View Full Version : What is the least amount of time I can QT new fish?

01-13-2017, 10:12 AM
Hey all. Finally went in the right direction and set up a qt tank for new arrivals(36g bow). In this case it is all community fish for my 125, 12 Cardinals, 10 sterbai, and 4 rams. All is going great and I gave them a week treatment of paraguard in case. Now my issue is the Rams. 2 were a confirmed pair. It seems my EBRs have also paired off and the pairs are not taking kindly to one another. One of the EBRs chased the GBR around for about 15 min straight this morning. Little worried that it will get worse and result in a stressed or dead ram.

Its now been 2 weeks for the EBRs in QT and they are eating and behaving great, no signs of illness. Would it be a bad idea to remove the EBRs and relocate to my 125 to solve the harassing? My other concern is moving one pair of rams into the 125 before the other, and they establish a large territory before the other rams....Thanks as always for any help.

Second Hand Pat
01-13-2017, 10:17 AM
Try adding a divider to the tank. Perhaps egg crate or foam is an option. Best to not break quarantine.

01-13-2017, 10:26 AM
Try adding a divider to the tank. Perhaps egg crate or foam is an option. Best to not break quarantine.

Thought the same but the tank they are in is a bow front, making a flush barrier they cant cross almost impossible. I tried putting some pvc and fake plants in to split the tank up a bit but it didnt help.

Second Hand Pat
01-13-2017, 10:50 AM
Foam would make a good barrier if you can find a large enough piece which is fish friendly.

01-13-2017, 12:02 PM
Rams are tough and territorial but I think a 125 gal. tank between two pairs may be enough to avoid anyone being harassed too much. Egg crate, assuming the grates are fine enough, should work well.

01-13-2017, 12:39 PM
Stu I believe his issue is with them in a 36 gallon qt now...

I would agree with pat dont break qt if you can help it, you saw what can go down.. try and use the crate and stuff the openings w foam? or filter pads or something

Thoughts on paraguard?

01-13-2017, 01:25 PM
Exactly right phil, not worried about the 125...just the next cple weeks in the bare 36g. I will see if I can find some foam.

As for the paraguard, all of my fish seemed to respond well to it. Ran it for a week or so then did a large WC and added purigen to the filter to remove the rest. It's what I'll use on every QT tank with new fish from here on out, unless they are showing specific symptoms of a disease that it doesnt treat.

01-13-2017, 01:54 PM
Thoughts on paraguard?

I have used this in the 1-3 hour dip but one must be careful it can and will burn. I have not used it in tank itself BUT IF my memory serves me correctly is it not the the very same stuff as Seachem Excel with blue dye? Which in all honesty Excel is a medical sterilizer for tools and such. Makes one think that if one was using this Excel with plants why would it not be hostile to parasites as well?

01-13-2017, 02:11 PM
Go to petco and get the universal heater suction cups and some egg crate and create the barrier. That way you dont have to worry about the curve of the glass just cut to size and hold in place with suction cups a few on both sided front and back.

01-16-2017, 12:12 PM
I've used Parguard therapeutically as in long term treatment with no problem but lost one of my Discus when I used it in a bucket as a dip. The fish didn't seem to display any discomfort or issues during the treatment but quickly died afterwards. This is my one experience using this as a dip. I'm not a big fan of quick dip treatments.