View Full Version : Another "is it stunted?" question...

01-20-2017, 07:35 AM
http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn305/tunerhead24/D38E2334-87FE-4387-802A-60E1530A15BE_zpsl2go4kve.jpg (http://s307.photobucket.com/user/tunerhead24/media/D38E2334-87FE-4387-802A-60E1530A15BE_zpsl2go4kve.jpg.html)

It's the runt of the pack and a few months ago it was sick for about 3 weeks.
I do 60% water changes everyday or every other day from an aging barrel.
Ph is at 7.4-7.6

Does it look stunted? I'm afraid it is...

01-20-2017, 08:32 AM
Looks deformed to me.


01-20-2017, 08:43 AM
Well it does look a little less then stellar but why does it matter now? You cannot go back and change history. Just go forward and see how he does.


01-20-2017, 09:43 AM
Well it does look a little less then stellar but why does it matter now? You cannot go back and change history. Just go forward and see how he does.


I've had em since he was a juvi, I was thinking about selling him but I've decided to keep him even if it stays that size. Out of the eight that I bought from Hans this is the only one that I've had a problem with.

01-20-2017, 10:23 AM
I have one with that exact same story and looks identical!
He got hex a couple months ago.

He is very much a runt/stunted but he is very healthy and maintains a position in the middle of the pack.
My wife loves him! Guess he will stay!
I threatened to use him as a hero fish last month and I heard it from the Mrs.

01-20-2017, 11:52 AM
You almost always have one in the group that will lag behind. It is normally because it is the low man on the totem pole. It is just how it is.


01-20-2017, 03:37 PM
You almost always have one in the group that will lag behind. It is normally because it is the low man on the totem pole. It is just how it is.


Agree but I also think it is a DNA thing also. When I had some that grew slower even when I moved them to a tank that it WAS the dominate or only fish they still never grew as large or as well as the siblings even when taking into consideration that they all get the same everything Care, Food and water changes. All we can do is give it the best care we can.

two utes
01-20-2017, 04:30 PM
His eye to body ratio doesn't look right to me, but he does have some other nice features. I think you're doing enough work for him to turn into a nice fish....l'd keep him and see how he goes.

01-20-2017, 08:17 PM
What strain is the fish behind the runt in the picture? Wonderful colors!

01-21-2017, 10:55 AM
What strain is the fish behind the runt in the picture? Wonderful colors!

It's a stendker blue diamond, thanks.

01-22-2017, 10:32 PM
http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn305/tunerhead24/6130B358-D01A-4849-A8D2-E221741ADB1C_zpsao0c7ouv.jpg (http://s307.photobucket.com/user/tunerhead24/media/6130B358-D01A-4849-A8D2-E221741ADB1C_zpsao0c7ouv.jpg.html)

They're going to be roughly a year old in February.