View Full Version : Stocking planted 75 gallon

01-10-2017, 01:51 AM
I'm starting up a 75 gallon low tech and want some feed back on my stocking list

5 adult discus
20 rummynose tetras
5-10 ottos
Maybe snails or shrimp if they don't get eaten

Is this overstocked or okay? I will have a large peice of driftwood maybe couple medium size rocks and sand substrate

Thanks in advance

01-10-2017, 02:00 AM
Doesn't sound overstocked to me. How big will the discus be??

Many struggle with the delicate balance of plants and discus as their needs sort of bounce off one another.

01-10-2017, 09:22 AM
Yea I've read a lot about that I just want to test it out with good bunch of low light hardy plants maybe run the tank without fish a couple weeks dosing ammonia trying to balance things out, adding the little fish then the big boys at the end

All five will be no less than 6"
I was wanting to throw a sae but they get too big
Maybe a squad of ottos and a Bristol nose pleco will do as far as controlling algea

01-10-2017, 12:01 PM
Sounds good. Good luck. Post some pics and keep us posted.

Leland F.
01-10-2017, 01:38 PM
Put the rummynose and ottos in first to let them get established for a couple months before you add the discus. You could keep the discus in quarantine for the initial 2 months. Rummynose are usually very touchy initially, and can break out in ich or other parasites or infections that would transfer to the discus and cause a potential disaster. Get the filter and smaller fish established first before you add your discus, and don't add anymore fish after that unless you quarantine them for 2 months prior.


01-10-2017, 06:53 PM
Well I have the school of rummynose in another tank where I'm growing them out.I had them with my discus to begin with I just decided to separate them and throw all my discus in the 75 gallon now I have moved all the discus in a 65g while I plant and scape the 75 I would just need to quarantine the ottos

Thank y'all for the input!