 1 to 19 ratio

2 min is a recommendable time for 1/19 bleach dip .
Good rinse and dechlor x5 dose in the water and soaking afterwards .

IMO bleach is the strongest , than comes PP and at the end of this scale H2O2 Is the mildest Oxidizer/ burner of plants.