View Full Version : Turning filters off during feedings

12-05-2016, 09:06 AM
I think it was Filip who said he turns off his filters while feeding fish. Since trying it myself, I've noticed such a difference in my water quality and filters. What a great tip. I just set a timer so I don't forget to turn them back on. An added bonus is my fish are eating more and I think growing more as a result. I've also started giving them beefheart just before doing wc so the filters are cleaner.

12-05-2016, 09:48 AM
I think it was Filip who said he turns off his filters while feeding fish. Since trying it myself, I've noticed such a difference in my water quality and filters. What a great tip. I just set a timer so I don't forget to turn them back on. An added bonus is my fish are eating more and I think growing more as a result. I've also started giving them beefheart just before doing wc so the filters are cleaner.

Hi Patty,

Absolutely a must IMO, better than cleaning pre-filters every feeding. The only food I leave filters on for is bloodworms since they sink straight to bottom, stay very visible and easy to siphon the excess.

FDBWs presented a new problem for me, though they don't cloud the water like BH they float and stick on everything. After feeding & siphoning I have to wipe excess from tank walls and net from water top. More work but it's my Discus favorite food.


12-05-2016, 10:03 AM
Good tip, as I've noticed my sponge filter is caked with raw meats and the like after each feeding. Will give this a try today, thanks

12-05-2016, 10:53 AM
I've been doing since I installed my sump on my tank 3 yrs. ago. I wait until the meal is all consumed and the return pump is turned back on.

12-05-2016, 11:16 AM
This is why I love this site. Today is day one feeding with my new sump set up and I always used to turn off in the past and was going to as well this time around. It's just always nice to get that reassurance.

12-05-2016, 12:02 PM
Definitely a good idea when feeding items that float around in the water column (like beefheart)

SomeFin's Fishy
12-05-2016, 04:51 PM
A better idea is to get one of these: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003A4R2Z4/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and wire it into your outlet. It takes all of about 5 minutes. These timers are meant to be used with hot tubs, heat lamps, etc. or anything that you want to run for a specific period of time before shutting off. When wired in reverse (instructions included) , and your filter or sump plugged into the outlet, you can turn the switch from anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours. It will shut off the power to your filter/sump and you can feed your fish. After the preset time, the switch will power up your filter/sump and start filtering again. No setting timers or forgetting to turn your pumps back on.

12-05-2016, 05:13 PM
Hi Patty,

Absolutely a must IMO, better than cleaning pre-filters every feeding. The only food I leave filters on for is bloodworms since they sink straight to bottom, stay very visible and easy to siphon the excess.

FDBWs presented a new problem for me, though they don't cloud the water like BH they float and stick on everything. After feeding & siphoning I have to wipe excess from tank walls and net from water top. More work but it's my Discus favorite food.


I love when I run in to members like you that don't feed FDBW on inverted cones.

Do yourself a favor and get a $3 cone and invert it. Put the cubes under water and into the cone. Done! No more mess. Here's a vid of my group as babies with the cone:


As far as the OP's statement, yes, turning off filters is the only way I feed BH. If I didn't, all my food would go in to my sump and that would foul really quick. After BH feedings I do water changes and none of it ever makes it to my sump.

12-05-2016, 05:18 PM
I need to get a cone I think... My worms seem to float all over and then sit on the water surface and they are gonna get sucked right up once the pump is back on...

Ricardo, did it take your guys time to learn to feed from the cone?

12-05-2016, 05:21 PM
Lately I've been disconnecting the siphon on HOB Fluval because it would "eat" a lot of the food my Discus were supposed to be eating.

Does this also work with canisters? I use two Eheims in conjunction with each other; one as the prefilter, the other with the bio substrate. I'm concerned about water quality and forgetting to turn the thing back on.

12-05-2016, 05:44 PM
I have been turning my sump of since I saw it on this forum when I first started out. It really makes a big difference. The timer switch is a great idea but before I turn the filter back on I go back in and vacuum any junk on the bottom. They tend to poop just when they are done eating so it is the perfect time to get in there and house clean. I am so anal- (pun intended) that I have been seen actually standing over them with the vacuum waiting for them to drop the glob hanging from them so I don't have to see if floating around later. I have been religious about setting a timer though since if I forgot and went off to work they would have no filter and no heat (heaters are in the sump) as well as killing of the BB.

Oh! And on the cone feeder upside down for the FDBW. My guys hit it so hard they knock it out of the ring and the last time I used it it sank! What am I doing wrong?

12-05-2016, 05:45 PM
Ricardo, did it take your guys time to learn to feed from the cone?

I'm not Ricardo but it took mine about 15 seconds to figure it out.

12-05-2016, 05:53 PM
A better idea is to get one of these: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003A4R2Z4/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and wire it into your outlet. It takes all of about 5 minutes. These timers are meant to be used with hot tubs, heat lamps, etc. or anything that you want to run for a specific period of time before shutting off. When wired in reverse (instructions included) , and your filter or sump plugged into the outlet, you can turn the switch from anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours. It will shut off the power to your filter/sump and you can feed your fish. After the preset time, the switch will power up your filter/sump and start filtering again. No setting timers or forgetting to turn your pumps back on.

i really like the idea behind this but im not handy with this kind of thing. does anyone know if a plug and play version of this reverse timer exists? im afraid of forgetting to turn the canister back on, although its def a good idea for when im watching them eat, i was always hesitant to turn off the filter for fear of BB death...

12-05-2016, 06:08 PM
I love when I run in to members like you that don't feed FDBW on inverted cones.

Do yourself a favor and get a $3 cone and invert it. Put the cubes under water and into the cone. Done! No more mess. Here's a vid of my group as babies with the cone:


As far as the OP's statement, yes, turning off filters is the only way I feed BH. If I didn't, all my food would go in to my sump and that would foul really quick. After BH feedings I do water changes and none of it ever makes it to my sump.


Wow this is going to help me so much. Thanks.


12-05-2016, 06:08 PM
I need to get a cone I think... My worms seem to float all over and then sit on the water surface and they are gonna get sucked right up once the pump is back on...

Ricardo, did it take your guys time to learn to feed from the cone?

they took to it almost immediately. They even went inside the cone, lol. However, if you have an older group, it may take them a little longer to adjust.

12-05-2016, 06:09 PM
I have a controller that operates my heaters and both filters. Push a button when feeding and they stay off for whatever amount of time you have it set for. I set mine for 10 minutes

12-05-2016, 06:12 PM

Wow this is going to help me so much. Thanks.


We are all about making discus raising easier around here ;)

12-05-2016, 06:43 PM
I've used the worm cone, but blue rams would go in and grap the cubes out. So I just started to just squeeze the FDBW cube and let my discus nibble from my hand and then release the cube. All my fish will eat the worms from the surface the last few yrs. That's why I turn my pump off during feeding and turn it back on after feeding. By the way running K-1w/ 5 air stones, poret foam and have Bio media reactor still running in the sump, so no bio filtration will be stopped. Also using remote power switch for return pump recommended by Ricardo.

12-05-2016, 07:29 PM
I like Marks idea of using that automatic timer. I'm always afraid I'll forget to turn filters back on....
Also remember seeing that cone in your tank Ricardo and wondering what it was. Where do I get this inverted cone?

12-05-2016, 07:58 PM
I like Marks idea of using that automatic timer. I'm always afraid I'll forget to turn filters back on....
Also remember seeing that cone in your tank Ricardo and wondering what it was. Where do I get this inverted cone?

Hi Patty, you may be able to find it cheaper but I am an Amazon addict... Just flip the cone for feeding dry worms. Pointed down for frozen blood worms.


12-05-2016, 08:04 PM
I like Marks idea of using that automatic timer. I'm always afraid I'll forget to turn filters back on....
Also remember seeing that cone in your tank Ricardo and wondering what it was. Where do I get this inverted cone?

Hi Patty, you may be able to find it cheaper but I am an Amazon addict... Just flip the cone for feeding dry worms. Pointed down for frozen blood worms.


+1. It is just a regular worm cone. I personally like the blue ones. They seem to have an easier time getting them from the blue than the white but this is just my personal opinion.

You can find the blue ones from Dan's place I believe.

12-05-2016, 08:11 PM
+1. It is just a regular worm cone. I personally like the blue ones. They seem to have an easier time getting them from the blue than the white but this is just my personal opinion.

You can find the blue ones from Dan's place I believe.

Is this the one Ricardo? They do have a hard time getting the food out of the clear ones I have. Probably why they are knocking it out of the ring in frustration! Thanks for the heads up.

12-05-2016, 08:42 PM
Is this the one Ricardo? They do have a hard time getting the food out of the clear ones I have. Probably why they are knocking it out of the ring in frustration! Thanks for the heads up.

that is exactly the one :)

12-05-2016, 11:15 PM
Is this the one Ricardo? They do have a hard time getting the food out of the clear ones I have. Probably why they are knocking it out of the ring in frustration! Thanks for the heads up.

Traditionally,the feeding cones are designed for live worms,the idea being the worms slowly wiggle out the little holes and the fish grab them.

12-06-2016, 12:06 AM
We are all about making discus raising easier around here ;)

For sure :)

12-06-2016, 12:45 PM
I love when I run in to members like you that don't feed FDBW on inverted cones.

Do yourself a favor and get a $3 cone and invert it. Put the cubes under water and into the cone. Done! No more mess. Here's a vid of my group as babies with the cone:


As far as the OP's statement, yes, turning off filters is the only way I feed BH. If I didn't, all my food would go in to my sump and that would foul really quick. After BH feedings I do water changes and none of it ever makes it to my sump.

+1 on this great idea. I used to attach a cone to an undergravel uplift tube to feed flakes or anything else that I didn't want polluting the tank. A little unsightly but it dispersed less.

Paul Sabucchi
12-06-2016, 03:33 PM
I have a controller that operates my heaters and both filters. Push a button when feeding and they stay off for whatever amount of time you have it set for. I set mine for 10 minutes

Hi, could you let me know what controller you are using? Would really like to fit one to most of my tanks. Thank you

12-07-2016, 09:20 AM
Thanks! I'm getting a cone and will call it a rickztahone cone! Love this site and the people here-the BEST!

12-07-2016, 10:28 AM
Some people never turn off their filters xD


Paul Sabucchi
12-07-2016, 10:48 AM
So far I have always left my filters on 24/7 but growing out discus is going to be a completely new ball game for me. I am used to feeding mbunas, tetras and fantails very sparingly, even fasting them. If I want to grow discus to dinner plate size I will feed rich food every 2-3 hours and (even with a prefilter sponge on the intake to be wrinsed at least once a day) I would like to avoid messy food being sucked in the canister and make it awkward to keep the water pristine.
I would like to wire some kind of timer switch that once pressed can shut off the filters at feeding time and automatically restart them after a set time (somewhere in the 5-10 minute range, just enough time for the fish to eat and for me to syphon any leftovers from the bare bottom of the tank). I am not very electrically savvy but I can probably get my head round wiring a multifunction timer like
http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/Omron-Multifunc ... Ciid%253A3
To achieve the desired interval should i select mode: flicker off start?

Alternatively I was wondering if there is a way of "wiring backwards" a simple lag time switch such as those used to turn the lights on in stairwells, but so that it opens the circuit for a set time rather than closing it.

I am also looking at the Inkbird twin relay timer, does it have a "temporary off" function?

Advice greatly appreciated

12-07-2016, 10:49 AM
Hi, could you let me know what controller you are using? Would really like to fit one to most of my tanks. Thank you

It's called Reek Keeper Lite. There's a lot of different ones out there and a lot of different opinions but this is the one I have and i'm happy with it.

SomeFin's Fishy
12-07-2016, 11:04 AM
Alternatively I was wondering if there is a way of "wiring backwards" a simple lag time switch such as those used to turn the lights on in stairwells, but so that it opens the circuit for a set time rather than closing it.

Absolutely!! They are made to work both ways. Here's a link to the exact timer I use on my main filters: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003A4R2Z4/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 There are instructions included for wiring it "backwards" but essentially, the white wire goes to the silver terminal on your outlet. The black wire goes to the terminal on the switch marked "Load 2 In." Then another black wire is attached to the "Load 2 Out" terminal on the switch and is attached to the black (brass) terminal on the outlet. Your pump/filter/or whatever is plugged into the outlet. The switch is spring loaded and can be set for anywhere from 15 minutes to two hours. Then the circuit is closed and the pumps or whatever come back on. We've been using these for years and they are awesome.

12-07-2016, 11:16 AM
Today is day 2 for me of the cone and no dice, I have tried a few methods to attract them but still nothing... My fish seem to want nothing to do with feeding from the surface and pulling the food off the top... My domestics would go nuts for that, my wilds are like no way man... Odd...

In the past, I never used a sock over the intake to the sump. Why? I have no damn Idea! I grabbed a nice thick one the other day and this thing is a blessing, it is just a big pre-filter, all the water runs through it prior to getting into the rest of the sump. I have been rinsing it daily to every other day. So as annoying as it has been w the worms all over, it isn't so bad with this guy in place. I am hoping my guys take to Al's new discus chow, which sinks and maybe that can become a nice staple for them. Ill find out in a few days when it arrives.

Has anyone ever bought, built, created a pre filter sleeve almost for an over flow? My overflow seems pretty standard, little slots along the top tro bottom, water trickles in and down tot he sump to be returned. I was thinking of maybe cutting some pre-filter material to slide in or infront of it to catch bigger particles passing through? Thoughts?

12-07-2016, 11:34 AM
Today is day 2 for me of the cone and no dice, I have tried a few methods to attract them but still nothing... My fish seem to want nothing to do with feeding from the surface and pulling the food off the top... My domestics would go nuts for that, my wilds are like no way man... Odd...

Hey Phil. If the domestics are going for it and the the wilds aren't then the wilds will normally learn the behaviors from the domestics unless you keep them in separate tanks. I keep both together and have never had a wild that didn't end up learning new behaviors from the domestics.

12-07-2016, 11:51 AM
That may be the cvase stu, however my domestics are gone , all sold, Im stuck with only lowly wild discus now, LOL!

Paul Sabucchi
12-07-2016, 05:36 PM
It's called Reek Keeper Lite. There's a lot of different ones out there and a lot of different opinions but this is the one I have and i'm happy with it.

Thanks (suppose it is Reefkeeper) looking into it

Paul Sabucchi
12-07-2016, 05:43 PM
Absolutely!! They are made to work both ways. Here's a link to the exact timer I use on my main filters: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003A4R2Z4/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 There are instructions included for wiring it "backwards" but essentially, the white wire goes to the silver terminal on your outlet. The black wire goes to the terminal on the switch marked "Load 2 In." Then another black wire is attached to the "Load 2 Out" terminal on the switch and is attached to the black (brass) terminal on the outlet. Your pump/filter/or whatever is plugged into the outlet. The switch is spring loaded and can be set for anywhere from 15 minutes to two hours. Then the circuit is closed and the pumps or whatever come back on. We've been using these for years and they are awesome.

Thanks real useful, might go for the similar model just with shorter timers, maybe up to 15 or 30 minutes. As usual something made just a few hundred miles from here (says made in Tunisia) has to go across the Atlantic aand back again), can't seem to get them in Europe! May go to my local electrical suppliers and see what they have, I basically need a timer switch that beyond the normal COM and NO (normally open) terminals has a NC (normally closed) one too. Thanks

12-07-2016, 05:54 PM
Phil, they will get it up. Put it in the cone and walk away. Soon they will find it and eat :)

12-07-2016, 07:28 PM
Thanks (suppose it is Reefkeeper) looking into it

Yeah I misspelled it

Paul Sabucchi
12-08-2016, 05:33 AM
Yeah I misspelled it

Automatic text comes up with interesting things sometimes... Thank you again

12-09-2016, 03:52 PM
That may be the cvase stu, however my domestics are gone , all sold, Im stuck with only lowly wild discus now, LOL!

I'll bet if you bought one medium sized, relatively inexpensive, domestic fish and put it in with your wilds it would teach them some new tricks.

12-13-2016, 12:09 AM
Hey Phil, I've been using feeder pouches for fdbw. They're a bit more expensive but my discus love eating from them.


12-13-2016, 08:05 AM
Hey Phil, I've been using feeder pouches for fdbw. They're a bit more expensive but my discus love eating from them.


That is a great idea. No reason you couldn't make your own very cheaply. I actually have thousands of feet of an almost identical mesh tubing right now since we are cutting it down for my husband's company to use as a sleeve to package tools. I thought about using it as of kind of aquarium application but was not sure what it was made of. If it were washed I would think it would be fine since it is not in there long enough to leech anything into the water. I am sure there are many other materials you could make your own out of as well. Suction cups would work just fine with these also.

Thanks for the idea.

12-13-2016, 05:40 PM
Piggy backing on the 'sock' idea posted in this thread...would it make sense to put a media filter bag over my Fx6 intake? It may not look great but wouldnt it serve at least as a filter for larger food items going into the canister?

12-13-2016, 06:51 PM
I haven't used a sock, but I did use a sponge-like pre-filter on my intake tube when I used canisters. Many folks recommend them. I forget where I got them. Probably Jehmco.

12-13-2016, 06:52 PM
Piggy backing on the 'sock' idea posted in this thread...would it make sense to put a media filter bag over my Fx6 intake? It may not look great but wouldnt it serve at least as a filter for larger food items going into the canister?

prefilter would be better.

12-13-2016, 07:48 PM
If you YouTube Kaylens discus, she has a diy version with suction cups.
https://youtu.be/JyQAyA_bbUY lol there's the link


12-13-2016, 11:34 PM
If you YouTube Kaylens discus, she has a diy version with suction cups.
https://youtu.be/JyQAyA_bbUY lol there's the link


Thanks. That's a wonderful idea. I despise anything sewing but I'll do it for my Discus.

Jack L
12-14-2016, 12:34 AM
A better idea is to get one of these: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003A4R2Z4/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and wire it into your outlet. It takes all of about 5 minutes. These timers are meant to be used with hot tubs, heat lamps, etc. or anything that you want to run for a specific period of time before shutting off. When wired in reverse (instructions included) , and your filter or sump plugged into the outlet, you can turn the switch from anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours. It will shut off the power to your filter/sump and you can feed your fish. After the preset time, the switch will power up your filter/sump and start filtering again. No setting timers or forgetting to turn your pumps back on.

great idea, TFS

Jack L
12-14-2016, 12:40 AM
though turning off the filter is ideal to keeping the food debris from making it into the sump, i found that to be a hassle. i now have snails in my sump, and they seem to be eating the overflow.

i don't spend NEARLY the amount of time w/ my tank as i used to, so anything that makes its simpler i do.

12-14-2016, 01:53 AM
What kind of snails ? Where from?

Jack L
12-14-2016, 02:17 PM
Assassin snails
They were added to remove pest snails originally

They have multiplied but we like the look of them

12-14-2016, 04:02 PM
prefilter would be better.

Haven't been able to find a suitable one for the Fx6-it would take a very large sponge filter and Im worried that a sponge will block the intake too much.

12-14-2016, 04:16 PM
Haven't been able to find a suitable one for the Fx6-it would take a very large sponge filter and Im worried that a sponge will block the intake too much.

For my FX6 I just replaced the entire intake + attached tube section, with a different tube that already had a sponge for an intake, my LPS had a few to choose from. I think the FX6 tube is pretty standard. I wondered whether this smaller sponge intake would restrict the flow but the flow from the output remained just as fast.

Doing this was a life saver as my FX6 interior remained super clean after that.

12-14-2016, 04:58 PM
I have all my lights, heaters and filters on separate circuits. So all the heaters get turned off during water changes, while all the lights come on, etc...

It's these little things that make the hobby so enjoyable, Willie

12-14-2016, 09:18 PM
I don't turn my filter off during feeding but I have a fine mesh filter sponge from an AC110 as a prefilter with a couple inches cut off the end. I removed the intake basket from my FX5, cut a + in the top about half way through and slipped it on the intake tube. Any food items that make it to the sponge are picked off and eaten. Like I said it's a fine sponge (like a hydro) and not the coarser type which would end up with food stuck inside it and I would probably have to turn off the filter during feeding. Works great and keeps the filter extremely clean inside. My fish also never leave anything uneaten.. maybe I should feed them more.

12-15-2016, 12:35 AM
Jason you are the KOAPF

king of all pre filters !!! Lol

That thing is a beast! No wonder your water looks spotless !

SomeFin's Fishy
12-15-2016, 11:13 AM
Another option would be to add an overflow box to your tank. Here is the one we use on our tank with the FX-5: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CJ257IW/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o06_s05?ie=UTF8&psc=1 It has a sponge prefilter to keep debris out of your sump and the flexible intake line to your FX-5 plugs directly into the bottom of the intake box. Plus, it has the extra benefit of drawing in water from the surface of your tank to prevent to scum that sometimes builds up from feeding high protein foods such as beefheart. Depending on your flow rate, you may have to add and extra siphon to keep up with your pump, or "throttle down" the flow rate of your pump. Either way, it works great and is a real quick way to get the performance you're looking for.

12-17-2016, 11:13 PM
All of these are great ideas, thanks!

jim LI
01-05-2017, 10:25 AM
Has anyone used those wifi power outlets to control the filters? i got 1 as a present and was wondering if it can be used to work the filters. it does have a count down function to turn the power back on.

01-05-2017, 02:07 PM
Has anyone used those wifi power outlets to control the filters? i got 1 as a present and was wondering if it can be used to work the filters. it does have a count down function to turn the power back on.

I do not see why it would not work.

jim LI
01-05-2017, 02:11 PM
thanks, I am going to try it this weekend

02-09-2017, 04:27 PM
Does the cone feeder work for frozen beef heart?

02-09-2017, 04:40 PM
Does the cone feeder work for frozen beef heart?

no, BH sinks and it wouldn't make it through the holes, it would clog.

Jack L
02-09-2017, 05:56 PM
I just stick BH to the glass

02-12-2017, 03:06 PM
well my guys don't like to eat on the bottom, so thought the cone feeder could work, don't think the stick on glass would work as they would tear it off the glass,

02-12-2017, 08:45 PM
I have a foot switch connected to my filters I step on it to turn off my filters during feeding's and water changes. Really convenient

02-12-2017, 10:36 PM
I have a foot switch connected to my filters I step on it to turn off my filters during feeding's and water changes. Really convenient

I honestly feel ricks idea of a reverse timer is the best option. It's a timer that comes back on after a while

SomeFin's Fishy
02-13-2017, 05:46 PM
Again, it's worth repeating: Here's a link to the exact timer I use on my main filters: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0...?ie=UTF8&psc=1 There are instructions included for wiring it "backwards" but essentially, the white wire goes to the silver terminal on your outlet. The black wire goes to the terminal on the switch marked "Load 2 In." Then another black wire is attached to the "Load 2 Out" terminal on the switch and is attached to the black (brass) terminal on the outlet. Your pump/filter/or whatever is plugged into the outlet. The switch is spring loaded and can be set for anywhere from 15 minutes to two hours. Then the circuit is closed and the pumps or whatever come back on. We've been using these for years and they are awesome.

02-18-2017, 10:58 PM
I was searching for solution on automatic Switc-off timer for feeding purposes and I ended up with this solution:


Its a 5 dollar manual timer with plenty of knobs .
When knobs are pressed down the unit is on so I leave only 1-2 knob loose I.e Off , and that gives a 20 min. Turn off period each day .
Whenever I want to feed I just rotate the circle with knobs to that 20 min shut off period and I feed discus . After 20 minutes the filters turn on automatically.

03-14-2017, 05:23 PM
Using the suggestions here. I've finally made my own timer for the 2 filters on my tank.



I used an outdoor weatherproof box and weather tight grommets to keep the timer dry.

03-14-2017, 10:59 PM
Has anyone used those wifi power outlets to control the filters? i got 1 as a present and was wondering if it can be used to work the filters. it does have a count down function to turn the power back on.

I use a wemo switch for one of my lights. Works great. I use it as a timer as well as being able to turn the light off and on from my phone. I imagine it would work well for a filter as well

03-15-2017, 08:32 AM
For about $100 you can get a controller that has four outlets and will operate your heaters and filters. Adjustable standby for the filters, push a button they shut off when feeding and come back on when standby is over. You can go about your business and never worry about forgetting to turn it back on. Also high and low temp alarms.

jim LI
03-15-2017, 08:47 AM
I use a wemo switch for one of my lights. Works great. I use it as a timer as well as being able to turn the light off and on from my phone. I imagine it would work well for a filter as well

mine has worked great, when i remember to set it...lol...

03-15-2017, 08:55 AM
For about $100 you can get a controller that has four outlets and will operate your heaters and filters. Adjustable standby for the filters, push a button they shut off when feeding and come back on when standby is over. You can go about your business and never worry about forgetting to turn it back on. Also high and low temp alarms.

Is there a link to this or a brand name? This solves a bunch of issues at one time. Would it replace an Inkbird. The Inkbird would shut down a malfunctioning heater as well as sound an alarm.

03-15-2017, 07:35 PM
Is there a link to this or a brand name? This solves a bunch of issues at one time. Would it replace an Inkbird. The Inkbird would shut down a malfunctioning heater as well as sound an alarm.

It is a Reefkeeper Lite. I have one on each of my display tanks.

03-15-2017, 08:01 PM
It is a Reefkeeper Lite. I have one on each of my display tanks.

Thanks! I will check it out. Always looking to improve things.

03-15-2017, 08:30 PM
The jebao DCT line of return pumps has a "Feed" button that shuts the filters off, then slowly turns them back on after 10 minutes. It is a great feature, I just wish the length of time was customizable.

03-18-2017, 02:24 PM
I use thus simple little timer. Filter and uv are both plugged into so off and on simultaneously. You can set up to 25 different off and on schedules with it. I have it set to turn off for a period of time when my auto feeder feeds. I can also use it to shut things off manually 108133

03-18-2017, 03:31 PM
I use thus simple little timer. Filter and uv are both plugged into so off and on simultaneously. You can set up to 25 different off and on schedules with it. I have it set to turn off for a period of time when my auto feeder feeds. I can also use it to shut things off manually 108133

That is an awesome solution as well. I think you mentioned this one before Ryan but I had hesitated because I would have to have another outlet wired by the sump. I have too much stuff plugged into one power strip. I run the heater and pump for the aging barrel right next to the tank so there is a big draw from that one spot. I think it is time to call our electrician. Before this :flame: happens!

03-18-2017, 05:15 PM
That is an awesome solution as well. I think you mentioned this one before Ryan but I had hesitated because I would have to have another outlet wired by the sump. I have too much stuff plugged into one power strip. I run the heater and pump for the aging barrel right next to the tank so there is a big draw from that one spot. I think it is time to call our electrician. Before this :flame: happens!

Good thing I am an electrician too among other things. This timer would plug to your powerstrip then your pump to that. Wouldn't really add more amperage or wattage

Unless you have some crazy pump for your barrel I wouldn't foresee a problem there.

03-18-2017, 06:01 PM
Good thing I am an electrician too among other things. This timer would plug to your powerstrip then your pump to that. Wouldn't really add more amperage or wattage

Unless you have some crazy pump for your barrel I wouldn't foresee a problem there.

Lol! Yeah Ryan, among other things! You guys that can do everything sure are handy! I think I asked Al the same thing-can you cook? Please tell me you can't cook.:inquisitive:

No crazy pump. I think I shall try it. Can you remind me of the name of it plz? Is it hard to program? Probably not for you...:D

03-19-2017, 01:14 AM
Lol! Yeah Ryan, among other things! You guys that can do everything sure are handy! I think I asked Al the same thing-can you cook? Please tell me you can't cook.:inquisitive:

No crazy pump. I think I shall try it. Can you remind me of the name of it plz? Is it hard to program? Probably not for you...:D

I bought it at orchard supply. Don't remember the name. I know I saw it on Amazon. I'll go to orchard and check and let you know

03-19-2017, 01:43 AM
The Vectra M1 is another return pump with a feeding option, I own this, it slows the return down without stopping entirely so that your pipes remain purged, then it does a slow start up. I don't know why Discus people haven't cottoned on to that pump yet, so quiet.