View Full Version : Planning 180G. Planted Aqurium, But I have two question for you experts

10-21-2016, 07:07 AM
A question for you experts,
I broke down my marine tank about a year ago. I have a beautiful 180 gallon AGA dual overflow aquarium. I am going to build my dream planted discus tank (God willing). I have all the bells and whistles (Below is a list). My 2 main concerns are the water flow and over flows. Is the current going to be too much for the Discus fish and Warm water plants and are the overflows a bad idea?
My List (Highlights)
Aqua controller
Led lighting
Driftwood show pieces
50 gallon sump
25 Gallon wet/dry filter
RO/DI with a 10 Gallon Reservoir
Stenner Pump for timed daily automatic water changes
Co2 with controller and diffuser
Red Sea Ozinizer
UV sterilizer
Miracle Mud 2
Eco Complete planted aquarium substrate
Pan-World NH-200PH Pump
Power heads with controllers

10-21-2016, 10:42 AM
Walcome! I suggest you take a look at the beginners section and read all you can read. But as far as flow the discus don't care for much. More or less just good clean oxygenated water at a nice stable 82 degrees. If you plan on doing a planted tank right off the bat get yourself some adult 5''+ fish if not just some drift wood and a thin layer of sand will do the trick to grow out some sub adults. RODI is not recommended for plants no minerals. I'll let others comment on the equipment too. But the most important things I have learned to start discus is solid quarantine procedures and water quality/changes.

10-21-2016, 01:00 PM
I will take a look. I will be using tap water as well as RO water. Here are my plans. I know, you all must be asking why the 50 above the 25. I have the 50 drilled to a certain height that will only allow a certain amount of the water to get to the wet/dry. Some of the water will recirculate and get filtered again before entering the tank. I thought of everything incase a lost of power. There is a wall between the tank and the equipment. 102909

10-21-2016, 01:52 PM
What is your water change/ vac method? And what is the purpose of having the 50g and the 25g wet/dry? vs one large sump with internal wet/dry? Also is the 10g reservoir only for a ato?

10-21-2016, 06:40 PM
What is your water change/ vac method? And what is the purpose of having the 50g and the 25g wet/dry? vs one large sump with internal wet/dry? Also is the 10g reservoir only for a ato?

The water change / vac method is with the Stenner pump it has dual heads. It removes the same amount that it replaces. The 10 G barrel is not just for auto top off it can be used for water changes. I can do 2 small changes each day, Instead of one big water change every week. The reason I have a wet /dry and a sump is because I already own them from when I had the marine tank. I had the wet/dry under the tank and the sump in the other room. Now I will have both on the same stand in the other room.

10-21-2016, 06:57 PM
The water change / vac method is with the Stenner pump it has dual heads. It removes the same amount that it replaces. The 10 G barrel is not just for auto top off it can be used for water changes. I can do 2 small changes each day, Instead of one big water change every week. The reason I have a wet /dry and a sump is because I already own them from when I had the marine tank. I had the wet/dry under the tank and the sump in the other room. Now I will have both on the same stand in the other room.

Are you saying plan is 20G wc per day in a 180?

10-21-2016, 09:30 PM
Are you saying plan is 20G wc per day in a 180?
not exactly, It's actually a little less than 10% of the water volume. The total water volume is about 250 Gallons.

10-27-2016, 10:32 AM
10% each day is not enough for a discus tank. I change 150% of the water on my 240g tank (300g) total volume per week broken into 3 times a week. And I still feel that I could do better.

10-27-2016, 02:28 PM
So, 50% water change a week is not enough. Am I correct is stating I need to do a 54 gallons a day water change making it 375 gallons total to reach 150% since I have 250gallons total volume?

10-27-2016, 03:01 PM
I change 80-90gal sunday, Wednesday and Friday. you can do daily water changes or whatever schedule works for you but no 50% weekly is not enough. If you're use to marine tanks, they only need 10% once a week or even every 2 weeks, I change 10% every 2 weeks on my reef tank. But the discus get far more.

10-27-2016, 03:17 PM
Thank you Debow, I am so glad you gave me that information. I know now I have to make larger volume water changes daily.

10-27-2016, 05:31 PM

10-30-2016, 05:11 PM
Hi Rick and good luck with your new discus project .
Keeping discus for a first time in a planted setup sure is a challenge .
The most important aspect for succes in this IMO are:

1. Get grown discus fish with fully developed immune systems which you can feed lightly 1-2 times a day and understock them .

2. Change much more water then you are about to do . Coming from the reef tanks i know your mindset is completly different on this matter , but in reallity all discus need to thrive is just a lot of new and fresh water.
I would start with min. of 3x 60 % WCs a week for a planted setup IIWY . And dont bother about RO water , just age the tap water and change a lots of it . General rule for discus is - The more the better .

3, Use a thin layer of PFS sand and limit the areas where you plan to put your plants and decor. Leave the front area open . You can put a litlle substrate or pot the plants on the sides or in the back of the tank . And dont go overboard with plants and decor .

4. Choose easy plants that easily thrive in your water without having to further complicate things with co2 or too much liquid ferts .

Good luck with your project Rick and keep us updated.