View Full Version : A Love Letter to Paul Villeneuve

12-13-2016, 08:52 AM
Dear Paul, Thank you, and those who contributed, to your "Beginner's Guide", so much. As a senior getting back into Discus after 50 years, the amount of information on this site alone, is overwhelming. Being human we all have our own way of doing things. As I researched equipment and husbandry I found one thread contradicting the next. To paraphrase an old cliche, two Discus keepers, three opinions.

Your Guide was clear, concise, beautifly organized and laid out in a manner that makes it easy for anyone to follow. I printed it out, put it into a binder and will use it as my reference book. I am very grateful. Paul K.

12-13-2016, 11:48 AM
Wow, thank you very much, Paul - I'm extremely flattered, and hopefully Martha Morris will be too when she reads this, as she played a huge role in editing the guide over many months.

In deciding to write this guide, all I wanted to do was to help newcomers to discus avoid as many of those pitfalls as possible that are generally experienced by those just getting started with these magnificent hobby fish.

I'm very pleased to see that this discus primer has been read/viewed nearing 100,000 times over the past 5 years on this forum alone. It has also been stickied on 4 other aquatic forums, so the overall viewing numbers to date may be twice as much as this overall, which is very gratifying to me.
Even more so is the huge number of PM's I've received over these 5 years, asking for further assistance in making hobbyists' entry into discus as successful as possible. I have always been eager to help out in any way I can.

Once again, mucho gracias for your post, Paul - it has made my day !