View Full Version : Quaratining entire Tank/quarantining the quarantined

11-12-2016, 03:06 PM

So I was out of the country when some new discus came. Unfortunately, the person who I had watching the discus mixed them in with the others without following my quarantining instructions.

that being said, I was thinking I could just quarantine the entire tank. I only have sand, driftwood, MTS, and an albino pleco. The older group I had 6 discus that were already quarantined. With the new ones I have 8 with 4 more on the way now.

So again, my question is: would it be ok to just quarantine the entire tank? Would that work?

A little background: I use Al's process. My quarantining process is a 6 week thing. I observe the first week. If everything is ok, I treat with General Cure for a week. Week 2 & 3: 24-hr Levamisole bath. Week 4: Nothing. Week 5: final 24 our dip/levamisole bath. Week 6.. observe and hopefully mix with other provided there's no problems.

11-12-2016, 03:57 PM
The important thing that comes in play, even if the fish were in for day the chance of cross contamination has already happened. I suggest you go with the quarantining process with the whole stock.

11-12-2016, 06:42 PM
Once different stock is mixed , i dont see any point in quarantine them anyhow afterwards .
Whats done is done , just observe your discus behavour and hope for the best .

11-12-2016, 09:38 PM
The important thing that comes in play, even if the fish were in for day the chance of cross contamination has already happened. I suggest you go with the quarantining process with the whole stock.

I was thinking that this would be my best bet. Better safe than sorry. I'm going to wait a week or 2 until the news ones come and just quarantine them all together for 6 weeks.