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View Full Version : Wanting to start a 55 gallon growout tank, concerned about having to move.

01-12-2017, 11:41 PM
As the title states I'm looking to start a 55 gallon growout tank with a Topfin hob filter suited for the 55, and two sponge filters, bare bottom...

My real question is that if I have to move 20-50 miles, will this be doable? I figure setup a secondary tank at the new location prior to the move so I can put them somewhere, whether it be a 20 gallon or some used tank off craigslist...

I just wanted to make sure this is doable as its the only thing holding me back from picking a strain of discus at the juvenile age and growing them out to eventually go in a low tech planted 150 or 200.

01-13-2017, 01:13 PM
Of course it is dooable. These fish are shipped all over the world, they can make a short move like yours with no issues. Bearing you take the proper precautions and plan accordingly...

When do you plan to move? Is it worth just waiting or is a move just a possible thing and you don't want to wait it out?

01-16-2017, 01:55 PM
Hi DojoLoach and welcome .
I agree with Phill's comments .Transferring discus for a 50 miles ride would be 2 hours max. and I think you can easily pull that off in a 10 gallons bucket covered with blankets if its still winter .

Just put the pre rinsed filter sponges and other materials in a bucket too and start fresh in your new tank with your discus and your seeded filter materials from your previous filters .

01-16-2017, 04:58 PM
Thanks for the replies guys..And thanks for the welcome!!!

I do plan to move within a year so upgrading to the 150 in a year as well. I don't want them to be overcrowded in the 55 as adults.

Also, I've searched the forums a decent bit and heard mixed advice from the LFS.. How many 2-3" discus juvies can I put in a bb 55 gallon with proper %50 percent daily water changes? The guys at the fish store gave me different answers:"As many as you want as long as filtration is good", the other said "A minimum of 75g". While beginner stickies on this site state a 55bb. I was wanting to end up with 10-12 in the end once they're adults, before transferring to the 150g.

Would you suggest waiting a year to do the discus growout and just grow out some angels instead?

How fast will these guys grow to adults (6") that can go in a lightly planted lowtech 150g? I don't want to get stuck at an awkward point where the fish need a larger tank but I have to move within a month or two, maybe a year. Or possibly not for a couple years, all job dependent.

I don't want them to be overcrowded in the 55.

01-17-2017, 07:05 AM
If you start with 2-3 inch juvies (approx. 2-3 months of age) you can end up with 6 inchers in less than 5-6 months with a proper care , meaning daily big WCs and 3 fat and quality protein feedings per day.

Comfortable number of adult 6-7 inch discus for your 55g is 5-6 discus fish.
You can overstock it with 8 adults for some time , but special care in cleaning and waterchangin will be required if you go this route .

01-17-2017, 09:13 AM
Filip, Thanks I appreciate that feedback. My apartment lease will be up in about 9 months so I'm just gonna take the plunge now. I may not even have to move depending on new job location. A friend of mine also has an empty 75 gallon he can give me for free if I need to split up the adults before moving to a 150g.

On another note, I have been searching around and still searching.. But my plan is to use 1x 250 watt heater for the tank with a finnex controller that costs around 50 bucks. I'm not set on the heater or controller yet, but I want to just run one heater, and if it fails I can go buy another. This would be oppose to running two heaters on a controller.

For filtration I'm going to be running 2x hydro IV sponge filters with air pumps, a prefilter sponge on HOB top fin that came standard with my 55gallon topfin kit from petsmart. Based on the stickies I read in the beginner section this should be plenty of filtration.

Does anyone see anything wrong with my filtration and heating plan?

01-17-2017, 10:47 AM
Filip, Thanks I appreciate that feedback. My apartment lease will be up in about 9 months so I'm just gonna take the plunge now. I may not even have to move depending on new job location. A friend of mine also has an empty 75 gallon he can give me for free if I need to split up the adults before moving to a 150g.

On another note, I have been searching around and still searching.. But my plan is to use 1x 250 watt heater for the tank with a finnex controller that costs around 50 bucks. I'm not set on the heater or controller yet, but I want to just run one heater, and if it fails I can go buy another. This would be oppose to running two heaters on a controller.

For filtration I'm going to be running 2x hydro IV sponge filters with air pumps, a prefilter sponge on HOB top fin that came standard with my 55gallon topfin kit from petsmart. Based on the stickies I read in the beginner section this should be plenty of filtration.

Does anyone see anything wrong with my filtration and heating plan?

I see nothing wrong with your plan .
I guess the tank will be in your warmer temp. apartment and in case of your heater failure the water temp .won't drop down too much ??

Why don't you start with your friends 75 g rightaway and carry out your original plan of growing out 10 -12 discus ?

01-17-2017, 11:12 AM
I know my tank numbers/sizes don't make much sense... but, only problem with starting with a 75 is I'd be needing to build another stand, something I don't really have room for honestly. Especially with a couple 20 gallon brute cans around, and my other few tanks. I do have an empty 20 gallon I could put a couple discus in but that might be a pain, plus they like to be in numbers. I'll just stick with the going consensus and do 8-10 discus in the 55.

Maybe buy 10 and sell a couple as they grow to LFS?Am I asking for trouble doing 12 juvies in that 55 with 50% daily water changes while additionally siphoning out uneaten food on the bottom, assuming I can get a few of them out or transfer to larger tank? Should I stick with 8 as you recommended earlier?

I also read that discus have a lifespan of 10 years at times. So if they grow that quickly in half a year I see no reason why I couldn't just grow out 8 in the 55 now, put those in the 150g once I have it at the new place, and then add more juvies to grow out in the 55g later on.