View Full Version : How do I stop hanging on their every move...?

01-02-2017, 12:57 PM
Ok, call me a weirdo, but most of you out there would be lying if you said you didn't feel the same...

Lately, I feel like I am just hanging on my wilds every move. It is such a roller-coaster and is starting to annoy and bother me, yet I can't help it.

I guess I just want them happy and perfect and thriving, but it is like I have this mental check list and know every thing on every fish and I just start to nitpick...

It is a new tank and new fish and again I just want to be successful, but I feel like I am back to stressing myself out.

Anyone have this issue? Any tips?

I am always like oh that one looks a tad darker, is that a spot a scrape is this one breathing weird... I feel neurotic!

Second Hand Pat
01-02-2017, 01:02 PM
Yup, know how you feel. If the fish are active, happy and eating I do not worry about them. :D Don't go looking for issues Phil...relax and enjoy. The fish will tell you if something is amiss.

01-02-2017, 01:21 PM
Stop by in the "you know that you are discus Hobbist when...." And share this there Phill :).
I'm sure you'll be amazed by the number of discus keepers who have this too :)

01-02-2017, 02:17 PM
Thanks for the feedback guys!

I added the post there Flip!

Pat- I think I am also spooked because before I got rid of my domestics and crosses I lost a cuperia cross due to a flesh wound that I think I let go too long. I really hate meds and all that and try to take the very clean water approach and I think my delay in treating caused its downfall... so that could be a contributing factor...

01-03-2017, 05:27 PM
I guess it is all safe until you start acting on these 'small issues' - moving the arrangement, change in feeding or worst trying medication...I know Phil is a veteran...but partially educated mid-level hobbyist like me always make that rookie mistake of intervening rather than being patient! (as I am typing this the only thought that is running at the back of my mind is - should I do something about that big blue SS who didn't eat as usual yesterday evening?!?)

01-04-2017, 01:00 PM
Super annoying when my stress relieving hobby itself becomes a source of stress.

Lol, maybe we should say the "Serenity Prayer" when this gets too out of hand.

01-05-2017, 10:38 AM
Whether we like it or not and whether we would like to admit it to our selves and to others around us or not , i think that this hobby and discus keeping in particular affects our everyday moods and emotions .
We are happy and satisfied when things are thriving , but we can be very anxious and exhausted when things go downhill .

No matter how cool and calm we try to stay , the truth is that we are affected by the things that matters to us, and this hobby and discus I think are high on this list.

01-05-2017, 11:18 AM
Whether we like it or not and whether we would like to admit it to our selves and to others around us or not , i think that this hobby and discus keeping in particular affects our everyday moods and emotions .
We are happy and satisfied when things are thriving , but we can be very anxious and exhausted when things go downhill .

No matter how cool and calm we try to stay , the truth is that we are affected by the things that matters to us, and this hobby and discus I think are high on this list.

This is so very true Flip... Happening to me as I type this. Having some issues in my new set-up and I am just bummed. My family could so tell and was asking me yesterday what was wrong and if I was ok. I was like yea yea I am fine as I don't like to bug them with my fish drama... but it hits me.

I guess when you are passionate about something you want to be succesful and when not it can be a big blow...