View Full Version : Black clothing scares discus?

12-20-2016, 07:57 PM
Where did this myth start? I've seen it a lot of places and think its hog wash!

12-20-2016, 10:53 PM
My previous batch of discus freaked out when I'd walk up to the tank to feed them in my navy uniform. The ones I have now don't care what I'm wearing. Strange..

Poppa Ryno
12-20-2016, 11:37 PM
For some of mine its red clothing. Weird. My KC Chiefs gear is a no go around them.

12-21-2016, 10:30 AM
Despite lots of trial and error, I cannot figure out what makes my discus skittish on occasion. I have tested clothing and different types of lighting with no conclusive results. I think it may just be group dynamics that I am not privy to that causes the random skittishness, but mostly I am just done trying to figure it out / worry about it.

Second Hand Pat
12-21-2016, 10:36 AM
Discus are in essence a prey animal and their instincts are geared towards that. So dark blobs coming towards the tank, walking into and out of sunlight, sudden movement, flickering TVs etc can set them off. They can become acclimated to such things over time. It might not make sense to us but perfect sense to them.

12-21-2016, 10:39 AM
For some of mine its red clothing. Weird. My KC Chiefs gear is a no go around them.

Funny, when I wear Vikings purple my fish laugh at me!:sorry:

The only thing that occasionally freaks out my fish are quick movements over the tank. Which makes senses...birds must snatch them from the water in nature.
But other than that, my black dog tears by the tank when he is playing, color of clothing or movement in general doesn't bother them.

12-21-2016, 11:56 AM
OMG I needed to see this post today. The past couple mornings my fish have freaked out at the site of me entering the room, and its because I have my winter pijamas on now days which are very dark in color. I just now realized why they are acting strange in the mornings but normal in the evenings when I come home wearing my normal work clothes which are light in color. I was about to start doing more water changes and freaking out a little. I guess you all now know that I am guilty of wearing the same pijamas for days at a time. ;)

12-21-2016, 12:39 PM
I guess you all now know that I am guilty of wearing the same pijamas for days at a time. ;)

Wellllll we do now!:devil: