View Full Version : New pics my college kid took of my tank over break..better than mine!

11-27-2016, 05:33 PM
The red is my Asian Pearl. Love the personality of this one.The other individuals are my new guys out of QT. A gorgeous Eruption Leopard and another Golden Checkerboard with a fuller pattern than my other one. Thanks to Kenny- they are all amazing. Thanks to Kyle for taking the pics before going back to school.



11-27-2016, 05:35 PM
Your college kid lolol that made me laugh. Are all your kids titled similar. Like my working kid my basement sleeping kid lol

Too funny. Well college kid takes some damn nice
Pics and you got some
Damn nice discus !

I like the set up clean clear basic and big nice fish. Does that tank split a room?

11-27-2016, 06:45 PM
Your college kid lolol that made me laugh. Are all your kids titled similar. Like my working kid my basement sleeping kid lol

Too funny. Well college kid takes some damn nice
Pics and you got some
Damn nice discus !

I like the set up clean clear basic and big nice fish. Does that tank split a room?

Yup Phil! You got it on the kid description. Just wanted to make sure people knew I was not being outdone by a 6 year old -although that could surely happen!

Thanks for the kind words. Yes, the tank splits my family room from my living room that we never use. So I don't feel guilty leaving a giant silver wrapped insulated ugly Brute barrel in there! In some older pics you can see the dog crate in there too. The tank access is on that side as well.

11-27-2016, 07:32 PM
Jenene, Your College kid :) took great pics...but kudos to you also! Your fish look like they are floating in air. Your husbandry skills are perfect.Thanks for sharing!

11-27-2016, 07:37 PM
Jenene, Your College kid :) took great pics...but kudos to you also! Your fish look like they are floating in air. Your husbandry skills are perfect.Thanks for sharing!

Wow! Now I am floating on air! Thanks Al!
BTW they love the Discus Chow sample you sent with my FDBW with spinach. I will be ordering some ASAP. They loved it on the first morning within seconds of it hitting the water. Thank you for all you do for us!

11-27-2016, 07:53 PM
Very nice. Everything is looking great Jenene

11-27-2016, 08:11 PM
Very nice. Everything is looking great Jenene

Thanks Ryan, still waiting for that new driftwood to sink- and someday will get that tile in. Getting there!

11-29-2016, 01:00 PM
Excellent pictures only matched by those beautiful fish!! I was just thinking I hadn't seen pics of your tank in a while-very impressive!

12-04-2016, 02:38 PM
The red is my Asian Pearl. Love the personality of this one.The other individuals are my new guys out of QT. A gorgeous Eruption Leopard and another Golden Checkerboard with a fuller pattern than my other one. Thanks to Kenny- they are all amazing. Thanks to Kyle for taking the pics before going back to school.



Hi Jenene:

Wow I love your fish they are all beautiful. I especially love your solid blue - is this one a male?

EDIT: Now I also want an Asian Pearl for my tank :)


12-04-2016, 05:48 PM
Thanks so much Kenny. I am not quite sure on that Blue Diamond. I haven't seen any breeding activity yet so my untrained eye can't really tell. I know the Pearl and the Fiamma Rossa are males and the Golden Checkerboard with the partial pattern is female. She is the slutty one who hooks up with one of those two depending on her mood. Both males just do their passes and then enjoy the caviar.

I do love the Asian Pearl. He rally adds a splash of color and grace. I know the breeders are creative with the names so there may be very similar ones out there called something else.

I have seen your recent posts on other threads. It is so good to hear all is going well for you now. So glad you can finally enjoy them. Keep posting pics for us please. YOUR tank is gorgeous!


12-04-2016, 08:31 PM
Thanks so much Kenny. I am not quite sure on that Blue Diamond. I haven't seen any breeding activity yet so my untrained eye can't really tell. I know the Pearl and the Fiamma Rossa are males and the Golden Checkerboard with the partial pattern is female. She is the slutty one who hooks up with one of those two depending on her mood. Both males just do their passes and then enjoy the caviar.

I do love the Asian Pearl. He rally adds a splash of color and grace. I know the breeders are creative with the names so there may be very similar ones out there called something else.

I have seen your recent posts on other threads. It is so good to hear all is going well for you now. So glad you can finally enjoy them. Keep posting pics for us please. YOUR tank is gorgeous!



In one of the pictures your Blue Diamond's dorsal & anal fins looked pointed so I thought he/she could be a male.

I notice in some people's tanks the fish all look so perfect. I think leaving it up to the supplier to do the picks, like in my case, the order doesn't always turn out perfect. If I ever buy more fish I think I will fly there first and choose my order personally. Or offer to pay extra for a video consult to choose my fish that way (why didn't I think of this before?).


12-04-2016, 10:15 PM

In one of the pictures your Blue Diamond's dorsal & anal fins looked pointed so I thought he/she could be a male.

I notice in some people's tanks the fish all look so perfect. I think leaving it up to the supplier to do the picks, like in my case, the order doesn't always turn out perfect. If I ever buy more fish I think I will fly there first and choose my order personally. Or offer to pay extra for a video consult to choose my fish that way (why didn't I think of this before?).


Wow, good eye Kenny. You may be right. Now that you mention it- it is one of the more dominant ones in the tank and enjoys defending territory. Pretty big as well. I have always kind of thought of him as a he. He just hasn't proved himself yet. He tends to be the one to bang around and get scraped by than darn Mopani wood. He got a pretty good scrape the other day and I have been doing 90% daily water changes to keep it clean so it will heal quickly. Almost healed.

I was really lucky to find Kenny Cheung of Kenny's Discus. He is one of the sponsors on this forum. I really wish you could have the opportunity to buy from him. He is based in Daly City, California. As I tell everyone- he is the nicest guy I have never met. A true gentleman who goes far (above and beyond) helpful. I was so new and asked so many very basic, dumb, questions and he was so patient and kind. The first batch I just ordered from his list. My only specification was if the Golden Checkerboard could be just partially patterned because I liked the look of them. He chose gorgeous fish for me. I trusted him completely and he came through beyond my expectations. The fish were so healthy and thickly built, larger than I had expected, adapted quickly and were really coloring up beautifully and eating out of my hand in a few days. The second batch I knew a bit more of what I was looking for. I asked for an Eruption Leopard that had a lot of blue on it and sent him back some of his shipment photos that he releases when he is expecting a shipment- which I believe are taken in Malaysia from the breeder Forrest Teo. He holds each fish in his hand and takes close up photos of them. Kenny took the time to go back to the first original picture and found the exact fish I had sent the photo of. I was amazed he did that for me. I am sure his expert eye could find it- but darn if those guys didn't look almost identical to me. It took some time for me to pick out tiny spots that identified him in the pictures. That fish is now almost completely blue other than the red pattern. He is just striking.

For the Golden Checkerboard I just asked for a fully patterned one to compliment the one I already had. The pattern is gorgeous and his body is so round. I was actually able to go back to the photos and find his "baby" picture because his markings are so unique to him.

If you can do some research and find someone in your shipping area that has a solid following of loyal customers like Kenny you will be home free. Someday, when you are ready for more, I really hope you can have the experience of connecting with someone like Kenny Cheung. If there is anyone else like him-hard act to follow -that guy...

What area would you be buying from? You are really kind of floating out there aren't you? It must be pretty expensive to ship fish that far out too. Well worth it though. Winter in Upstate NY is setting in and I am really not happy about it one bit- in kind of a delusional denial that the cold and snow are just passing through. I am more than envious of your tropical paradise.

In the meantime I know you will enjoy your Discus and watch them grow and change. It is really amazing watching them get even more beautiful every week.

Enjoy your week-

12-04-2016, 11:14 PM
Wow, good eye Kenny. You may be right. Now that you mention it- it is one of the more dominant ones in the tank and enjoys defending territory. Pretty big as well. I have always kind of thought of him as a he. He just hasn't proved himself yet. He tends to be the one to bang around and get scraped by than darn Mopani wood. He got a pretty good scrape the other day and I have been doing 90% daily water changes to keep it clean so it will heal quickly. Almost healed.

I was really lucky to find Kenny Cheung of Kenny's Discus.

Enjoy your week-

Hi Jenene:

Actually he is the first person I called, really nice guy, stayed on the phone with him for awhile talking. Unfortunately the fish health certificate he provides doesn't meet my local import permit's requirements. I really wanted to buy from him, but there were also some logistics issues.

I'd need to buy from the Miami, FL area for it to reach my freight forwarder 'by hand' as required for live packages. RE: expense: my wife has been unusually understanding with this new hobby of mine, but I've been making an effort to reciprocate - shoes/handbags:) for her.

The supplier I got mine from is decent and the fish look to be very good quality, but I just feel that I would need to personally pick my fish to be completely satisfied.


12-04-2016, 11:52 PM
Hi Jenene:

Actually he is the first person I called, really nice guy, stayed on the phone with him for awhile talking. Unfortunately the fish health certificate he provides doesn't meet my local import permit's requirements. I really wanted to buy from him, but there were also some logistics issues.

I'd need to buy from the Miami, FL area for it to reach my freight forwarder 'by hand' as required for live packages. RE: expense: my wife has been unusually understanding with this new hobby of mine, but I've been making an effort to reciprocate - shoes/handbags:) for her.

The supplier I got mine from is decent and the fish look to be very good quality, but I just feel that I would need to personally pick my fish to be completely satisfied.


I completely understand- it must be really hard logistically. I am glad you tried Kenny. At least you know what I mean about him.

So if you are happy with your supplier I would hope he could send you some video of the fish you are considering. Even in some of the short ones I have seen certain fish really stand out and even though I am just looking I mentally choose which ones I would want. (-:

Pretty funny to have happy fish- you keep the wife happy as well! Smart guy! She certainly must be styin' by now!

The one thing I did regret was not getting all my fish at once. The two that came just one month later required a quarantine (double all your equipment, since you can't cross contaminate) and the same shipping cost that I paid for the first six. It was worth it in the end but it is going to cost you some really nice accessories. (-:


12-05-2016, 10:52 AM
I completely understand- it must be really hard logistically. I am glad you tried Kenny. At least you know what I mean about him.

So if you are happy with your supplier I would hope he could send you some video of the fish you are considering. Even in some of the short ones I have seen certain fish really stand out and even though I am just looking I mentally choose which ones I would want. (-:

Pretty funny to have happy fish- you keep the wife happy as well! Smart guy! She certainly must be styin' by now!

The one thing I did regret was not getting all my fish at once. The two that came just one month later required a quarantine (double all your equipment, since you can't cross contaminate) and the same shipping cost that I paid for the first six. It was worth it in the end but it is going to cost you some really nice accessories. (-:



I would ask for a video shopping consult, even if say $100/hr I think it'd be worth it and easier than taking a flight over.

RE: shoes/handbags: you wouldn't believe what she gives away every 6 months when she cleans her closet. I wear one pair of shoes 98% of the time:)

RE: separate shipments: were the orders from the same supplier? If so shouldn't need to quarantine. Regarding the cost/time I was thinking the same thing with my two shipments.


12-05-2016, 05:21 PM

I would ask for a video shopping consult, even if say $100/hr I think it'd be worth it and easier than taking a flight over.

RE: shoes/handbags: you wouldn't believe what she gives away every 6 months when she cleans her closet. I wear one pair of shoes 98% of the time:)

RE: separate shipments: were the orders from the same supplier? If so shouldn't need to quarantine. Regarding the cost/time I was thinking the same thing with my two shipments.


I hear ya on the accessories. A girl's just gotta have them!:gorgeous: Good thing for you- a bargaining chip. Just be careful that a Snakeskin Discus doesn't get made into a purse. :o

I did ask if I had to quarantine and Kenny was very convincing. He did tell me if I chose to skip it and something happened he would talk me through it. I already had about $600 invested just in fish and I was not comfortable taking any chances at that point- too scary for me.:eek: I never was much of a gambler.

He has a very good explanation about why on his sponsor page sticky. I am glad I did it for peace of mind but it was a pain to have to clean and feed another tank even though it was only 20 gallons.. I don't know how people do multiple tanks all the time.. I had a bought QT tank for an emergency illness or injury and had a sponge filter cycled hanging out in my media compartment so I was all set up to do it.

The one practical reason why I would do it again is because the new fish will be stressed and want to hide. In the QT you can really keep them quiet and away from new pecking order fights while they are aclimating. You can also make sure they get their share of food. I had to put up a divider because with just 2 fish aggression tends to happen. When it came time to put them in the bifg tank- the temps were exactly the same and I could just dump them in. No hiding and they got right in the mix. Since then the pecking order thing has settled and all is well.

Just in case you are interested check out the link:

Let me know when you are ready to purchase more. I want to hear about your choices and see lots of pics! :fish:


12-05-2016, 06:30 PM
I hear ya on the accessories. A girl's just gotta have them!:gorgeous: Good thing for you- a bargaining chip. Just be careful that a Snakeskin Discus doesn't get made into a purse. :o

I did ask if I had to quarantine and Kenny was very convincing. He did tell me if I chose to skip it and something happened he would talk me through it. I already had about $600 invested just in fish and I was not comfortable taking any chances at that point- too scary for me.:eek: I never was much of a gambler.

He has a very good explanation about why on his sponsor page sticky. I am glad I did it for peace of mind but it was a pain to have to clean and feed another tank even though it was only 20 gallons.. I don't know how people do multiple tanks all the time.. I had a bought QT tank for an emergency illness or injury and had a sponge filter cycled hanging out in my media compartment so I was all set up to do it.

The one practical reason why I would do it again is because the new fish will be stressed and want to hide. In the QT you can really keep them quiet and away from new pecking order fights while they are aclimating. You can also make sure they get their share of food. I had to put up a divider because with just 2 fish aggression tends to happen. When it came time to put them in the bifg tank- the temps were exactly the same and I could just dump them in. No hiding and they got right in the mix. Since then the pecking order thing has settled and all is well.

Just in case you are interested check out the link:

Let me know when you are ready to purchase more. I want to hear about your choices and see lots of pics! :fish:



That is a bona fide reason for quarantine with stock from same breeders. My supplier said it wasn't necessary because he assured me he had a 'sterile facility'. But when I introduced these poor fish from my second order right into the tank the current fish really tore into them. I guess since they were new, but also because the new ones were in such a frazzled state, they were bullied pretty bad for about 15 minutes. I quicky put salt in the water and lights off. Thankfully the next morning the new fish were in a better state and they acclimated pretty quick from there.

I believe Kenny is definitely top-notch. If I ever need to order again I might talk to him again and see if there's any way it can work.


12-05-2016, 07:49 PM

That is a bona fide reason for quarantine with stock from same breeders. My supplier said it wasn't necessary because he assured me he had a 'sterile facility'. But when I introduced these poor fish from my second order right into the tank the current fish really tore into them. I guess since they were new, but also because the new ones were in such a frazzled state, they were bullied pretty bad for about 15 minutes. I quicky put salt in the water and lights off. Thankfully the next morning the new fish were in a better state and they acclimated pretty quick from there.

I believe Kenny is definitely top-notch. If I ever need to order again I might talk to him again and see if there's any way it can work.


It is funny though Kenny, driving home from work today I remembered I have read it is best to get your stock from the same supplier if at all possible since a different supplier's fish would carry different pathogens that they may have become immune to. Just thinking...I would hate to have you go through any more issues. Kenny's fish are really healthy but like he says they are living things that naturally carry things that other fish may never have been exposed to. It worries me that your previous supplier said he had a "sterile facility" the only way that could happen is if he boils the fish for 10 minutes before he puts them in the tanks. He would be selling fish stew instead of Discus. :p


12-05-2016, 09:25 PM
It is funny though Kenny, driving home from work today I remembered I have read it is best to get your stock from the same supplier if at all possible since a different supplier's fish would carry different pathogens that they may have become immune to. Just thinking...I would hate to have you go through any more issues. Kenny's fish are really healthy but like he says they are living things that naturally carry things that other fish may never have been exposed to. It worries me that your previous supplier said he had a "sterile facility" the only way that could happen is if he boils the fish for 10 minutes before he puts them in the tanks. He would be selling fish stew instead of Discus. :p


Ha, that's funny. That's something for me to think about, I wouldn't want to mix Kenny's & DiscusUSA fish without proper quarantine, which I dread. What David at DiscusUSA told me is that he does breed & sell while small, but most of his fish come from IP Discus -Tony Tan Discus breeder in Malaysia. He said his & the breeder's facilities are sterile. I wondered to myself if this was really true but the part of me that didn't want to quarantine won out:) Hasn't been that long yet but fish are still healthy, so far so good.


EDIT: Dunno why but I thought you stayed home all day with your Discus:):)