View Full Version : First time jumps into wilds

12-14-2016, 03:40 PM
Hi All,

As this headline mentions, this is the first time I'll keep wild discus. Let me introduce my tank details:

Tank Dimension: 48-18-18 inch
Substrate: Sand
Fish: 4 X 4 inch Cuipeua Semi royal
Filter: 1 X Eheim 2217, 1 X Eheim 2215
Filter Media: 2 kg Lava Rock, 2 kg Seachem Denitrate, 2 kg Seachem Matrix, Peat, Sponge
TDS: 50
PH: 7.2
Temperature: 28 degree Celsius
Decoration: Driftwood
WC schedule: 10% daily (RO+Tap water mix)

Now since I don't have any firsthand experience on wild discus, so I have few queries:
1. Whether above criteria is good enough or I have to do some modification?

I am well aware of the fact, 18 inch is not an ideal height for discus tank, but in long term scenario I have a plan to upgrade it. Also for water, my RO water TDS is 30, where as my tap water TDS is 150. My intention is to maintain TDS as 50-60 during first few weeks.

Though I can't reduce my tap water ph & have no intention to charge additional acid to reduce it. Hence I choose Cuipeua discus which is not much delicate like Heckels.

For feed, I have Australian Blackworms, GHM & Tropical wild discus gran, so that will not be any problem for me. For WC, I like to perform 10% daily with 50-50 RO-Tap water.

I would request all of senior & experienced wild discus keepers to help me to make this new venture a successful one. Please suggest me if I am wrong or whether any modification is needed.

12-14-2016, 07:03 PM
Welcome bubun! Nice to see you here and researching and getting yourself geared up for your new fish!

Have you already committed to the 4 fish? First off, I would add another fish to make it 5 if you can, Im not a fan of smaller odd numbers, but some people have done ok with a group of 4 but I like to go larger and tend to overstock so take that into consideration. I had 5 wild discus in a 40 breeder for a while and they were doing great, recently moved them to a bigger tank.

I don't think the tank dimensions are that bad.. You have some nice depth and length, the height is fine, its a bit tall but no big deal to me...

I would up that water change schedule. Can you? 10% is really nothing and a drop in the bucket if you ask me... I would try and max out your water changes, especially in the beginning... My wilds seem to do well with less frequent water changes but still big amounts. They didn't seem too keen on daily's, so I was doing 50% every other day. Now in the new tank I am still trying to figure things, but right now I am at about 70% twice a week.

Consistency is key, keep the water fresh and consistent, the more you try and add to it, play with it or distort it in some way, the more room for error and problems you will see...

Second Hand Pat
12-14-2016, 07:21 PM
I agreed with what Phil suggested. I would however suggest doing daily 50% water changes the first week. Generally the tank will have a mini-cycle due to the added bio-load and the WCs help with any measurable ammonia.

12-15-2016, 01:33 AM
Do you plan on adding more in the future? I started all my groups in 4's in a 40 breeder at first then moved them into a 125G display eventually (total of 11... one passed away). Don't focus too much on pH, TDS, gH... I know most (including myself) try to recreate natural environment but stability and clean water are the 2 most important things. Phil can attest to this, he's been having great success with wilds in tap water. Good luck!

- Paul

12-15-2016, 04:57 AM
Are you based out of India. GHM is predominantly used in India :-). If yes can you please PM me the source and price of the wilds

12-15-2016, 08:11 AM
Hi Phil,

it's nice to talk with you after a long time. Actually I joined this forum & follow since 2006, but somehow I forgot my credentials & hence I have to re-register.

As of now, I'll get or wish to get 4 discus, but my intention is to keep 6-8 wild discus at max. For Water change, I think I didn't mention everything. Actually, after 1 month of quarantine process I'll add discus in my main tank. During quarantine process TDS & water change will be performed in a proper way (30% WC daily). I set my RO TDS as 35-37 & my tap water TDS is around 150. I wish o provide them TDS as 50-55 max. Hence I have to mix 80-20 RO-Tap or so. For WC schedule, apart from siphoning I wish to perform 50 liter/ 20% in every alternate day (is it a good idea ?)

Pat & Phil,

I am in dilemma whether I'll add lava rock inside canister media or inside the tank or my storage barrel where I'll add RO - Tap for 1 day before introducing into main tank. As you know lava rock will loose its functionality over time if clogs inside canister. I seek your suggestion for this.

Since Lago Cuipeua is a white water so this cuipeua discus is a white water fish. But many wild discus keepers keep their cuipeua in black water too. So adding some leaf litters or commercial blackwater extract is a good idea or just stick on white water?


As of now, I'll focus on this 48-18-18 tank but as mentioned will add 2-4 more discus in future. For PH, I don't focus as I can't control it. But just for first few days I wish to provide them 50-55 TDS but slowly increase in future.


It's BHM (Beef Heart mix), was a typo for G, and not from India man, but wish to go there in future.

Second Hand Pat
12-15-2016, 08:33 AM
I think lava rock is used to house your beneficial bacteria so the correct place would be in your canister. I do not see it being useful in the tank or the storage barrel. Periodic cleaning of your canister filter should prevent any clogging issues.

12-15-2016, 09:20 AM
Thanks Pat. generally I clean my canister in every 1 month interval. So I hope there's wont be any problem in 1 month span.

12-15-2016, 10:21 AM
2 kg Seachem Denitrate, 2 kg Seachem Matrix

FYI these two are the exact same material only the "denitrate" is smaller. In fresh water it will not remove any nitrate unless used in an anaerobic condition. I have used it in the past to fill my magnum350 carbon container as you can get a bunch inside the container. It a good media for bacteria to remove ammonia and nitrites.

12-15-2016, 02:21 PM
Cuipea is a clearwater lake, just like nhamunda lake or other lakes in a vast alenquer region. Those are intermixed with white water lakes though. Ph in those lakes is near, so not so low. Any pics of the wilds?

12-15-2016, 03:37 PM

Actually those filter media that I already have & hence I don't want to change filter media as of now. I prefer a heavy filter media and bit over filtration for my tank.

Yes, cuipeua discus are from white water region, but as many wild discus keepers add some leaf litters or commercial blackwater extract is a good idea for cuipeua discus or just stick on white water?

Once I'll get those wilds, I'll post pics. Now I am gathering all info to all set in this new venture.

12-16-2016, 11:59 AM
Looking forward to seeing pic! When are you expecting arrival?

12-16-2016, 01:33 PM

Actually those filter media that I already have & hence I don't want to change filter media as of now. I prefer a heavy filter media and bit over filtration for my tank.

I was not advocating that you change anything. I like overkill also lol . With the marketing of these products a lot of fish keepers hope that the denitrate will in fact remove nitrates in the aquarium and hope for less water changes because of it. In my experience that has never happened for me and others I know that have used it. Because of its smaller size there's a whole lot of surface area there in a small package and it works wonderful as a bio bed. My example is this. My Rena XP3 the denitrate pebbles were mostly too small and would fall through the baskets so the regular matrix being bigger worked better, and as I stated in the other post it worked very well in my Magnum350 carbon container.

You sound like you have some nice fish coming I like others here can't wait to see pictures:)

12-17-2016, 10:39 PM
Thanks Pit. I also do like over-filtration of my tank, but I may have to add spray bar to my Eheim 2217 to reduce flow rate.
Yes, expecting those fishes in next week & after 1 month of quarantine process I'll house them at end of January.

BTW, whether TDS 55-60 is good for my cuipeua discus, though lago cuipeua has TDS 35 max.

02-24-2017, 10:07 AM
Here is the update after long time:

I added my discus in my main tank after quarantine procedure. That time I added 4 discus, all from Cuipeua region. But within a week they started fighting with each other. So I did not take any risk and added 2 more cuipeua with them. Within 2-3 days they settled down.

During this procedure, for first 2 days I faced bit issue for my newly introduced fish. My own tank TDS was set @65 where as I took them @25 TDS. Slowly they settled down and showing it's proper color.

Since I have my wilds approx 1 month, so please excuse me for their proper color. Color & pattern will come slowly.

Here's the details of my tank as of now:

TDS: 60
Fish: 6 cuipeua semi royal & cuipeua red solid
Feeding schedule: BHM, Australian blackworms, Ocean nutrition Discus flakes, Hikari frozen bloodworms (3-4 times a day)

Finally, here's the pictures of them...



03-14-2017, 12:47 AM
My another Cuipeua semi royal discus:


03-14-2017, 01:47 AM

Where are you located ?

03-14-2017, 04:52 AM
Beautiful fish, I love the Cuipeua and am very happy to have a few also.

03-25-2017, 01:10 PM
After few months of keeping wilds for the 1st time, I have observed that wild discus love to stay in bigger aquarium and a group is required to feel happy.

In my aquarium, I have done some modification in terms of adding wild discus to make a group of 6. Also going for pure RO water.

As of now, here's the list of food that I am feeding them:

Australian Blackworms
Frozen dried bloodworms
Ocean nutrition discus flakes
Ocean nutrition spirulina flakes

Lastly, here's a picture of my Alenquer red Cuipeua Semi Royal discus.

03-25-2017, 07:58 PM
Wow so red! Gorgeous !

03-29-2017, 02:25 AM
Beautiful fishes you got there..

04-05-2017, 12:46 PM
My tankmates

04-09-2017, 12:34 AM
Those are gorgeous! Nice job!

05-16-2017, 01:51 PM
It's been a while I haven't posted pictures/updates of this tank. All of the discus are doing good & have no sign of stress or any kind of issue.

Here's couple of pics of them:

05-16-2017, 03:21 PM
Wow... some of the most amazing wilds ! That red !!!

Who's the supplier ?

05-16-2017, 04:24 PM
absolutely stunning wilds OP, I don't know how I missed this thread first time around.

05-17-2017, 01:21 AM
Supplier is none other than Hudson Crizanto himself.

Thank you for like those wilds.

07-27-2017, 03:03 PM
Latest picture of one of my Alenquer red Cuipeua discus.


07-27-2017, 03:07 PM
geez, really great photography here OP and stunning fish

07-27-2017, 03:22 PM
My wordddd...!!! I'll take 20! lol

07-28-2017, 02:17 PM
Now a days I am enjoying their rainy season behavior. As you know this is rainy season in Amazon & even in India, so from last few days I am observing they prefer to stick around woods, love low lights. Normal color has also fed a bit. Apart from that, their normal movement has been reduced.

But all of those 6 are still hand feeding. During this past 6 months, I haven't added any commercial blackwater products. But after getting feedback from my friend Hudson, Dirk & Udo also I'll try newly launched Natural humin to provide amazon-type water.


08-13-2017, 05:41 AM
Lets have some pictorial update:



08-13-2017, 10:24 PM
Those are some very nice fish through out this thread.
Tell you what i got 6$ burning a hole in my pocket....