View Full Version : Discus food - Beef Liver vs Chicken Liver

11-05-2016, 06:02 PM
Hi All,

I have been raring discus for the past 10 years and what I have learned is beef liver has more profound effect on your young and adult discus vs chicken liver.

The way I prepare the food is

# 200 grams grated beef liver( its easy to grate it when its frozen) ,
# one finely grated large carrot or beet root,
# 4 grated garlic cloves,
# one capsule fish oil,
# one powdered multi vitamin tablet.

I mix them all up put in a flat plate and into the freezer ones its frozen take it out cut into small cubes then store those cubes in a plastic box in the freezer. One cube is sufficient to feed two adult discus daily. Since the cube is frozen when you put into the tank and the discuss eat it so quickly the tank does not get cloudy. And if there is any little bit of food that gets away from the discuss will be eaten by the cory cats I have.

Apart from the above food I feed them Freeze dried tubifix worm cubes and pellets as treats. What I found out is when I used chicken liver instead of beef liver the discus were a bit slow to grow and was not as big or fat they should be but after switching to beef liver the results were amazing.

11-05-2016, 07:20 PM
Hi Blyndon and welcome to SD forum.

Thanks for making your first post a help and a recepie for discus food . I hope someone will find it helpfull .
I always use beef heart for discus just like many others on this forum do . I havent heard of using liver before ,how do your discus responde to it?

It would be great if you can start an tank introduction threads and introduce the community with what you keep and what you have from tank and fish at this moment .
Pictures right next to tank informations are always appreciated .