View Full Version : Can extrenal filter outlet be above water level to give more aeration / movement

11-06-2016, 05:12 PM
Hi, I have the fluval roma 240 tank which comes with the fluval 306 filter, the inlet and outlets are already set on this tank as tubes that go on the far right corner.

the tube for the outlet moved up and down so you can have it under the water level or above.

I have always had it way under as i didn't actually realise it moved until last night, it was around 2-3 inches under the water with the nozzles pointing right up to cause movement in the water.

I can have the outlet higher which causes more movement, but i wasn't sure if its fine to have the outlet outside the water where its like a tap just flowing into the water, i have given it a go for a few minutes and it really does seem to cause even more movement and you even see air bubbles spraying down into the tank water due to the small splash in the water.

Can anyone let me know what i am best doing?

I really didn't see any real notes in the fluval manuals regarding the tank or filter regarding the outlet or how best to have it.



two utes
11-06-2016, 05:20 PM
Hi James.
You can have it either way, but try to set it so its not creating too much of a strong current for your fish. I have mine set underneath the water line but pointing upwards towards one of the tanks bracing glass strips, so the jets of water are breaking the surface but still contained in the tank without causing too much current.

11-06-2016, 05:39 PM
Thanks, so I assumed water movement was needed, do you have the outlet nozzles up so that they are close to the water line?

Also of there's not much flow then it's there good circulation to make sure the tank temp is even on the left side also?

two utes
11-06-2016, 06:00 PM
Thanks, so I assumed water movement was needed, do you have the outlet nozzles up so that they are close to the water line?

Also of there's not much flow then it's there good circulation to make sure the tank temp is even on the left side also?

My outlet bar is about an inch under the water line and still creating circulation

11-11-2016, 07:26 PM
Having the outlet above the water level flowing down like a tap into the tank creates the best oxigenisation in my oppinion . But you can also put it just below the water level pointed slightly upwards to ripple the surace , just like Joe advised . Both scenarios will creat sufficient oxigenisation for your discus IMO.