View Full Version : I have 2 AC110 and I have a question on media

11-15-2016, 03:19 PM
They came with a big coarse sponge and bio rings. I have kept these in them but the sponge seems very difficult to clean, I don't feel like it's getting the gunk out when rinsing it. They are very difficult to squeeze. Is there something better I should put in there. Thank you, Jaime

Altum Nut
11-15-2016, 05:10 PM
The AC Filters come with a sponge that is very course in texture much different then any regular air driven sponge filter which is less porous.
Cleaning them in tank water should be minimal and not meant to be squeezed vigorously. The left over gunk is actually beneficial bacteria which you don't want to rinse away totally.


11-15-2016, 11:30 PM
Ok thank you

11-16-2016, 03:04 PM
:book: I run 2 in my set up & you only want to rinse it lightly. It contains your beneficial bacteria (the good stuff). I run the rings & sponge in one & Seachem Denitrate & sponge in the other. "T"