View Full Version : Discus vs Rock Melon Fruit! I did something crazy?

12-19-2016, 06:29 AM
Hi guy,

I accidentally dropped a peace of rock melon into the tank, and my discus swarm over and destroyed it @_@ :eek:, I decided to left the peace there and cleaned up next morning where there were almost nothing left.
Did I do something insane? Someone please stop me if this is wrong so I won't do it again, I assuming discus will eat most veg and fruit for some reason lol. Many people suggest that i can give them some zucchini or cucumber sometime as well, plz tell me what do you think, would these unusual vegetable diet hurt my fish?

Thanks in advance :book:

12-19-2016, 09:36 AM
Discus are thought to graze on fruit that falls into the water in the amazon , or at least eat the crude and critters on the fruit as it decomposes. Many have advocated including fruit in their diet, but they do well without it...so is it needed? Probably not.their mouth isnt really shaped right and their digestive track is relatively short. At best they will try and eat anything if hungry in the wild.. I tried feeding water mellon, mango(no skin),and cantalop in the past. They really didnt care for it

COOKED SPINACH, PEAS,COLLARD GREENS are all good veggies to add in small amounts to their diet if they will eat it.


12-19-2016, 10:10 AM
What's a "Rock Mellon"?

Second Hand Pat
12-19-2016, 10:18 AM
Cantaloupe according to wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cantaloupe.

12-19-2016, 08:53 PM
phew, at least it won't hurt them, then I dont mind give them some to keep those tiny jaws busy.
Discus STU: Rock Melon is melon with skin that feel and look like rock :D