View Full Version : Discus spawn number Four (4)

12-28-2016, 11:25 PM
I'm a firm believer that water consistency is indeed the solution to most problems associated with raising Discus.
I have several pairs forming and laying eggs. I keep a bare bottom system with internal bio filtration within each tank including sponge and mechanical. Driftwood and live plants with a tap water/RO blend.
I feed live worms, live brine and bio gold pellets in an effort to keep the excess food to a minimum. No beef heart or frozen foods which can foul. Partial water changes every other day.
Water ph seems to be relatively stable I think primarily due to the driftwood.
My spawns are turning white within two days and rather than interfere with the parenting skills and the possibility of their being too young to spawn, males, I'm concerned also about the possibility of fungus. What's the best method to address fungus during a spawn without disrupting the bio system or isolating the pairs into sterile bare holding tanks which is more predictable and less attractive.
Methyl Blue is out of the question. Any experience dosing with something such as Kordon Rid-Ick Plus just after laying?
Any other suggestions are welcome and appreciated. I'm also a firm believer in keeping things as simple as possible.


12-28-2016, 11:33 PM
Eggs turn white for a few reasons,male may be too young, or two female paired up.Water hardness is another reason and sometimes the eggs do not get fertilized as there is too much turbulence in the tank. Acriflavine can be used instead of methylene blue.

Second Hand Pat
12-29-2016, 12:12 AM
What is your GH? Also how much water are you changing?

12-29-2016, 01:37 AM
Thanks Akili. I'm reading that Acriflavine is a general antiseptic derived from coal tar. Sounds like it's worth looking into. As with other treatments I'm guessing that after the initial treatment it wouldn't be necessary to continue following the spawn as the eggs should hatch within 2-3 days. My first indication of fungus was after the third spawn when the male developed a slight fungus growth. One dose of Kordon and it disappeared. I'll consider the flow across the eggs as well as it's pretty substantial where the slate is resting.

12-29-2016, 01:41 AM
Pat, the tank until today has been entirely RO during the last two spawns. The hardness would have been minimal. I've switched back to a 20% blend in an effort to keep the plants alive and flourishing. I don't use plant supplements other than a liquid carbon. Perhaps I should consider CO2 but again, keeping it simple and consistent is the objective.

12-29-2016, 08:48 AM
You are worrying about nothing. If the eggs are fertile and your water is right they will not fungus. On another note feeding live foods is a great way to introduce pathogens to your fish.


12-29-2016, 09:03 AM
Hi relliott please note that pH (below 7.0) will inhibit the activity of Acriflavine.

Second Hand Pat
12-29-2016, 09:41 AM
You mention doing partial water changes every other day. What percentage water are you changing? Could be the water quality is suffering.

12-29-2016, 11:25 AM
I'm guessing the same thing, John.
Just looking at all the possibilities of what I could change to improve the odds.. the fish are all from the same brood of Red Stendker's. I have a group of seven and have a couple of possible pairs. Just no success yet in a hatch! They're about a year old now.
Patience they say is a virtue.

12-29-2016, 11:31 AM
relliott Pat mentioned about water changes can you please answer to her query?

12-29-2016, 11:31 AM
Sorry Pat I missed that in your earlier response. I do about 25% of the tank volume, sometimes more, every other day. My biggest tank is 30 gallons so it's not quite the chore associated with larger systems. I'm a bit of a nut about the old Metaframe and Pemco tanks.
Got lucky recently and found a stash in a fish store in San Francisco.
NOS with the original lights and covers in the original boxes!

12-29-2016, 11:40 AM
I'm am looking tirelessly online for a supplier of the Kordon brand.. no luck yet. I did order some cure-all last night as per your earlier suggestion. I'll check in with Albany aquarium today for a alternative. I see powder online but much more than I'll ever have a need for or use.
Ph is pretty steady @ 7.0 with the driftwood. Thanks

12-29-2016, 11:45 AM
Fortunately I have a good supply of native California black worms here in the Bay Area which unlike the tubifex worms, are not so prone to pathogens. I change the water daily and aerate. The brineshrimp being salt water, its not an issue, generally speaking.

12-29-2016, 12:12 PM
I'm am looking tirelessly online for a supplier of the Kordon brand.. no luck yet. I did order some cure-all last night as per your earlier suggestion. I'll check in with Albany aquarium today for a alternative. I see powder online but much more than I'll ever have a need for or use.
Ph is pretty steady @ 7.0 with the driftwood. ThanksKordon brand acriflavine .............. Try Pond places

12-29-2016, 02:55 PM
Sorry Pat I missed that in your earlier response. I do about 25% of the tank volume, sometimes more, every other day. My biggest tank is 30 gallons so it's not quite the chore associated with larger systems. I'm a bit of a nut about the old Metaframe and Pemco tanks.
Got lucky recently and found a stash in a fish store in San Francisco.
NOS with the original lights and covers in the original boxes!

Did you get the tanks from Herman on Clement St.,
he's been throwing out those tanks by leaving out in
front of his store. I gave a bunch of Metalframes to
another member on this forum, and still have a couple for the dump.
As far as spawning might be that your male may have a low sperm count day. I use acriflavine by Kordon, and like it better than MB. You can buy it
from both SF LFS on Clement because my wholesaler is the same as theirs.


12-29-2016, 05:26 PM
Thanks for the insight and yes Herman Chan @ Fairy Lake
He's ninety two now.. still standing on ladders and changing the water. Remarkable. He was right there with Jack Whattley during the '80s
Developed a Green strain as I recall.
Does it affect the bacteria in the filter(s) like the other antibiotics.
Appears from what I've read that it doesn't..?

12-29-2016, 11:11 PM
Here's what I ended up with..


You might notice their claim that it doesn't bind with eggs and prevent fertizing..? Neutralized in some manner. All the research I've done indicates acriflavine doesn't interfere with biological filtration as well.
API makes a fungus cure combo that also contains acriflavine, but with a lesser percentage 5-10 PPM as required.

Thanks again Akili!

01-01-2017, 01:22 PM
Just a quick update on the fungus problem.. I added the recommended dosage of Kordon's Rid-Ick Plus this time around during the spawn and a day 24hrs afterwards and as anticipated, it worked! I have been reluctant to add other meds for fear of the bio-filter disruption and my plants. Seems like a good solution. 100+ eggs and only 10% are now white after two days.