View Full Version : Started from the Bottom... off to the PENTHOUSE...???!!!

12-19-2016, 12:45 PM
Good morning and happy holidays to all the great folks here at Simply.

I've alluded to some new things happening my way for a bit now and although there have been some pit stops along the way, I have yet to be where I really wanted to be until now. I've had a lot of swings here in the last few years of this hobby. Thankfully most have been up swings and positive but a few down swings have really made me re-evaluate myself as a hobbyist and where I want to be as a keeper. Those ideas and lessons have brought me to where I am today.

A quick backdrop... I like what I feel like is the vast majority here stated keeping discus because I saw them in magazines and LFS for years and years. Finally I dove in with no education what so ever w some petland buy 2 get one free special and I had a group of blue diamonds. I learned the hard way, licked my wounds and was lucky enough to find this place. Even once I found this place my stubborn behind wanted to pick and choose what I injected into my style. Again learning hard lessons. Even when I said ok enough. Do it right or don't do it at all. I still strayed. I stayed the course for a long time with my 55 gallon of domestics and crosses. For almost 2 years I had the same 9 healthy fish. Was I overstocked...? Of course I was but you can see from my posts that I was on top of it all and I did so with care. The whole time I planned to upgrade that tank and make a nice display tank. Not my straggled 55 in the corner of my office. I wanted a show tank in my main area that my employees could enjoy and the folks who are in and out of my office all the time. I'm a firm believer in the calming effects of fish and I feel they bring peace and tranquility and are perfect for a stressful office setting. That plan however took many delays due to sandy rebuilding and as any good aquarist would... I got bored... I grew tired of my 9 healthy fish and decided I need more color more pizazzz something new. That is when my problems ensued, frustration set in and I began to get annoyed with the hobby as a whole. I started with a pair of discus on then bottom of my stand which lasted maybe a month and I said this isn't for me. Then I plunge down into wild discus a group of 5 in a 40 breeder and inbuilt a stand on he bottom
To hold them. Things were ok but the time it was now taking me to clean two fish tanks after work was delaying me getting home and seeing my family and causing more issues. I was now rushing through changes. Trying to sneak them in before work or during. It was a mess and a lot of stress and I was almost ready to quit. Thankfully I didn't but I was close and I needed to regroup and figure out a plan and get back to my original goal. A nice display tank for all to enjoy.

I was and am so inlove with my wilds I knew if I had to choose it would be them. So the Sale of my domestics and crosses went. That was rough for me but I did it. I had 2 72 bow fronts set up at one time. One was drilled one wasn't. I sold off the drilled one to a friend and kept the other. Never used it and it's been in my basement. I was going to use that one and paint the back move my awuaclears and keep it simple. Then my friend who I sold the tank to wanted to get down to one tank and off this one. He offered it to me for $300. I sold it to him for $450. He also re plumbed the entire sump refinished the stand. I couldn't say no to it and missed having a sump to hide all my equipment and add water volume.

My plan was to move the 5 wild reds and 3 inspector pleccos to the new 72 and let them settle as I decided on some more fish to add to the group. As some of you may have seen I decided after much research and communication to get some wilds greens from Brian Weiss and his store.

Upon moving my reds to the 72 and having Brian's fish gearing up for that tank I ran into a few issues both at home and work. For starters my reds did not take to the new move so well. I really assumed they would just be happy and exploring their new big turf and glad for the upgrade. Instead they seemed scared , nervous and stressed. They were not eating well and were huddled a lot. On top of that I realized that with 2 kids under 2 - 2 dogs and the wife. Discus at home were just not an option for me. At work I maintain the tank and go home. At home I have way tooooo many distractions and once they subside usually sleep wins out over water changes. I weighted my options. And the greens were moved in with the reds. It was almost an instant fuse between the groups and it was as if my reds became alive again. I think they got so used to the 40 breeder that once in the bow it was almost too big and they felt timid. Now with the reenforcements of their new buddies they felt safe and protected.

Best news of all...? I haven't lifted a bucket in weeks. I rigged up a nice pump and hose system tk water the plants and I age my water in a big drum on wheels. Water changes are soooo easy and whenever I do them now I actually feel dumb that it took me so long to do this!

Pics and more to come !

Second Hand Pat
12-19-2016, 01:00 PM
I'm sure having not completed QT on the new guys was not an easy decision Phil but understand life happens. Sounds like the two groups are getting on well. Looking forward to pictures. :)

12-19-2016, 02:13 PM
I know you must have pictures somewhere :)

12-19-2016, 03:38 PM
Although I put together a new tank... my photo skills are just as.... well crappy!

two utes
12-19-2016, 05:23 PM
Happy Holidays Phil.
Glad it all worked out for you and your discus Phil. After all discus keeping is suppose to be enjoyable. Also looking forward to some pics.

12-19-2016, 05:28 PM
Here are some pics... The tank to start once it was cleaned up re painted...


12-19-2016, 05:36 PM
This was not long after they were first added to the tank...


12-19-2016, 05:42 PM
As you all can see... I still have my reflection issue... I also feel like the tank almost looks bare but it is not... I moved the same wood from the 40 to this one. Before I sold off my domestics I ordered some new, nice big pieces of wood. I soaked them for nearly a month in boiling water and they still were growing weird stuff and I think were messing with my water chemistry. I got scared and sold some pieces and gave some away. I felt comfortable with this wood as I have had it in m tank a while, I also love the look of it and I don't want my tank bogged down with too much wood. Once I get a new light on there I think it will look much better...

I also decided to go with a rock I have used in the past called cichlid stones. They are eco-friendly, ceramic rock formations that look and feel reel but are hollow, so they take up very little water volume and they have openings that double as caves for the inspector pleccos and my treacherous twelve emerald cory cats that I also purchased from Brian, which are ammmmmaizng and so green! They glow!

12-19-2016, 06:09 PM
I have one of these babies arriving soon... I am not a tech guy really, or much into gadgets like most other fellas seem to be. But a good pal recommended this to me and it looks really fun. Not to mention my fish don't seem to be enjoying the current LED lights I have on there. I think they are too bright. This system seems to allow you to adjust, fade, replicate and create many different colors of lights. I will play with it to find something they like...


I am also not sure if it is the bowfront or what but I think they catch more shadows than they are used to and it causes them some stress, hope the light helps there as well...

12-19-2016, 06:10 PM
Here are some more pictures of the reds - they were very active on the first day, but then became a bit timid. I checked water params quite often and was worried about a mini cycle occuring, but one never did and my params always checked out rather well...


12-19-2016, 07:19 PM
Finally... some more from the group as a whole once they were united...

10515210515310515410515510515610515710515810515910 5160105161

12-20-2016, 09:16 PM
I have that light on my 120 gallon (the 48-60 one) and I really like it. I programmed the 4 custom settings to be progressively dimmer. Then I can quickly pick the brightness I desire,

12-20-2016, 10:35 PM
Thanks Steve I appreciate the feedback. The light is set to arrive on Thursday and I am excited for
It. My current light is too bright and not adjustable. I want to go with a dimmer darker light I think it will make a cool effect for them

12-21-2016, 12:41 AM
Way to photo bomb your fish Phil! :)

12-21-2016, 03:24 AM
Stunning fishes and really good aquascape! I am jealous 😀

12-21-2016, 01:19 PM
Way to photo bomb your fish Phil! :)

I am the worst! The most shcoking part is they don't flinch... I even flinch when I see that grill in the mirror! BRAVE discus I have!!

12-21-2016, 01:20 PM
Stunning fishes and really good aquascape! I am jealous ��

Thank you Pavlos! I appreciate the kind words. I can't wait until the fish settle further and really get comfy. I think once I get my might on and toy with it ti find settings and dimmer light that they enjoy they will be more active and their colors will be so rich and deep.

I tried to keep my aquascape basic but real looking and also easy to maintain and work around...

12-23-2016, 11:38 PM
Looking great Phil. Can't believe I missed this the last few days. Congrats on the new fish and set up.

Second Hand Pat
12-23-2016, 11:43 PM
Phil, it appears your fish are settling in nicely. Things should just get better from here on out. :)

12-24-2016, 12:38 PM
Looking great Phil. Can't believe I missed this the last few days. Congrats on the new fish and set up.

Paul! Much appreciated buddy! I am really liking the new set up, has given me a new love for the hobby, definitely refreshing!

I can't wait to see what you do next...!

12-24-2016, 12:39 PM
Phil, it appears your fish are settling in nicely. Things should just get better from here on out. :)

Thanks Pat! I sure hope so, the forst few weeks are always edgy, making sure all is ok and consistent, add in me trying new foods, lights, water change systems. I hope things settle soon and the fish get more active.

12-26-2016, 04:54 PM
I have been playing with my light over the last few days when I get some down time at work. It is doing what I hoped so far and getting the fish to be a bit more active and comfortable. They are settling in nicely...

Here is a pic during their flake feeding frenzy today...


two utes
12-26-2016, 05:05 PM
Looking great Phil....Those stonker discus make your tank look real small. Any chance trying to take some photos of them with the room in total darkness? Would be nice to get a shot of them without you in it ;)

12-26-2016, 05:10 PM
What are you trying to say Joe? I ruin the pics with my big tukus in the way ;)!!! Hahahah

Yes, I was actually going to try and do that one day this week, the tank is in the main work area where my office staff is, so I kinda can't turn the lights out on them... I am going to wait until they all clear soon and get some total dark shots, the tank looks ammmazing with total darkness and the new light!

Yea, I have some nice big guys in there! For wilds I feel my guys have a rather nice size, shape and thickness to them, a few are really getting big, bigger than I expected... I should have measured a few on the transfer

two utes
12-26-2016, 05:12 PM
Doing a great job with them Phil.
Hahaha...Come on man! Use your imagination. Surely your work place is due for a fire drill or something along those lines? ;)

12-26-2016, 05:17 PM
Hahaha! Now you are talking!!

The savages I have working for me, I can put a bag of chips in the conference room and yell FREE FOOD and the office will empty!

two utes
12-26-2016, 05:19 PM
There you go! Looking forward to those pics mate. All in good time :) Enjoy

12-26-2016, 05:21 PM
Will do Joe, promised! I want to do it myself and also see the light in full effect and play with the colors... Starting to annoy me that this tank is here and not home... I could so use a few hrs on the couch gazing at this bad boy...

12-28-2016, 12:26 AM
You guys are going to get a kick out of this. The saga continues.

Everyone is filling out today little by little. Finally I can get the lights off! I do and... the one directntk my back as I am taking the pics has I switch that I can find. We have to follow a bunch of fire Marshall rules and we need that front lobby light on at all times and the switch is hidden. I need to ask my father in law where he hid it. I looked all over he hid it well.

This is what I got and gave up. 105347105348

12-28-2016, 12:29 AM

12-28-2016, 02:28 AM
As mentioned before I really like your setup and of course your wilds!! They seem really happy in your tank! If you don't mind, let me ask you: do you know where they are from (region)? What is your temp and your water parameters? Lastly what do you feed them?

two utes
12-28-2016, 03:19 AM
You guys are going to get a kick out of this. The saga continues.

Everyone is filling out today little by little. Finally I can get the lights off! I do and... the one directntk my back as I am taking the pics has I switch that I can find. We have to follow a bunch of fire Marshall rules and we need that front lobby light on at all times and the switch is hidden. I need to ask my father in law where he hid it. I looked all over he hid it well.

This is what I got and gave up.

Phil Phil Phil......You had one job mate.

Just kidding. I think its going to be hard not getting any reflections being a bow front, but please keep trying ;)

12-28-2016, 03:47 PM
As mentioned before I really like your setup and of course your wilds!! They seem really happy in your tank! If you don't mind, let me ask you: do you know where they are from (region)? What is your temp and your water parameters? Lastly what do you feed them?

Pavlos - I appreciate the kind words! I hope they are happy I am trying my best to make them as happy as possible!! The greens are from the Tefe Region and my reds are split between the Cuipeau Region and the Alenquer region... I keep them in 83 degree water, the params I don't really test, once in a while Ill have a friend drop by with a kit or swing by a local LFS for test. I age water 24-48 hrs, cap full of prime a few min before water change and then out with the old in with the new...

12-28-2016, 03:47 PM
Phil Phil Phil......You had one job mate.

Just kidding. I think its going to be hard not getting any reflections being a bow front, but please keep trying ;)

I know Joe... I am such a failure!!!

I will keep going at it! I need to get one good pic so my man Ricardo can make me a new avitar!!!

Second Hand Pat
12-28-2016, 05:24 PM
Love what I am seeing with your fish Phil...no bars :D

12-28-2016, 05:30 PM
Love what I am seeing with your fish Phil...no bars :D

Thank You Pat! Yea, I am seeing less and less of them... I have become a huuuuge fan of the reverse bars that a lot show! They look really cool when displaying that...

I guess this means they are getting comfy?

Second Hand Pat
12-28-2016, 05:32 PM
Thank You Pat! Yea, I am seeing less and less of them... I have become a huuuuge fan of the reverse bars that a lot show! They look really cool when displaying that...

I guess this means they are getting comfy?

I think so Phil :D

12-28-2016, 06:54 PM
I hadn't seen this whole thread Phil! They are looking great. Good job. Nice avatar as well. I am assuming you gave up on trying to get a nice shot of one of them? :)

They really do look beautiful though.

12-29-2016, 12:24 PM
I have one of these babies arriving soon... I am not a tech guy really, or much into gadgets like most other fellas seem to be. But a good pal recommended this to me and it looks really fun. Not to mention my fish don't seem to be enjoying the current LED lights I have on there. I think they are too bright. This system seems to allow you to adjust, fade, replicate and create many different colors of lights. I will play with it to find something they like...


I am also not sure if it is the bowfront or what but I think they catch more shadows than they are used to and it causes them some stress, hope the light helps there as well...

Hey Phil,
Just wondering how that light is working out. I see it is on sale right now and was wondering if it has a timer or can be connected to one. My current light just offers blue and white and is too bright even at it's lowest settings but I do like the fact that I can have it timed for moonlight at night before it goes off altogether. Interested in your opinion.
I have really enjoyed watching your tanks evolve and respect the transparency you offer so we can learn along with you. I really appreciate that you are wlling to share your experiences with us.

12-29-2016, 01:51 PM
I hadn't seen this whole thread Phil! They are looking great. Good job. Nice avatar as well. I am assuming you gave up on trying to get a nice shot of one of them? :)

They really do look beautiful though.

Thank you Ricardo! I have not given up but since it is taken me longer than expected to attempt a shot, I switched the avitar to one I found while browsing through pictures online.

I am determined to grab a good shot so you can make me a new cool avitar. It was bugging me to see my old fave fish there all the time, which I no longer have after the sale so it was time for a change!

12-29-2016, 02:00 PM
Hey Phil,
Just wondering how that light is working out. I see it is on sale right now and was wondering if it has a timer or can be connected to one. My current light just offers blue and white and is too bright even at it's lowest settings but I do like the fact that I can have it timed for moonlight at night before it goes off altogether. Interested in your opinion.
I have really enjoyed watching your tanks evolve and respect the transparency you offer so we can learn along with you. I really appreciate that you are willing to share your experiences with us.

So far so good with the light Jenene, it has done what I was hoping for and made the fish much more active, lively and exploratory. I have not fully fully played with all the options, as you can imagine there are trllions, one click of blue a click down of red, every little click of the remote changes it ever so slightly. My guys seem to like this smokey red , so I go with that in the am then ramp up to a brighter whiter light then back to the red. I do this all manually. The version I got was just the light remote and the power supply. It does not have a timer, I actually thought it may but it didn't. Looking back on kens a few days ago I see a seperate part that you can buy for another $25-30 for this purpose, I haven't caved and purchased it yet, not sure if I will. It is on a regular type plug/outlet, so I do not see why you can't plug in to your own timer, but with that it prob will power one setting, not sure how to ramp up or down :( Sorry I am so not that tech savvy, I spend too much time shooting hoops lol...

You are very sweet and kind with your compliments. I truly appreciate it! I try to be as open, honest and transparent as honest. I am far from perfect but I do try to apply basic principles for the most part. I make my mistakes, bad decisions, or stay stuck in stubborn ways and I want folks here to see that and learn from me or along with me as I have by so many of you. I try to give all sides, the good the bad the ugly. I don't want to be someone who posts pictures of their tank when it looks great, or my one tank that looks good, when I have tanks of bad fish that I hide, or don't talk about sickness or deaths. With each tank I start, I try and take from my past experiences and build on them. I thank you again for seeing that and it makes me happy to help others!

12-29-2016, 02:25 PM
So far so good with the light Jenene, it has done what I was hoping for and made the fish much more active, lively and exploratory. I have not fully fully played with all the options, as you can imagine there are trllions, one click of blue a click down of red, every little click of the remote changes it ever so slightly. My guys seem to like this smokey red , so I go with that in the am then ramp up to a brighter whiter light then back to the red. I do this all manually. The version I got was just the light remote and the power supply. It does not have a timer, I actually thought it may but it didn't. Looking back on kens a few days ago I see a seperate part that you can buy for another $25-30 for this purpose, I haven't caved and purchased it yet, not sure if I will. It is on a regular type plug/outlet, so I do not see why you can't plug in to your own timer, but with that it prob will power one setting, not sure how to ramp up or down :( Sorry I am so not that tech savvy, I spend too much time shooting hoops lol...

You are very sweet and kind with your compliments. I truly appreciate it! I try to be as open, honest and transparent as honest. I am far from perfect but I do try to apply basic principles for the most part. I make my mistakes, bad decisions, or stay stuck in stubborn ways and I want folks here to see that and learn from me or along with me as I have by so many of you. I try to give all sides, the good the bad the ugly. I don't want to be someone who posts pictures of their tank when it looks great, or my one tank that looks good, when I have tanks of bad fish that I hide, or don't talk about sickness or deaths. With each tank I start, I try and take from my past experiences and build on them. I thank you again for seeing that and it makes me happy to help others!

Thanks for the info on the light Phil. They are on back order right now so I haven't pulled the trigger yet. I thought I would use this one on my Discus tank and the old one on my community tank that has a very old light on it. I wouldn't mind buying a programmable timer if it allowed you to set little zones. The LED I have now has a timer but it is so complicated I break out in hives if I accidentally unplug it or the power goes out for a few minutes. It takes weeks to get it right again. So no tech wiz here either.

Anyway, the new display looks amazing and it was fun seeing it all come to fruition. Keep up the posts Phil, they are really valuable. No one is perfect, that is for certain. (I am not quite as brave as you but I did post a picture of my sump at it's nastiest.) Those that learn from errors, have the ability to let it go, and can keep moving on are truly the wiser. Thanks again!

12-29-2016, 04:50 PM
Thanks for the info on the light Phil. They are on back order right now so I haven't pulled the trigger yet. I thought I would use this one on my Discus tank and the old one on my community tank that has a very old light on it. I wouldn't mind buying a programmable timer if it allowed you to set little zones. The LED I have now has a timer but it is so complicated I break out in hives if I accidentally unplug it or the power goes out for a few minutes. It takes weeks to get it right again. So no tech wiz here either.

Anyway, the new display looks amazing and it was fun seeing it all come to fruition. Keep up the posts Phil, they are really valuable. No one is perfect, that is for certain. (I am not quite as brave as you but I did post a picture of my sump at it's nastiest.) Those that learn from errors, have the ability to let it go, and can keep moving on are truly the wiser. Thanks again!

If you check out this link, it has all the offerings. http://www.kensfish.com/aquarium-supplies/aquarium-lighting/current-led-lighting.html

I am not sure which one would work best for you but they have ramp and timers for sale. There is one bundle there but it seems expensive for what is included, I could be missing something, but it seems cheaper to buy separate than the group?

I was the same way with the timer! My brother in law set it, then I unplugged it for a WC and it was all over. I got a call from my night dispatcher one night, it was like 11 pm hes like is this tank light supposed to stay on all night?!?! I was like what NO!!!

I kinda prefer the manual control... when I am here the light goes on and I play if not it is off, I hide the remote and let that be that... I think your add of a hand me down works well! I mean for $90 this light is so cool IMO. Get this one for the discus and add the current light to your community, WIN WIN. Plus with your set up the room divider, your crazy color discus, you and the kiddos could have fun with this light! Tell college boy to get ready to make some movies and pics to show it off!!! Order it now maybe you get it before he goes back! lol

Thanks again for the compliments! I am really happy with it, it was a quick turn around but it is exactly what I wanted, I truly love it. Plus my water changes are so easy now, I feel like I fell back in love with the hobby almost. I was so stressed by it all in previous months, even thought about taking a break. Thankfully John sent me some wilds I just couldnt bare to part with! You do a great job of sharing, taking advice and implying it and learning and teaching so thank you right back!

12-29-2016, 05:30 PM
If you check out this link, it has all the offerings. http://www.kensfish.com/aquarium-supplies/aquarium-lighting/current-led-lighting.html

I am not sure which one would work best for you but they have ramp and timers for sale. There is one bundle there but it seems expensive for what is included, I could be missing something, but it seems cheaper to buy separate than the group?

I was the same way with the timer! My brother in law set it, then I unplugged it for a WC and it was all over. I got a call from my night dispatcher one night, it was like 11 pm hes like is this tank light supposed to stay on all night?!?! I was like what NO!!!

I kinda prefer the manual control... when I am here the light goes on and I play if not it is off, I hide the remote and let that be that... I think your add of a hand me down works well! I mean for $90 this light is so cool IMO. Get this one for the discus and add the current light to your community, WIN WIN. Plus with your set up the room divider, your crazy color discus, you and the kiddos could have fun with this light! Tell college boy to get ready to make some movies and pics to show it off!!! Order it now maybe you get it before he goes back! lol

Thanks again for the compliments! I am really happy with it, it was a quick turn around but it is exactly what I wanted, I truly love it. Plus my water changes are so easy now, I feel like I fell back in love with the hobby almost. I was so stressed by it all in previous months, even thought about taking a break. Thankfully John sent me some wilds I just couldnt bare to part with! You do a great job of sharing, taking advice and implying it and learning and teaching so thank you right back!

You are hilarious! I can only imagine those bleary eyed Discus after being under lights forever thinking "when is this freaking day gonna end already?"

Reading your review on the lighting I can hear that commercial guy "but wait! if you buy now..." Seriously though, I do think it is really cool and have put in a request for them to email me when they get more. College boy already saw the video on Ken's site, He is all fired up. He is studying electrical engineering and loves color changing LEDs. He has put them under our fireplace mantle and rigged them in a food truck he works on in the summer. Right up his ally.

I am so glad you have found your way back in. I know things got really tough for awhile. Many people would have thrown in the towel. Who is John? I see his fish poppping up all over on this Forum. Sounds like the place to go for wilds.

Your employees are lucky to have such a beautiful tank to enjoy. Do they actually get work done? :grin:

Easier water changes are a key to a happy life for sure. I wish mine were more automated but I have never had to slug buckets.

Thank you for the kind words as well!

01-01-2017, 06:02 PM
Wow Phil-nice penthouse! I've been reading about wilds and wonder why some keep the ph low and use RO water even when they're not trying to breed. Is it heckles that are so particular? maybe that was the thread I was reading...I love your tank-really classy tank to match your classy looking wilds!

01-01-2017, 11:07 PM
How I spent most of my New Years am...


01-01-2017, 11:08 PM

01-01-2017, 11:09 PM

01-01-2017, 11:10 PM

01-02-2017, 10:21 AM
They are so beautiful Phil. They look to be settling in really well.

Is your office far from home? I imagine you have to go in on days off for maintenance. (Your water looks crystal clear)

The lighting is really nice too. I am still looking into that current. I may bite the bullet and get the one that comes with the controller. There are a few models I am trying to figure out the differences between them. I know the lighting storm is one feature we discus people would not use. That would freak them out! You are smart hiding the controller from your employees!

Anyway they look amazing Phil, and I am so glad to see you and the fish are happy and healthy in this new year. Keep the pics coming!

01-02-2017, 12:27 PM
Wow Phil-nice penthouse! I've been reading about wilds and wonder why some keep the ph low and use RO water even when they're not trying to breed. Is it heckles that are so particular? maybe that was the thread I was reading...I love your tank-really classy tank to match your classy looking wilds!

Patty - yes, you were most likely reading about the heckles. Most feel that heckles prefer that type of water and thus alter it. Then again you have people who say and have them doing just fine with aged water. I don't have heckles but I don't do anything to my water besides age and splash some prime.

I appreciate the kind words and thanks for checking them out!

01-02-2017, 12:30 PM
They are so beautiful Phil. They look to be settling in really well.

Is your office far from home? I imagine you have to go in on days off for maintenance. (Your water looks crystal clear)

The lighting is really nice too. I am still looking into that current. I may bite the bullet and get the one that comes with the controller. There are a few models I am trying to figure out the differences between them. I know the lighting storm is one feature we discus people would not use. That would freak them out! You are smart hiding the controller from your employees!

Anyway they look amazing Phil, and I am so glad to see you and the fish are happy and healthy in this new year. Keep the pics coming!

Thank You Jenene!!

They do appear to be settling. I try not to hang on their every move but it is hard! I am also trying to figure out what water change schedule they prefer and how often or much to do :( I want it just right for them!

My office is about 25-30 min from home. Unfortunately, I feel like I spend more time here. I usually work 6 days a week, but even if not, I do a change on a friday and they are fine for the weekend. I have been doing this method for years with my work tanks , never an issue...

I like the light a lot, I think I am going to continue doing it mnaually, I may get into that controller one day who knows...

Thanks again, I need to get the damn back light off for better pics

01-02-2017, 06:49 PM
Happy New Year Phil, got my wild tank going and really followed the way you're doing with your wilds. Started off using 70% RO water and 30% aged tap water, doing about an 80% WC daily. Also I added two tbsp of Rooibos tea in the aged water, suggested by Pat. Like you I don't test my water, just the TDS(100-104ppm). Tank temp @ 29C, feeding Al's FDBW and Super Beef Heart flakes, (4 x daily feedings), that's it. Check video: https://youtu.be/6sj0A2XyrEc

01-07-2017, 01:31 PM
Happy New Year Phil, got my wild tank going and really followed the way you're doing with your wilds. Started off using 70% RO water and 30% aged tap water, doing about an 80% WC daily. Also I added two tbsp of Rooibos tea in the aged water, suggested by Pat. Like you I don't test my water, just the TDS(100-104ppm). Tank temp @ 29C, feeding Al's FDBW and Super Beef Heart flakes, (4 x daily feedings), that's it. Check video: https://youtu.be/6sj0A2XyrEc

Sorry Roland, I must have missed your note here. I just saw your new update and commented... Well done my friend! Keep going as you are!

01-07-2017, 01:52 PM
As some of you have probably already viewed my depressing, beat up on myself, bummer post from yesterday... I wanted to expand on my ordeal a bit here, again in the name of education and salvation for someone down the road (or so I hope).

As I stated earlier in my thred here, my QT on my greens didn't last very long or follow proper procedure. I admitted my wrong doing there and at the time It felt necessary as I weighed the pro's and cons...

Things were ok, never that bad, but not prefect either. I felt that my reds were nowhere near as active as they were alone in my 40. I noticed a few greens who just seemed stressed and not as colorful and some heavier breathing. Adding a new light and all seemed to help them settle and I think give a better look out and not feel like they were constantly getting passed by big shadows...

A local member here who is new to the discus game had been itching to get some wilds. Through some weird ironic occurrence and through a local hobbyist and importer he ended up landing the last group of wild greens from Brian, same source as mine, fish were together a few weeks before. There were 8 remaining. The local hobbyist took all 8 and received them shortly after. When he got them, 7 of the 8 were all close in size, but he was sent one beef slab in the group, a nice big wild.

For whatever reason, he didn't like the look, or felt the big one was going to out compete or some other reasons I was not told, I got a message that he was looking to re-home the large wild and I was offered the fish...

At that point I said no. ALARMS Went off. NO! You have new fish, you already gambled, just no. Then a few pictures come in, wow this guy is big, lovely halo... No Phil Bad idea... Then we start talking fish food and stuff we are trying. One thing leads to another and he offers me the big wild for some left over foods that I have had taking up space... Too good to be true right? You know when "they" say if something is too good to be true it usually is? Well I guess that is a really true saying...

My temptations gets the best of me and I can't fight the urge and like a moron I agree to a deal. I never saw the fish in person, I offered and asked to go look but schedules were not matching and then I get a message hey I will be in your area today want me to deliver...? As the alarms continue to scream at me NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I still take the fish on... HUGE MISTAKE.

The first 2 days were great. The fish were lively, this new guy seemed active and was getting the others more active. I was like a pig in you know what...

Then I come in monday morning and it was like a black cloud was over the tank... The tank was gloomy, it was dreary and fish seemed lethargic, dark and huddled. You just know. Pat is so right, the fish talk to you and you know...

I did a huge water change and nothing. Tuesday morning comes around and big boy is just being weird, eyes seemed big and light, swimming a bit erratic, 2 other greens were looking similar. I start to panic! What did I do!! How could I be so dumb and foolish... My first reaction was salt, lets add some salt, change some water and see if this calms them. Come Wednesday morning, they all seemed progressively worse...

I started to go around the horn and reach out to my contact list of respected and educated keepers. My first text is of course the fantastic Al, Mr. Simlply himself...

Al calmly took in all my info, pics and videos I could and was throwing his way... He suggested a few things. Some local buddies and forum members also weighed in...

The hard part is when we are all just guessing... There wasn't one spot on diagnosis because there were so many symptoms, issues and chaos. I got some suggestions from others as well but ultimately I went with Al's advice. He suggested a few medications, and after looking for them online, we came up dry a few places. Al did find one location to order stuff and I was going to but I felt like I was racing against the clock here, it would take at least 2 days to get meds even with fast shipping and I made the decision to go with Seachem Paraguard because I found it locally, could administer it right away and it seemed like a mild medicine that would cover a lot of basis.

Unfortunately, the big fish didn't make it through and was dead yesterday morning. With that though, the tank seemed to calm....

I'm happy to report that this evening will be day 4 of treatment and so far only the one loss. I still am concerned about 2 fish, however their state seems to be better today than where it has been. I am hoping that is a sign the meds are taking effect and doing their thing. I plan to follow a full 2 week treatment with this along with daily large water changes...


You just don't know... We are dealing with so many variables in this hobby. Many of which can not be seen with the naked eye or until it is far too late...

Trusted breeders, importers, hobbyist, friends... no one really knows what will happen once fish are mixed and moved. Things could be great and perfect or an all out disaster...


01-07-2017, 10:38 PM
Sorry to hear you lost the big one Phil, I hope the rest make it.
I'm crossing my fingers for you !!!

01-08-2017, 02:12 AM
Darn Phil, that was quite a scare you had. Hope the rest of the gang make it thru. Man I love you fish, now I know what you meant about making sudden changes in the tank. Please keep us all posted on the status of your fish in upcoming days. Hang in there guy, Al's the best person for info and all fellow SD members.

01-08-2017, 02:29 PM
i probably would have caved for that amazing deal too. your willingness to share mistakes with others on the site so they may learn vicariously thru ur experiences is commendable.

ive enjoyed your excitement and enthusiasm and especially your fish pics :) and i can def relate to your desire to change/improve on your set ups and find an efficient method for maintenance and a balance between ur hobby and home life. ive got a little 5gal at work - it sure doesnt compare to the beauties u keep at the office!! i'd be excited to walk into the office everyday to have those discus greet me ;)

my hobby has changed completely in the last several years and i even considered leaving it a few times. my tank has evolved into what i hope is its final (permanent) state. i let go of many tanks, fish and community volunteer projects and i think im finally happy with my current stock, layout and commitments. ive lost fish and stunted fish and learned many lessons the hard way. its a process, we are always learning (from both good and bad experiences). you listened to ur fish and acted quickly to respond! fingers crossed everything settles down and the worst is over and they are right back to their happy selves very soon!!!

01-08-2017, 03:39 PM
As some of you have probably already viewed my depressing, beat up on myself, bummer post from yesterday... I wanted to expand on my ordeal a bit here, again in the name of education and salvation for someone down the road (or so I hope).

As I stated earlier in my thred here, my QT on my greens didn't last very long or follow proper procedure. I admitted my wrong doing there and at the time It felt necessary as I weighed the pro's and cons...

Things were ok, never that bad, but not prefect either. I felt that my reds were nowhere near as active as they were alone in my 40. I noticed a few greens who just seemed stressed and not as colorful and some heavier breathing. Adding a new light and all seemed to help them settle and I think give a better look out and not feel like they were constantly getting passed by big shadows...

A local member here who is new to the discus game had been itching to get some wilds. Through some weird ironic occurrence and through a local hobbyist and importer he ended up landing the last group of wild greens from Brian, same source as mine, fish were together a few weeks before. There were 8 remaining. The local hobbyist took all 8 and received them shortly after. When he got them, 7 of the 8 were all close in size, but he was sent one beef slab in the group, a nice big wild.

For whatever reason, he didn't like the look, or felt the big one was going to out compete or some other reasons I was not told, I got a message that he was looking to re-home the large wild and I was offered the fish...

At that point I said no. ALARMS Went off. NO! You have new fish, you already gambled, just no. Then a few pictures come in, wow this guy is big, lovely halo... No Phil Bad idea... Then we start talking fish food and stuff we are trying. One thing leads to another and he offers me the big wild for some left over foods that I have had taking up space... Too good to be true right? You know when "they" say if something is too good to be true it usually is? Well I guess that is a really true saying...

My temptations gets the best of me and I can't fight the urge and like a moron I agree to a deal. I never saw the fish in person, I offered and asked to go look but schedules were not matching and then I get a message hey I will be in your area today want me to deliver...? As the alarms continue to scream at me NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I still take the fish on... HUGE MISTAKE.

The first 2 days were great. The fish were lively, this new guy seemed active and was getting the others more active. I was like a pig in you know what...

Then I come in monday morning and it was like a black cloud was over the tank... The tank was gloomy, it was dreary and fish seemed lethargic, dark and huddled. You just know. Pat is so right, the fish talk to you and you know...

I did a huge water change and nothing. Tuesday morning comes around and big boy is just being weird, eyes seemed big and light, swimming a bit erratic, 2 other greens were looking similar. I start to panic! What did I do!! How could I be so dumb and foolish... My first reaction was salt, lets add some salt, change some water and see if this calms them. Come Wednesday morning, they all seemed progressively worse...

I started to go around the horn and reach out to my contact list of respected and educated keepers. My first text is of course the fantastic Al, Mr. Simlply himself...

Al calmly took in all my info, pics and videos I could and was throwing his way... He suggested a few things. Some local buddies and forum members also weighed in...

The hard part is when we are all just guessing... There wasn't one spot on diagnosis because there were so many symptoms, issues and chaos. I got some suggestions from others as well but ultimately I went with Al's advice. He suggested a few medications, and after looking for them online, we came up dry a few places. Al did find one location to order stuff and I was going to but I felt like I was racing against the clock here, it would take at least 2 days to get meds even with fast shipping and I made the decision to go with Seachem Paraguard because I found it locally, could administer it right away and it seemed like a mild medicine that would cover a lot of basis.

Unfortunately, the big fish didn't make it through and was dead yesterday morning. With that though, the tank seemed to calm....

I'm happy to report that this evening will be day 4 of treatment and so far only the one loss. I still am concerned about 2 fish, however their state seems to be better today than where it has been. I am hoping that is a sign the meds are taking effect and doing their thing. I plan to follow a full 2 week treatment with this along with daily large water changes...


You just don't know... We are dealing with so many variables in this hobby. Many of which can not be seen with the naked eye or until it is far too late...

Trusted breeders, importers, hobbyist, friends... no one really knows what will happen once fish are mixed and moved. Things could be great and perfect or an all out disaster...


Phil, the guy you got the discus from, how are his discus doing? Is he having the same issues?


01-08-2017, 11:46 PM
Hey all thanks for the kind words. Been a crazy week for me for sure. This weekend was quite busy. Took the whole fam to the office after a bday party to get my water change and paraguard dosage in.

So far no more losses to report besides the big newest dumb addition. The rest are all back to eating and looking much better. There is still a bit of heavy breathing from 2 and flared gills. I'm
Hoping this ckntonies tk go away as I treat.

Going to stay the course as best I can. I have another busy work week coming up so I will need to plot their care carefully.

01-08-2017, 11:47 PM
Rick I have not been in contact w that seller. He claims everything is fine on his end when I told
Him of my Concern with the big one.

01-09-2017, 01:27 PM
Are we out of the woods yet?[x3]
Are we out of the woods?
Are we in the clear yet?[x3]
In the clear yet, good
Are we out of the woods?

Who knew that I would be combining Taylor Swift and Discus ?!?!? Lol...

Pretty Soon, I will be the King of Discus Pop... A little Drake, little taylor and I have all the makings of your local top 100 station! haha...

Honestly, prior to this, if there are any Coldplay fans out there and you know the song "Paradise"? All week I have been singing... I believe in PARA PARA - - - - -PARAGUARD! (Since that is the med I am using!) LOL

I'd love to say that it is my gorgeous singing voice and all the catchy pop songs I am unleashing on my tank that is making them better, but I think it may just be the para-para-paraguard...

The reason I went with the cheesy teeny bopper taylor quote, was , well because it sort of was fitting for my situation... That is kind of how I feel... Am I out of the woods, is all clear or where do I stand?

All I know is that I was in a world of hurt this time last week and feared loosing all of my fish and being devastated.

As of today I am happy to report that the one last minute sicky has been my one and only loss. I feared for my emerald corries and inspector plecs as well but so far so good. All the fish ate this morning, their colors are looking vibrant again, no stress bars, actively swimming and eating...

I still have 2 that are shy and hesitant and again still a bit of heavy breathing/flared gills. I no longer see any clamped gills any loss of slime coat or non-erect fins...

I really think or hope this was caught in time or maybe was a one off issue with the sick fish that caused the others to spiral out over stress and his erratic behavior as opposed to being sick themsleves...

I am trying to see the silver lining here and make heads or tails out of it... I keep telling myself that maybe there was a slight issue and the bigger one brought it out in full force and without my stupid addition of the last one I may have waited or never used meds and the others may have slowly gotten sick or got something I could no longer control. So, trying to see the good has made me believe that maybe it was a sign to treat the whole tank and save them all for the small price of that one fish...

Who knows, but I am sticking with that feel good story as opposed to something worse!

I will keep posting as best I can here with updates. As I said my week is tight this week and I am going to have to get crafty with getting in my changes and doses of para - - - - para----- PARAGUARD!

01-10-2017, 02:16 PM
I guess I am the only one who appreciates my own corny humor!!!

You know you are a discus freak when your wife and kids are in the car at 11 pm and you are in your office frantically "administering meds" aka - changing 70% of the water, doing a wipe down, refilling the age bucket...

Yea, so that was me last night. Second day in a row I had to trudge the fam to the office to allow me time to help the crew. Thankfully they have all been good about it and allowed me the time to play fish doc.

Thankfully, things just seem to get better with each passing day...

I said to myself, I feel like my tank is alive again for the first time in maybe over a month. My wild reds seem to be themselves and acting like they did in their 40. All the greens are really coloring back up, breathing well, eating well and looking well...

I plan to continue course and pray that this is a long term solution and the last of my worries for a long time to come!

01-10-2017, 03:41 PM
Been there Phil. This is one reason I only keep one tank now. It is much easier than dealing with multiple tanks that need meds/WC's. It is easier on the marriage :)

01-10-2017, 09:11 PM
Heck you can say that again rick!!!

01-10-2017, 09:11 PM
Stole a few crappy pics before a wc today

01-10-2017, 09:12 PM

01-10-2017, 09:14 PM

01-10-2017, 09:15 PM

01-10-2017, 09:32 PM
Pics are not working Phil~

01-11-2017, 11:51 AM
Glad everything turned out ok

01-12-2017, 11:33 AM
Sorry not sure why the images came out this way...? I will re- try and take more pics...

01-12-2017, 11:44 AM
10592710592810592910593010593110593210593310593410 5935105936

01-16-2017, 04:44 PM
You should turn off all your office lights and close the windows and only light the tank, the glare is hiding your beautiful fish!!!

01-16-2017, 05:14 PM
Good to see them looking good Phil-

I bit the bullet and got the Current Satellite Plus Pro and right out of the gate the timer and remote do not work properly. I changed the remote battery and tried different angles, unplugged it and tried again...nothing. Time just reverts to a preset. Not sure if the enter button isn't working? The directions could not be any simpler though.

Anyway, the lighting is great the colors of my fish are phenomenal but I can't get the company to answer the phone or call me back. I can box the whole thing up and reorder it I guess. Good thing I went through Amazon.

It will be awesome if I can get it working. Yours looks great.

Nice to see them healthy!

01-16-2017, 08:28 PM
You should turn off all your office lights and close the windows and only light the tank, the glare is hiding your beautiful fish!!!

Deaf ears Devon. I've been telling him this for ages, lol.

01-17-2017, 04:48 PM
Devon, Rick is 10000000% right, lol. All the folks here have been giving me camera tips for years... I suck

That office light is locked on and I always forget to ask how to turn it off until I want to take pics and it is too late!! I will get to work on that!

Jenene - First off I must say your positive outlook and advice is very nice and calming so thank you. I am so so happy and relieved to see them looking as they do!

Sucks to hear the light is giving you issues, that is rather annoying! Lucky going with amazon! send that dang thing back asap! Let me know what you decide to do and how it works

01-17-2017, 05:02 PM
Devon, Rick is 10000000% right, lol. All the folks here have been giving me camera tips for years... I suck

That office light is locked on and I always forget to ask how to turn it off until I want to take pics and it is too late!! I will get to work on that!

Jenene - First off I must say your positive outlook and advice is very nice and calming so thank you. I am so so happy and relieved to see them looking as they do!

Sucks to hear the light is giving you issues, that is rather annoying! Lucky going with amazon! send that dang thing back asap! Let me know what you decide to do and how it works

Lol Phil-
I figured out what was wrong. I thought it was me but the directions are so simple- I kept asking myself what am I missing? Then I remembered---when I open the box I thought they really did a crappy packaging job. The cable ties were broken and the remote and timer were loose in the box- finally the proverbial light bulb went on over my head- The light was used, found defective, returned to the company and they mailed it right back out! So yes, it is going back, a new one will arrive tomorrow and I will pack the bad one up and ship it back. It is really going to be nice once it goes on the timer. It really makes the colors pop. I will post some pics soon. They are surreal. Thanks again for mentioning it. I didn't know I need it it!

01-17-2017, 05:16 PM
I snapped a quick pic today, this one has a nice halo and great blue around it. I also caught one of my inspector pleccos hanging out of his condo...


01-20-2017, 11:27 AM
Lol Phil-
I figured out what was wrong. I thought it was me but the directions are so simple- I kept asking myself what am I missing? Then I remembered---when I open the box I thought they really did a crappy packaging job. The cable ties were broken and the remote and timer were loose in the box- finally the proverbial light bulb went on over my head- The light was used, found defective, returned to the company and they mailed it right back out! So yes, it is going back, a new one will arrive tomorrow and I will pack the bad one up and ship it back. It is really going to be nice once it goes on the timer. It really makes the colors pop. I will post some pics soon. They are surreal. Thanks again for mentioning it. I didn't know I need it it!

Great to hear you can get a new one! When is it due in?

01-20-2017, 11:33 AM
UPDATE: Things have really been on the uptick for these guys as of late. To say that I am elated would be a gigantic understatement. I was going a tad loco over these guys so it is nice to have some clam and the ability to enjoy going to the tank not the fear of what was to come. Their appetites are as veracious as ever, eating right from my hands, attacking the surface for food even, which I rarely if ever saw before. They forage for food, they move about as a nice gliding pack. It is great to see. The medication had no ill effect on the pleccos or the cory cats which was nice. I know people always say save the discus first, and of course I subscribe to that, but at the end of the day they are all part of the community and I like what they add to the tank or else I would not have purchased them, so of course you want all to come through happy and healthy...

I will load some crap pics...

01-20-2017, 11:34 AM
10604310604410604510604610604710604810604910605010 6051106052

01-20-2017, 12:09 PM
Sry Phil, I haven't had a chance to work on your pic. Will do so on sunday. Heading out for a few days.

01-20-2017, 12:11 PM
No worries man! I appreciate it whenever you get to it, no rush at all! Enjoy!

I am kinda fond of my avitar now lol, but I am sure your crafty work may twist my arm to have my own real fish back up there

two utes
01-20-2017, 04:53 PM
No worries man! I appreciate it whenever you get to it, no rush at all! Enjoy!

I am kinda fond of my avitar now lol, but I am sure your crafty work may twist my arm to have my own real fish back up there

Fish are looking great Phil...wish you could solve the reflection issue though. I'm sure you've given Rick quit a challenge, but l'm sure it will be great. Would be interested in seeing what you gave him to work with, and then the finished product.
Looks like you're really enjoy this group....and so you should. They're wonderful

01-20-2017, 05:00 PM
Thanks a lot Joe. I will fix the issue soon enough, my father in law is in the office sporadically and we are usually going a mile a minute I dont think about the lights until after and I am like UGHH, its one switch, get that back light off and I would be golden...

I actually gave him the first 2 pics here, once he sends me his finished product I surely will post it here and it will most likely become my avatar. Did he make yours? My big leopard was I believe one of his first offerings here at simply and trust me I was no better at pics then and didn't give him much to work with and he made a gem so I am sure he is going to slay this one as well..

I am rally enjoying this group.... now. It sure has been a roller coaster to say the least these last few months. I think things have finally hit a level spot and I am sure as heck happy about that... Ill take the joy over the stress any day as we all would

two utes
01-20-2017, 05:06 PM
You're welcomed Phil. I think its the roller coaster ride that makes you enjoy things in life that little bit more, and appreciate it even more.....and l'm not just talking about our hobby.
No, l made my own avatar, but probably due for an update....Hurry up and find that switch already ;)

01-20-2017, 07:17 PM
Glad all are back to normal with your fish, I was worried for awhile. You are my mentor on wilds, so you know I'm always checking you out. Have a great weekend and keep us all posted, Thanks Phil for all the guidance you provide to all SD folks.

01-20-2017, 07:25 PM
They are looking amazing Phil. Nice work pulling them through that. Relief is washing over all of us who where following you and your beautiful wilds.

That tank is spectacular and that pleco is one lucky dude.

(The replacement light is here and installed. It is really nice. Those settings really lets the colors pop. They look really surreal.) Thanks for advertising that!

01-21-2017, 10:39 AM
You're welcomed Phil. I think its the roller coaster ride that makes you enjoy things in life that little bit more, and appreciate it even more.....and l'm not just talking about our hobby.
No, l made my own avatar, but probably due for an update....Hurry up and find that switch already ;)

Truer words may never have been spoken my friend! I concur for sure!

Second Hand Pat
01-21-2017, 10:47 AM
Glad to hear everything worked out Phil. The fish look great :)

01-21-2017, 10:48 AM
Glad all are back to normal with your fish, I was worried for awhile. You are my mentor on wilds, so you know I'm always checking you out. Have a great weekend and keep us all posted, Thanks Phil for all the guidance you provide to all SD folks.

Roland, wow, thank you, I don't know what to say that is very nice to hear and makes me happy to know I can help. If anything I have done has helped with that cool group of heckles you have then thats awesome cause thats a great tank!

I am so glad that things are evening out here. I had a slight hiccup yesterday again, but more on a mechanical, cleanliness level than anything. To begin with, I was using an older rio pump on this tank thank def had some mileage on it. I sort of knew this from the jump but ran with it anyways. It was working, but def not excelling. As that was occurring, I noticed that whatever type of hose or tubing my brother in law used to plumb my return with on the sump was really gunking up and not looking good at all. Right when I set the tank up I had ordered a back up pump with the hunch my rio may fail or under preform. I was noticing some free floating tiny particles in the water even with dailies but on the far right side of my tank making me feel like water wasn't circulating well. So last night I re-plumbed the sump w new tubing and I swapped the pumps out. I got all in place, refilled with my aged water and fired up the sump. This new pump fired out of the gate and BAM, big rush of some nasty stuff that I am thinking may have been held up in the overflow or the true internal plumbing of the overflow that I didn't change. There was a decent amount of debris and crap floating. I decided that could not be good and once that all settled it was either going to create a spike or re junk up my now clean sump, so I filled my drum w tap set to 83 and let it slowly fill as I did another 80% water change. I usually don't do WC w non aged water but I felt this was the lesser of two evils. Also, I have tested my tap and aged water before and honestly I don't get much of a swing. I sort of age the water out of convenience of where things are located and just piece of mind to let the water gas off.

So I did the change re-added the water, fired her up again and things were good. I was a bit worried cause I had to head home and wouldn't be back til the am. But I am happy to report that this am all is well and the tank looks spotless, water looks like crystal and everyone is hungry and healthy. I have them all eating big clumps of flakes from my hand which is just fun to do and a cool sight, especially given where I thought they all may be a few short weeks ago.

01-21-2017, 10:51 AM
They are looking amazing Phil. Nice work pulling them through that. Relief is washing over all of us who where following you and your beautiful wilds.

That tank is spectacular and that pleco is one lucky dude.

(The replacement light is here and installed. It is really nice. Those settings really lets the colors pop. They look really surreal.) Thanks for advertising that!

Thanks so much Jenene! I appreciate the support, truly, means a lot and helps in those rough patches without a doubt! Yea those pleccos are cool and they sure do eat well! I have 3 and they are so much happier and lively with these cichlid stones. They all have little suites throughout the tank because of the hollow rock. The corries use them as well, it is fun to see them dart in and out. In the 40 breeder they all hid and hung out under the sponge filter, they rarely even use the wood. Now with the caves they def feel more safe secure and at home.

So glad to hear you finished and figured out lightgate! That is crappy they send you a returned one, bummer. Glad they made good on it and got you a proper one. Are you using the timer and have it all set up?

01-21-2017, 10:51 AM
Glad to hear everything worked out Phil. The fish look great :)

Thanks Pat and for all your help as always!

05-27-2017, 10:59 PM

My alpha red. Love that reverse bar.

05-27-2017, 11:04 PM
Still alive and looking good man. Nice job

05-28-2017, 12:06 AM
Still alive ? Did you expect them not to be ryan?!? Lol. Geez man give me some credit will ya! Hah

05-28-2017, 12:10 AM
Still alive ? Did you expect them not to be ryan?!? Lol. Geez man give me some credit will ya! Hah

Lol. Definitely meant as a compliment my friend

05-28-2017, 12:48 AM
Haha! Just messin with ya man thanks so much.

Looks even cooler sideways don't you agree ;)

I think there was s thread a while back about flipping pics I need to visit that and learn. I need to start taking better pics of these guys. They are far too pretty to injustice them with my crapola photog skills.

I've been thinking of starting a YouTube in some form

05-28-2017, 01:55 AM
Your photos were sideways? I hadn't noticed! :p

Youtube? Yes please. Count me in. I'll subscribe. At least you know you will have one! ��

05-28-2017, 06:28 AM
Your photos were sideways? I hadn't noticed! :p

Youtube? Yes please. Count me in. I'll subscribe. At least you know you will have one! ��

All it takes is one !! Muaaahhhh hahaha ( best attempt at an evil cackle! Lol)

05-28-2017, 07:38 AM
All it takes is one !! Muaaahhhh hahaha ( best attempt at an evil cackle! Lol)

Okay then! You are up early, you can start now! :p

05-30-2017, 11:01 AM
Hello All! Hope everyone had a lovely long weekend! Things were rather hectic for me and I have been dying to share my tank and experiences, but I wanted to do it the right way when I could be in-front of a computer and type as opposed to the dang phone! I must say, this hobby and a tank is much more fun when you have similar crazy people to share it with! Although, my office and staff have been loving the tank more and more each day. Some of them are really all over it and alert me with things they see or questions they have, it is rather cool to see them take a liking to and attach to some fish or the tank in general.

I literally had to go back and see where I left off here and try and recall all the other debauchery to go down since I last told my tale...

Me being me, there is always more to come and drama to unfold with my tanks and this one in general... I will say this, before I go further... I AM SO HAPPY WITH THE TANK RIGHT NOW.
I have said this many many times before, buuuuut, I think I mean it this time............ for now! LOL

As you all know, quick recap, I had some rough goings to start here. Made some dumb decisions and provided myself a nice little hill to climb... Thankfully, for the most part, I was able to recover and right the ship without too many causalities or issues to speak of.

Once the tank was finally going well and healthy, I still felt like something was missing. It was gorgeous, and the discus alone are enough. Yet, I was sort of obsessing over that "biotope" SA community sprt of set-up that I drool over from some folks on this site or many of the youtube classics out there. I felt that the tank needed some life and a group or school of something else to swim with the discus and provide enough PIZZAZZZ that it was attractive to the eye but not to take away from the discus or cause them any issue. After some thinking and research I decided to add a nice group of cardinals. I felt that would give me the look and feel I desired. I was right, for maybe two weeks... After a 3 day weekend, I returned to what appeared to be a smaller group of cards. With each successive day from that point on, the group dwindled, nearly by 1/2 each night. One of the discus or a group of them must have taken a liking to the taste of the cards and they slowly became the evening snack for the week until they were extinct from the tank. I will have to dig up a pic or 2 that I snapped as they were alive and well because the tank looked lovely and I was impressed with the look, but my discus had other plans.

I took it as a sign for a bit that things were fine as is and I just left them alone. With the cards I picked up a group of 6 small panda cory cats, which are alive and well today and putting on size. They mix nice with my emerald cory cats and they are all so very active on the bottom it is cool to see for sure!

As you may have guessed, my patience grew thin with the tank again as I yearned for more visual appeal and activity. I was back on the hunt for some other tankmates to please myself and the aesthetic I so desired. During this time I noticed my discus were A) Hooked HARD on Al's FDBW w spinach. During the move I had them seasoned on flakes and some pellets, they still take it today, but they much prefer the FDBW as we all seem to know and report. The only issue here, as I have reported in the past is that my spoiled babies don't like to surface feed unless it is a big chunk. Why??? I don't know, I have asked them a few times to no avail! I tried the cones as many suggest, again to the chagrin of my fish, who run from it as if a predator was put in their tank! The issue I was facing was that a lot of the cube would make it was way to the top and I was manually surfacing skimming the tank with this amazing DIY tool I created... I call it the RED SOLO CUP.... It was a very annoying process. With this my mind went to a hungry surface feeding tank mate as well to help with this issue of extra food. I thought maybe some hatchets and looked around but didn't cross anything I liked from anyone I trusted. I missed out a chance to snag some marbles when john had them in and so I waited. During this same time, right on the heels of the Bloody Cardinal MASSACRE@!!. I noticed one of my original reds just lagging a bit. He was always the low man and fared well but this time I could tell something was off. The thing is he would be up and down, fine a few days then a bad day where he would refuse food and tail off from the pack. As an aside, I have to say, I have a tight tight group. Not sure how all others behave and knock on wood I have veryyyyy little aggression if any at all and if there is its some tussling during feeding time. Other wise these fish school like no other trail one another all over its fun to watch. It also makes it easy to tell if someone is having an off day or not feeling right. I saw it in this guy. As per his usual though, he was peppy and eating the end of one week. I did my normal big water change Friday night and left for the weekend. I had that fishy intuition to go back Sunday, I was going to be near my office so I went and sure enough, he was Donezito :(.

Thankfully, besides the big random add on that I took and that guy, and well the cards that became a snack, I have no other losses to report. Something changed in the tank that day however, the fish almost perked up. It was as if they knew he was laggin or sick and it depressed them but once he passed the fish sort of came alive, It may just be my pure imagination but that is how it seemed.

As this was going on I had secured and was readying some new additions. I met with a local importer and he had some nice items and things I either always had an eye on or have kept separate in the past. I went with 2 additions that I guess are somewhat controversial here. One of them I was well aware of going in, the others, I just found out this weekend may pose me a problem in the future. I added 5 rose-line or red line sharks to the mix, nice big large adults and I added 3 Albino Threadfin Acara - Acarichthys heckelii. These guys were both voraciously eating anything and best of all, were just crushing the food and left over on the surface. They would literally clean the tank of anything that went in and on the top yet didn't seem to ever bother the discus or stop them from eating. Now Al tells me the acara can grow large and get aggressive with one another or at feeding time, right now they are only maybe 3.5" so they have a lot to grow. I will keep a close eye and see, if I need to re-home them I will. The roselines, I don't know, I feel like they get a bad wrap because of their behavior and movements but if you have chill fish that are used to movements as mine are in a busy office, these roselines are a joy to watch and add so much life and activity to the tank! They are like mini dolphins the way the chase and tail one another around. I really enjoy them!

That is where I am today. I will work on new and BETTER pics and also some video as I seriously consider some youtube stuff, even if that means just uploading clips to share. 0

Best news of all, I am in a rythem with this tank maintenance wise. I change the water 2, sometimes 3 times a week, never back to back days. It takes me maybe 45 min start to finish and everyone is thank god knock on wood healthy and happy!!!!! MYSELF INCLUDED! lol

05-31-2017, 09:37 AM
Good luck with your new additions Phill .
Im glad that your wilds are still doing all right , besides you putting new additions every 2 weeks or so ;) .Just kiddin :) .
I didn't catch how many barbs and acaras did you add now ? Both of them grow and eat too much food , so be carefully of not exceeding your bioload once they grow bulk on them .

We are waiting for new pics from your discus Phill and still hoping that your poltergeist on the pics won't be lurking them from behind again ;) .

05-31-2017, 01:23 PM
I'll come back and read that book you just posted Phil...lol

05-31-2017, 03:18 PM
Oh look, it is the comedic genius of Flip and Rick!! Hardy harrrr fellas! I see you two characters haven't lost your penchant for ribbing! Lol!

NO MORE ADDITIONS!!! Promise, well unless I need to re-home these problem fish I took on ;) LOL

I added 5 roselines and 3 acara's... I have a feeling they may need to go soon.

Filip, I will get to work on the pics... what is your e-mail, I will take a few special ones with the lurking poltergeist and his favorite finger!!!! HAHAHA too funny! Good to be back...

06-01-2017, 05:37 AM
Filip, I will get to work on the pics... what is your e-mail, I will take a few special ones with the lurking poltergeist and his favorite finger!!!! HAHAHA too funny! Good to be back...

Here is my E-mail :

Waiting forward for your photos Phill .

06-01-2017, 06:26 AM
Whoa Phil, I am trying to come up with a cover for your novel. Maybe this?


Lol! Love the story. Keeping it real as always. Glad everything is working out for you. A great example of "what works for you or not."

Get on that Youtube channel. My subscribe finger is twitching....

06-02-2017, 06:33 PM
For your glare filled viewing pleasure ...


06-02-2017, 06:50 PM
Not too glaaarrryyy...


06-03-2017, 08:21 AM
AND not sideways! Nice Phil.

06-03-2017, 10:20 AM
Those are some excellent looking fish my friend. That's the WOW look for sure, way to go!

06-05-2017, 11:45 AM
Thanks guys for all the kind words! I really love this tank and group!

06-05-2017, 11:46 AM
This may be my best picture to date in my crappy cameraman career...

06-13-2017, 01:58 PM
I was hoping to get some opinions on my tank temp and adjusting my therms a bit...

This will be my first summer with this tank running. We have AC's all over the office, mini-splits and what not, as I run an HVAC operation. My tank has always ran on the warmer side, usually between 83.5 and 85. For whatever reason my one therm when they were in the 40 breeder held around this and I just despise adjusting therms, it gets annoying and tricky.

I planned to watch the tank to see if the temps hold steady as the heat rolls in...

Any tips or tricks you guys use to adjust temp. I am here all day so I can start to tweak and watch the temp? I usually take the if it aint broke approach and may let things be and watch and make sure it just doesn't get high

06-13-2017, 02:44 PM
Do you have a temp controller running on this Phil? The inkbird are great, accurate and will keep things steady for ya.

06-13-2017, 03:16 PM
I do not...

I keep hearing about this bird thingy, I'm used to flipping birds, not putting them on an aquarium!! LOL jk...

I may need to research more, I heard some folks have issues or claim it isn't as accurate or something, it scared me off...

06-13-2017, 03:51 PM
Hey Phil, at the gym or I would send you the link...hard enough to type on the treadmill! Go to Amazon Inkbird temp controllers model 108 t or s. Careful the blue model doesn't have the low temp alarm. The green has both high and low. They are lifesavers. Literally. If no one gets a link up for you I will do it when I get home.

06-13-2017, 06:41 PM
Hey my man, I recommend getting this temperature controller from JEHMCO.com: ETCI-1R20A


Electronic Temperature Control w/ 2 Receptacles for up to 2400 watts load
Requires 20 amp twist lock style
wall receptacle
Includes digital temperature display
Ready to use with heavy duty 12 gauge
x 6.5’ long power input cord - L5-20P and 2 x 3-prong grounded receptacles.
1000 watt one side 1400 watt second side


It may cost more, but well worth the cost for the safe keeping of your fish. I been using this unit on my 125G tank with two 300W heaters for the last three years.

06-13-2017, 06:44 PM
I do not...

I keep hearing about this bird thingy, I'm used to flipping birds, not putting them on an aquarium!! LOL jk...

I may need to research more, I heard some folks have issues or claim it isn't as accurate or something, it scared me off...

I'm a big fan of the bird man. No issues here and really can't beat the performance for the price.

If the temp reading is off it has a calibration setting

06-13-2017, 08:49 PM
Here ya go Phil..sorry it took so long, a lot going on here tonight!


So you may notice the heating side which is the one we need only has one outlet. Many of us run 2 heaters so we have one as a backup. The way around this is to use an adapter with two outlets into the heating side. This is the model I have, has excellent reviews and is an Amazon best seller for what that's worth but for the price it is an awesome product. Can't speak for the other ones but I am sure they are great as well.

This is something every fish keeper should have tho. I have one for the discus, one for the reef and one for the QT.

06-14-2017, 02:34 PM
Thank you everyone! Appreciate the help and input... Although still hesitant to pull the trigger, I just may soon. I am worried...

Was there an adjustment period where the tank either fell or rose a few degrees as the controller and the heaters sorted themselves out?

Thanks for the 2 prong tip Jenene

06-14-2017, 04:03 PM
Thank you everyone! Appreciate the help and input... Although still hesitant to pull the trigger, I just may soon. I am worried...

Was there an adjustment period where the tank either fell or rose a few degrees as the controller and the heaters sorted themselves out?

Thanks for the 2 prong tip Jenene

0 for me I set the heaters to the temp I want then use the inkbird as a fail safe. I used multiple thermometers to check tank temp and calibrated inkbird accordingly

Your heaters are already set to where you want them you are just going to be plugging them into the controller and allowing it to shut them down in case of failure.

06-14-2017, 04:05 PM
That makes a ton of sense and seems rather simple ryan! Thanks for the easy breakdown, guess I need to order me one now!!!

06-14-2017, 04:12 PM
That makes a ton of sense and seems rather simple ryan! Thanks for the easy breakdown, guess I need to order me one now!!!

My tank maintains 82.5 all the time with no worry. With all your hard work man last thing you want to do is lose your fish due to heater failure. $40 investment is definitely worth the peace of mind

06-14-2017, 04:14 PM
You are all very right and thanks for the help! Order placed! I am excited, amazon claims they will have it here tomorrow! Sweet!

06-14-2017, 05:41 PM
Here is another thought. What happens if and when the controller itself fails? What if the heaters are working perfectly fine but you have a malfunction with the controller and it's out of whack for some reason and allows the heaters to go higher than they should or lower or it just turns itself off and now you don't have any heaters running? These are the sort of things that worry me where as my approach now has been working pretty steady but I realize that there is a risk involved either

06-14-2017, 05:51 PM
Here is another thought. What happens if and when the controller itself fails? What if the heaters are working perfectly fine but you have a malfunction with the controller and it's out of whack for some reason and allows the heaters to go higher than they should or lower or it just turns itself off and now you don't have any heaters running? These are the sort of things that worry me where as my approach now has been working pretty steady but I realize that there is a risk involved either

That's why I use it as a fail safe. Some people run their heaters higher than desired temp and allow the inkbird to power then off and on to maintain temp.

I do not run it that way. I allow the heaters to maintain temp. I have the inkbird set to power the heaters off if the temp rises 2 degrees above set temp. If the inkbird failed it would simply not power heaters off if they overheated. What's the chance that the inkbird fails and the heaters fail at the same time?

So basically it in really isn't controlling the heaters. It simply will kill power to then whenever temp rises above your set point. When temp comes down it re supplies heaters with power

06-14-2017, 05:55 PM
This is why you are the expert my friend wink wink Lolol.

Thank you very much for clearing that up for me and I will be utilizing your application for this controller to a T

06-14-2017, 06:05 PM
This is why you are the expert my friend wink wink Lolol.

Thank you very much for clearing that up for me and I will be utilizing your application for this controller to a T

Lol thanks man

I just feel that's the safest way. Use it as a backup in case of an issue.

06-14-2017, 06:06 PM
I really like the thought and it makes total sense now and I'm going to hook it up tomorrow and I will let you know how it goes thanks again

06-14-2017, 06:13 PM
I really like the thought and it makes total sense now and I'm going to hook it up tomorrow and I will let you know how it goes thanks again

Sounds good man. No expert here just kinda found what works for me. Just logic really. I work with automation systems on the daily so just try to apply knowledge there. I've even been kicking around the idea of using one of my pool automation systems on my tank lol.

06-14-2017, 06:23 PM
Phil, I think you will be relieved that you have the safety in place. The thing is with heaters the WILL fail at some point. They just do. The Inkbird will shut them down if they stick on and alert you or if it drops too low, it will alert you. Certainly there is a possibility that the Inkbird would fail but I would think it would just shut everything down and not allow the heaters to boil your fish which seems to be the most common problem.

I also use an infrared temp gun to double check and calibrate things since it is so accurate. It has been an invaluable tool. Do you have one? I have a really inexpensive one but have found it to be insanely accurate checking against my other thermometers.

06-15-2017, 12:00 AM
I do have an infared but I am not a fan. I'll get you the make and model. It was maybe $20 but I think it flat out says it can or will be off a degree or two. I always assumed they were more for grilling because a degree or two isn't bad but in the aquarium world we'll ain't nobody got time for that!!!

How spot on is yours ??

06-15-2017, 12:13 AM
I do have an infared but I am not a fan. I'll get you the make and model. It was maybe $20 but I think it flat out says it can or will be off a degree or two. I always assumed they were more for grilling because a degree or two isn't bad but in the aquarium world we'll ain't nobody got time for that!!!

How spot on is yours ??

I have a cheapo ryobi that I use from work seems pretty decent but I just saw at home depot that Milwaukee has one now. I got tons of Milwaukee tools so thinking about picking one up even those it's close to $100

Got a little thing for tools lol

06-15-2017, 06:30 AM
I have a cheapo ryobi that I use from work seems pretty decent but I just saw at home depot that Milwaukee has one now. I got tons of Milwaukee tools so thinking about picking one up even those it's close to $100

Got a little thing for tools lol

A little thing Ryan? Lol! You are the king of gadgets!
Phil mine is pretty darn good. It says accuracy is to +/ - 1.5%. I have never had any issues. However I am sure the more you spend the better it will be. Follow Ryan's lead. He has always been spot on helping me choose my gadgets��- thanks buddy

06-15-2017, 10:43 AM
I have this guy... its EH... and it was more expensive than yours J! ***! Lol..


06-16-2017, 03:32 PM
I wanted to update things here as I went ahead and purchased an inkbird. Amazon had that joint here in like 12 hrs it seemed, was sort of crazy. I ordered it the one afternoon I had asked everyone for suggestions and boom by 930 am it was at my office. Can not beat that!!!

Anyyyyyways... My good pal Ryan held my hand through this one... As I told him, I am lucky and surprised I keep these fish alive, so anything DIY or electronic or whatever is so over my head. Even as plug n lay friendly as the inkbird seems to be, it is no friend of mine!!!

So, I got it all going and what I thought running, ran out to do some lunch and errands came back and my temp was steadily falling and down 2 degress. No heaters on, no inkbird heat lights, notta. I unplug the heaters and plug them in direct, one works, one doesn't! Oh boy... I try to tinker w the params and all again. I finally get it heating but again only one heater going. So I pull the non-working heater and well well well. My eheim pro is cracked in half basically. Who knows how long this has been and thankfully no ill effects... Blessing in disguise I suppose, as without the purchase of this device I prob would have never known until the second one failed and I really had an issue!

I always keep a back up eheim pro ready. That was the last of an old 150w I always buy the 250w now. I got that one in got it all calibrated again and BINGO. I must say, I do feel a nice sense of relief and back up here. The bird is keep things tight and I am liking it.

As you all said, for the price and peace of mind... this is so wort the coin!

06-16-2017, 05:00 PM
I wanted to update things here as I went ahead and purchased an inkbird. Amazon had that joint here in like 12 hrs it seemed, was sort of crazy. I ordered it the one afternoon I had asked everyone for suggestions and boom by 930 am it was at my office. Can not beat that!!!

Anyyyyyways... My good pal Ryan held my hand through this one... As I told him, I am lucky and surprised I keep these fish alive, so anything DIY or electronic or whatever is so over my head. Even as plug n lay friendly as the inkbird seems to be, it is no friend of mine!!!

So, I got it all going and what I thought running, ran out to do some lunch and errands came back and my temp was steadily falling and down 2 degress. No heaters on, no inkbird heat lights, notta. I unplug the heaters and plug them in direct, one works, one doesn't! Oh boy... I try to tinker w the params and all again. I finally get it heating but again only one heater going. So I pull the non-working heater and well well well. My eheim pro is cracked in half basically. Who knows how long this has been and thankfully no ill effects... Blessing in disguise I suppose, as without the purchase of this device I prob would have never known until the second one failed and I really had an issue!

I always keep a back up eheim pro ready. That was the last of an old 150w I always buy the 250w now. I got that one in got it all calibrated again and BINGO. I must say, I do feel a nice sense of relief and back up here. The bird is keep things tight and I am liking it.

As you all said, for the price and peace of mind... this is so wort the coin!

Ok pal let's be honest. How many hours did you spend yesterday staring at the display watching the temp? Lol. Hope you were able to get some sleep last night ;)

06-16-2017, 06:16 PM
Hahaha a solid 3! No joke lol.

I guess this was one good time the tank is at work. Eventually I need to unglue myself and leave

06-17-2017, 08:35 AM
Glad it all worked out for ya Phil. The cracked heater is everyone's worst nightmare. I honestly don't even look at the Inkbird any more. It just does it's thing. One other great thing about it is it holds the program if power gets cut to it. No need to go back and redo it all.

Relax and enjoy now. :)

06-17-2017, 04:12 PM
I was actually worried about that once I got it going. I shut my whole system down to feed. One
Button and boom all off. I was nervous it may trip the ink but it's been good

06-17-2017, 04:22 PM
Glad it's all working for you now. Time to relax and enjoy your gorgeous tank!
Hey! Think I am heading to NYC area next weekend for the Reefapalooza Frag show. Need to be brave. Think I am going solo.

06-17-2017, 07:06 PM
Sounds awesome where is that taking place?

06-17-2017, 07:11 PM
Sounds awesome where is that taking place?

The Meadowlands.

06-21-2017, 11:07 AM
Dupe Posting but want to document:

Hey guys, looking for some advice since my bio-ball adventure... Unfortunately, things seem a tad off now. The fish just aren't themselves. All are eating but one seems to have shied away the last day and a half.

Just to catch up, I had bio-balls in my first chamber, they were rather mucked up and I decided to pull them all. At this same time, I squeezed my hydro V sponge in tank water as well as my big block sponge and ceramic rings in the second chamber. All were squeezed or rinsed in a bucket of tank water.

This am I am getting a slight spike in ammonia at 0.25 PPM, 0 nitrite, 5-10 nitrate and 7.5 PH

I did a big 75% WC last night, I have water aging now and can do another around 4 pm. Any other suggestions or advice would be appreciated!


07-18-2017, 11:47 AM
For those of you still scoring at home, I figured it was time for an update and an ask for some advice... If anyone is still out there that I have not bored to tears by now!

I had made mention in my other " I did it post" as well as another with my finally glare free pics that I was having some issues with the tank and the health of the discus, 2 in particular...

Honestly, I think what I had going on was just, well too much and a colliding of a few evils that really threw the fish. Thankfully, for the most part I stay on top of them, and my buddy Pat's words are always in my head, your discus are talking to you! Some of us choose to listen, others don't or can't bridge the gap in the lingo... Lucky for me, so far, I have been rather decent at reading them and acting when the s hits the fan so to speak...

So between the addition of the barbs and the threadfins, the threadsfins astonishing growth in both size, persona and agression in such a short period....another nod to those of us who underestimate how a good WC and husbandry methods can really spurn a fish to grow, again, taken from another old head here, the famed John Nicholson, give any fish in a LFS the care you give your discus and see what a real angelfish should look like, or gourami or swordtail, or betta or insert fish here... These threadfins exploded w growth. With that their feeding and activity was making the discus uneasy. These fish could open their mouth like baby bass. I was watching them swallow entire cubes of Al's FDBW in one shot, it was impressive, but not to the hungry timid discus! Like a rookie, what did I do? I tried to target feed or feed more, or distract them to feed the discus in hopes they would get theirs, and what did that do... added more work for my filter and my routine because now I had a doubley dirty tank cause I was doubling down on feedings to try and balance which is well, just stupid looking back. This act, caused my filter to really foul faster and uin-turn led to my bio-ball panic where I felt they needed to go. What did that do, it threw off my water levels and really added some more stress and issues for the fish to battle.

What happens when you mix all those factors with the ever susceptible discus... you get fish who act weird, off, sick and not eating... which is what I had from two fish in particular. The others seemed to battle and try and put up the good feeding fight. 2 were not eating at all, one was in there but getting knocked around. The more dominant discus were now extra dom because they had the threads to battle as well as the other hungry discus. Quite easy to see that I had a plethora of issues here.

I hate meds, let me start by saying that. I hate administering them, guessing what to use, asking for advice and getting 10 different answers from 10 diff people I highly respect. It sure is a stressful mess...

I tried a few holistic routes to start... I upped WC and did them daily for a bit, my water params were good. I added some tannins and leaves, I went the orange peel route.... FINALLY I REMOVED THOSE PESKY THREADFINS.

Right before I did that after much consultation and not being able to secure pure metro (as jehmco was sold put) I went ahead and did a few solid rounds of General Cure. I figured if anything it was mild and used by many in qt or for new fish so what could be so bad. After a week of no more threads the GC and good clean water, all of a sudden the 2 non eaters were back in the fold, one am to my surprise there they were getting after some FDBW. It sure was a great relief.

Fast forward to today. There has obviously been a lot going on here. It seems that all these changes have either opened up the tank a bit or started a re-establishment of the pecking order, leading to two big alpha reds. The ones in the pic that are super red, there are 2 are def vying for tank boss, yet they almost seem to like to do so in tandem, where they are starting to cut the tank off from the other 6. I see some chasing some poking, sometimes they are all out and about free, other times the bossmen are keeping their inhabitants in a cornered area under watch...

I am tempted to just let it sort itself out and see how it goes over the next few days weeks... I am also tempted as the overstocker I can be to add a few more to the mix to really spread things and pack them in ***surprise surprise***

I am totally riding the fence right now, with 8 in the 72 with 29 gallon sump, could I add a few, I suppose, my filter is strong and I change water 2-4 times a week give or take. I just don't know if I want to continue to mess with it or if I will just be creating a bigger issue. Id also have to set up a QT and do all of that, so a lot to factor. As well as the costs and lack of selection this time of year for wild fish. Mark has some very nice heckles and I considered a few to almost break the tank up a bit because I loved the stark contrast of the albino threads in the tank. The heckles are much lighter and brighter with that hazy blue hue compared to the dark fish I have now...

Decisions.... decisions....!!!

Second Hand Pat
07-18-2017, 02:06 PM
Phil, I would continue to let things settle and observe. Adding more wilds to what you have is not a good idea as in my experience wilds do not like to be crowded. If all the fish are able to eat and have normal poop, leave well enough alone for now. Is it possible you have a pair forming?

07-18-2017, 02:51 PM

Thank you so much for the advice and the feedback! Very appreciated!

I considered a possible pair myself. I really don't know much about breeding to make that call just yet. Ive seen no eggs or cleaning or anything, so not really sure?

Second Hand Pat
07-18-2017, 03:02 PM
If one or more of the dominate fish are showing the middle bar and the one directly behind it and a halo then that could be an indicator.

07-21-2017, 11:57 AM
It sounds like you are in the mode of changing things up a bunch... I'd say the less u change, the better. I'd also recommend not adding more discus because having a bit of buffer between the # of discus and the size of the tank is a good thing. I just passed up a whole slew of new discus a friend is selling (using ALL my Will Power!!). I've technically got room for 7 more in my tank, but my guys finally seem happy and I don't feel like watching them battle new discus for a month. Plus if I skip a day or two for wc, a lighter stock level is more forgiving. It can take weeks for them to settle after a change, so just hang in there.

I can't believe those threadfins! All the ones I've seen for sale are tiny delicate things lol

07-21-2017, 11:58 AM
If one or more of the dominate fish are showing the middle bar and the one directly behind it and a halo then that could be an indicator.

Pat, one fish does show this at times, always had, I saw it as a more dominant thing...?

07-21-2017, 12:02 PM
It sounds like you are in the mode of changing things up a bunch... I'd say the less u change, the better. I'd also recommend not adding more discus because having a bit of buffer between the # of discus and the size of the tank is a good thing. I just passed up a whole slew of new discus a friend is selling (using ALL my Will Power!!). I've technically got room for 7 more in my tank, but my guys finally seem happy and I don't feel like watching them battle new discus for a month. Plus if I skip a day or two for wc, a lighter stock level is more forgiving. It can take weeks for them to settle after a change, so just hang in there.

I can't believe those threadfins! All the ones I've seen for sale are tiny delicate things lol

Kyla, thank you so much for the words of encouragement and inspiration! You are spot on, I am taking the less is more approach and giving things a chance to settle down because I don't want to throw too much at them and cause more harm then good!

I'm going to give it time and clean water and see where it goes. Right now they all seem happy and eating and just sorting out the order.

Also, your spot on with the water change comment, I used to be that way with my overstocked 55, my life like revolved around water changes. If I missed a day due to work, home kids whatever, I was a mess...

I have so much flexibility now it is freeing and has allowed me to enjoy the hobby more and I needed to remember that part to aide in my decisions.

Thanks again

07-21-2017, 12:16 PM
Lol I just went a bit further back in your post string and I see your "threadfins" were not the ones I was picturing... http://www.seriouslyfish.com/species/iriatherina-werneri/

I was wondering about that "bass" feeding comparison!!! lol

Anyway, while reading further back I came across your issue with the discus not top-feeding the remainder of their food. Is this still an issue? Cuz my discus were the same way, real slow to finish off floating FDBW. However, this has all changed since I added the eheim auto-feeder. I have set it to drop a tiny bit of loose FDBW into the tank 4x per day, and now ALL the discus are aggressive top feeders (even my 2 shy ones). They seem to have learned to expect it now, and the regularity/consistency of it also seems to have actually increased their food drive when I feed other foods (eg frozen foods or home made foods or even pellets and flakes). I've seen a noticeable improvement in their overall feeding behaviour. Just something to consider if u continue to have issues with top feeding.

07-21-2017, 12:24 PM
Lol I just went a bit further back in your post string and I see your "threadfins" were not the ones I was picturing... http://www.seriouslyfish.com/species/iriatherina-werneri/

I was wondering about that "bass" feeding comparison!!! lol

Anyway, while reading further back I came across your issue with the discus not top-feeding the remainder of their food. Is this still an issue? Cuz my discus were the same way, real slow to finish off floating FDBW. However, this has all changed since I added the eheim auto-feeder. I have set it to drop a tiny bit of loose FDBW into the tank 4x per day, and now ALL the discus are aggressive top feeders (even my 2 shy ones). They seem to have learned to expect it now, and the regularity/consistency of it also seems to have actually increased their food drive when I feed other foods (eg frozen foods or home made foods or even pellets and flakes). I've seen a noticeable improvement in their overall feeding behaviour. Just something to consider if u continue to have issues with top feeding.

Hahahah, yea my threadfins are hecekli acara type... well they used to be mine they are gone now...

They seem to be a bit better about feeding off the top. I also just stick the worms to the glass and not many seem to float as often... Or sometimes the full cube pulls from the wall and then they all grab and chase which can be rather anooying, especially if i try and split a cube. For whatever reason the whole cube sticks to the glass nicely, the half cubes just get pulled off...

07-21-2017, 12:33 PM
Yah I noticed that too, with the half VS whole cube, whole cubes stick better. Good to hear they are finishing up the food! All that competition for food forced them to step up their game at dinner time ;)

07-21-2017, 12:38 PM
Yea, spreading the food out totally helps out and getting rid of the thread-fin gobllers as well...

I am still seeing the herding so to speak from the 2 bosses vs the other 6...

Call me crazy, but part of me also feels like they know when I am around or in the office and they hang in that corner hoping to see me come in and out of my office or feed them...

Maybe they just heart me so hard they huddle there vying for my love back?

07-21-2017, 12:48 PM
I'll be under the tank or at the side/back of the tank doing something with cords or organizing supplies etc and when I look up BAM they are all right there, creepily watching!! Kinda like how the dog will follow us from room to room... little pack of puppy discus.

07-21-2017, 02:11 PM
So these guys are a rare sight in my tank, especially to capture a decent pic of them... I catch glimpses and they are out and about during water changes as I dump their port-o-potties out, aka my cichlid stones that are always filled with their gnarly poop, I guess it makes it better and easier they are usually contained to the rocks so it isn't unsightly and makes cleaning it that much easier, I just dump the rocks out into a bucket once a week during a WC...

Anywayyyyyssss... These are my Inspector pleccos' well one of them, I have 3... One looks just like this one, the other is smaller and has these more brownish patches, not sure if that tells sex?


07-21-2017, 04:45 PM
Hello my friend, I would just leave the tank the way it is for now, no new discus or other fish. I just gone through what you have going on too, I also used Quick Cure, Metro, and dosed two times of an dewormer. After a week of daily WC's and all those meds added, still had two discharing white feces. So yesterday moved the heaters from the sump to the main tank and added a sponge filter. Today all 12 discus are swimming around the whole tank. Something was stressing them out I now assumed. Maybe the temp changes during feeding times while I would turn off the return pump. Keeping these guys keeps you on your fish keeping toes all the time if you make any changes to the tank. I've started to leave things alone, don't change anything. Just wipe down the tank and do my WC's 3x week now. Good luck with the fish, peace out my friend.....

07-21-2017, 05:20 PM
Roland my good pal, always nice to hear from you and thank you for the advice and chiming in with first hand experience, good to hear you had success and they bounced back...!

I need to just remind myself that patience is truly a virtue in this hobby, especially with these fish. My awful luck that the man upstairs didn't bless me with much in the way of the patience department so I am doing my best. I also have to remind myself that these are fish and wild animals and they do things their way and they can't tell time! So no one is saying, ok guys, you have been beefin for a week, knock it off...

Im going to put my faith in time and letting it sort and just closely monitoring their behavior and making sure it stays minimal...

I type this as I watch my alpha thwart off another roamer back to the corner :/ . . . .

I have to remember, this is all new and coming off a lot of change and will just remind myself that and keep the fingers crossed!

07-24-2017, 11:10 PM
This is what these jerks are up to... still bullying and aggressive mostly during food time...



Second Hand Pat
07-24-2017, 11:16 PM
Phil, would you like to see some real aggression?

07-24-2017, 11:24 PM
I am really trying to resist the urge to add something to deter...

I was thinking a few more branches or something to break things up. My tank is rather open with some low level branches almost like bare little trees. Although I enjoy the look I think maybe a change is needed to help the atmosphere.

I'm also tempted to add something or other to mix things up because I felt like for a while the tank was at its best until the threadfins got bigger and more aggressive. Maybe a lesser aggressive geo? A read head of sorts ? Or maybe some keyhole cichlids ? Open to ideas. I just feel something needs to be done.

Maybe they are just maturing or coming in to their own. The bullying isn't bad it's more of a chase back and a nudge and it's spread between the 6. I just see it becoming more of an issue. The bully's are even doing the screw food we are gonna harass them each take a cube and sit down here and watch you cower. Annnnoooying asf

The colors they are displaying are outrageous they are my best fish if you like red.

I'm going to go back to the als fdbw snow globe method and soak the worms in water loose and broken up and dish it out that way so the worms are all over. Any one have anything working for them tonget the worms into the water column better ? Mine tend to float to the top and they are hesitant to go for them.

07-24-2017, 11:24 PM
Phil, would you like to see some real aggression?

I don't know if I have the stomach for it tonight pat! Lol ������

07-25-2017, 09:57 AM
Ok Pat... I am ready, lets see what ya got....

Second Hand Pat
07-25-2017, 10:10 AM
Well, not quite as rough as I remember. The vid opens on the female and the two fish fighting are two males vying for her attention.


More of the same.


07-25-2017, 10:17 AM
What was the outcome or your solution to these beefs...

What's fish beef?

Beef is when you need driftwood to go to sleep
Beef is when the males in your tank can't take a peek...

Beef is when I see you...
Guaranteed to be in hospital tank ICU...

Second Hand Pat
07-25-2017, 10:20 AM
I left them fight it out. The winning male got to spawn with the female. Happens in nature all the time. I used the foam to separate the pair from the rest of the fish so they could have peace.

07-25-2017, 02:20 PM
Quick update. I adjusted my lights to a bit brighter. Not sure why figured what the heck

Also went back to the snow globe feeding and it seemed to help... one minute at a time I suppose!

07-26-2017, 03:26 AM
Quick update. I adjusted my lights to a bit brighter. Not sure why figured what the heck

Also went back to the snow globe feeding and it seemed to help... one minute at a time I suppose!

What's A Snow globe feeding Phill and how is it beneficial?

07-26-2017, 09:26 AM
Filip, that is just a joking term I made up for filling a solo cup with some blood worms and loose FDBW, letting them soak for a bit then pouring the food all over the tank. The worms fly around creating a "snow globe" effect. Essentially giving all the fish an equal opportunity to feed and nothing to defend as they can or would when I cube is pressed to the glass. This method often leaves the surface of the water full of FDBW because they don't seem to like to sink. My guys seem to slowly be adjusting to eating off the surface which I am very happy about.

07-26-2017, 06:19 PM
Just for photo proof and purposes, I took one of my patent glare filled crap shots for you my F name sake BROTHA!


And there you have a snow globe feeding! How many do you want? I will send them out in time for the holidays!!! LOL

Al, maybe you need to add a discus snow globe to the cafe press offerings... I only ask a small % in licensing fee's and royalties!! lol

07-26-2017, 06:21 PM
So this will be arriving in a few days I hope and should make a nice addition to my tank and scape and fill in my bare left side to make a more complete branchy set-up, I am excited about it and looking forward to getting it!


07-26-2017, 06:27 PM
Lastly for today, I feel my corries get no love from me and I don't talk about them too often or how cool and active they are. I have a dozen emerald corries that are big fat and active and 6 panda corries that are small but growing...


09-03-2017, 03:21 PM
I've been a bad boy and back to my old crazy ways it seems. Messing with the tank a bit here and there... I will wrote one of my novels soon enough. For my own records it to bore you all to tears.

I suppose a teaser. ...