View Full Version : Advice on what strength powerhead to get please

11-09-2016, 09:48 PM
Hi, i am after a powerhead to add oxygen to my 240l discus tank, the tank uses an externa fluval 306 filter.

I see that a lot of these powereads come in different flow rates and recommended for different tank sizes, but i have been looking at the all pond solutions ones and the 1000l/h says its only for a 180l tank which is less than mine, but looking at a review on youtube of t, the flow looks very powerful, and i dont want to scare my discus, the youtube vid for it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKb-tAd0z5Q

or would i be ok getting the 600l/h model if i only want to add extra oxygen next to my filter?

i have also seen a eheim powerball 650 but it didn't say what tank size it was for so wasn't sure about it?

also are they generally noisy or are they ok?

can anyone help at all please?



11-09-2016, 11:27 PM
How many and what size fish in that tank? Why do you feel your present system is lacking in oxygen? A powerhead or simple airstone really does not "add" any oxygen to the water,what either do is circulate the water in your tank causing a mixing reaction exposing the deeper layers of water to the surface where oxygen exchange takes place.Your current canister filter does the same,just be sure to aim its output so that it creates surface tension/ripples at the surface generally by aiming the output to flow across the tank surface vs downward.A spraybar makes this very simple to achieve.

11-11-2016, 10:54 AM
If you plan to use it just for a surface ripple or a fountain effect less than 1000 liters per hour would be enough without being too disturbing for your discus .
My surface agitation is made by the canister outlet pipe which is placed near the surface and pointed in a slightly upward angle .
You should aim for the same placement if you want better oxigenation .

11-11-2016, 01:01 PM
I use a hydor nano pump for a little extra circulation and surface agitation.

11-11-2016, 01:55 PM
I have run powerheads in my 75 gal tanks without causing undue distress to discus. In fact, I think that some agitation improves the growth of large fish - discus or otherwise. And although intro fish keeping books advise otherwise, having bubbles underwater clear improve fish color and appetite.

Having said that, no powerhead will give you a venturi effect if it's submerged more than 1" from the surface of the water. At that level, I observe no difference between large or small powerheads. I suggest you put a pre-filter on the powerhead so that it doesn't clog. I prefer the smaller ones, since the lower weight means rubber suction cups will hold longer.
