View Full Version : new fish, left gill is flared wider when breathing

11-25-2016, 09:50 AM
Hi all,

I got my five new Discus yesterday afternoon, they are from the same breeder as the six already in the tank, breeder assured me his facility is sterile so no quarantine.

The new fish went into my tank @ 3pm yesterday, added salt to water, lights off, no feeding. This morning I fed bloodworms. The new fish, including the Red Dragon, seemed moderately interested in the food and had a few bites.

Issue: one of the new fish, a 6" Red Dragon, his left gill flares much wider open as he is breathing than his other gill which appears normal. I noticed it as soon as he went into the tank, this morning no change. Could this be from the stress during his being shipped to me or might this indicate something else?

I'm worried about him, appreciate any advice.


Second Hand Pat
11-25-2016, 10:47 AM
Kenny, would suggest two things; first is to contact the seller and let him know your concerns, second is to give the fish more time and see if it resolves itself.

11-25-2016, 10:58 AM
Kenny, would suggest two things; first is to contact the seller and let him know your concerns, second is to give the fish more time and see if it resolves itself.

Thanks Pat,

Seller said this usually indicates an injury, but the shipping sedative also causes this but usually at heavier doses than mine received.

I'll watch him, keep water clean, and see if he improves. He did eat a little this morning so that's a good sign.
