View Full Version : my discus setup is now ready!!

01-27-2017, 03:47 PM
Guys today I've sorted my 75 gallon setup out I've striped out all sand what was in there with my oscar gave it a right good clean, 80% water change but the bad thing was my temp went right down to 20°c but before water change it was 26°c but now I've raised it to get to 28/29°c for my discus and as I'm doing water changes I kept my fluval filter running but I was producing to many micro bubbles so I turned it off and I still have some micro bubbles ��
Tell me what you guys think of my setup

01-27-2017, 04:10 PM
:thumbsup:Cool setup Ash i wish u all the best keep us posted when u get your fish in. Btw whats that black spots on the glass?

01-27-2017, 04:27 PM
:thumbsup:Cool setup Ash i wish u all the best keep us posted when u get your fish in. Btw whats that black spots on the glass?
Thank you rahim I will keep you guys posted when I get them and the black spots are from were I tried to vinyl the back of the tank but failed with the bubbles lol

two utes
01-27-2017, 06:08 PM
Good luck with your new set up Ash.
It doesn't look bad at all, even with the black marks which look alright to me. I just hope that your oscar didn't leave any nasties behind for your discus to pick up. How many discus and at what size are you planning to put in it?

01-27-2017, 06:24 PM
Good luck with your new set up Ash.
It doesn't look bad at all, even with the black marks which look alright to me. I just hope that your oscar didn't leave any nasties behind for your discus to pick up. How many discus and at what size are you planning to put in it?

Thank you mate ☺ and I'm not rushing to get the discus yet as oscar has not long gone I'm giving time incase they have left any nasties so keep the tank fish free for a month or 2 and I'm thinking of getting 4/6 discus at 2.5/3" that's all I can get at the minute he's a private breeder and takes real good care of his stock

two utes
01-27-2017, 06:29 PM
Looking forward to seeing those discus in there. Going on the size of your tank l would definitely start with 6 to 8 if you can. Trust me when l say that you will have better success with a larger group. When you grow them out you can always reduce the group back down to 6. I think starting with four will be a mistake.

01-27-2017, 06:39 PM
So you removed a fish, left the water and tank as is and now want to add discus?

Ummm, why not break it all down and sterilize so rather than fingers crossed hope you KNOW there are no nasties!

01-27-2017, 06:49 PM
So you removed a fish, left the water and tank as is and now want to add discus?

Ummm, why not break it all down and sterilize so rather than fingers crossed hope you KNOW there are no nasties!

But what nasties will survive in a tank with no fish to feed on

01-27-2017, 06:51 PM
You would be surprised my newbie friend! Using the same filters, sponges?

Risk vs. Zero Risk - You choose...

minimize risk at every chance possible! A few minutes now could save you days weeks months of heart ache and issues down the road...

two utes
01-27-2017, 06:58 PM
Ash l tend to agree with Phil on this occasion.
You mentioned that you were going to keep your tank free from discus for a month or two in any case.
Personally, if it was me, l would empty the tank and sterilize everything. Leave the tank dry out for a couple of weeks and start from scratch with a new cycle. You're going to buy discus for the first time, and l would hate to see you posting threads in the disease section in a few months.

At the end of the day its up to you how you go forward, but l would give your fish the best start possible.

01-27-2017, 08:03 PM
You always agree with me Joe!!!

Who are you kidding ;) LOL

01-27-2017, 08:37 PM
Next time you add vinyl to something take a spray bottle with water + dish washing detergent (normal ratio), and lightly spray the surface first. This will help you position the vinyl (it won't grab as much). Take a credit card and squeegee the detergent out starting in the centre. You can still get a lot of those bubbles out by scoring them with a hobby knife and using your fingernail /credit card to push the air bubbles out. Same for any difficult spots with using detergent. Obviously don't get any detergent on the inside of your tank.

You also might take the opportunity to change out that original white ceramic noodle media for something better, if you still have it in there. That stuff is rated pretty low for surface area. The ceramic noodles with the holes all through them are rated much higher. I use MarinePure, which is rated higher again because when I bought my tank the sump was smallish, and it's especially useful where space is limited (although they say it can get clogged real easy in a canister, due to the muck that gets trapped in there), I use a 100 micron sock in my sump for this reason. Bio balls are useless unless you're trickling with them, so don't use them in a canister. What else do they have in there, Matrix or something? Careful if you use anything with Zeolite (an ammonia absorbing filter media), and if you do use it, remove it if you add salt to the aquarium because salt causes it to release the stored ammonia).

01-28-2017, 04:26 AM
You would be surprised my newbie friend! Using the same filters, sponges?

Risk vs. Zero Risk - You choose...

minimize risk at every chance possible! A few minutes now could save you days weeks months of heart ache and issues down the road...

So shall I clean all my canister then drain tank and fill back up?

01-28-2017, 04:36 AM
To be honest if I'm starting from scratch again I'm going to trade in my fluval fx6 to get a smaller canister this one is to powerfull and I think it will stress the discus. get a couple more sponge filters as I like them and if this big canister has gone i got storage to put a 50 litre bucket under my tank to age water ☺

01-28-2017, 11:09 AM
I would keep the Fx6 and turn the flow down with the red nobs on in intake/out put hose.+1 for a fresh start.Use a 1-10 parts bleach/water or vinegar to clean their environment.

01-28-2017, 11:12 AM
I would keep the Fx6 and turn the flow down with the red nobs on in intake/out put hose.+1 for a fresh start.Use a 1-10 parts bleach/water or vinegar to clean their environment.

+1 - you already have it why downgrade... but I see your want to age, if that is the case, why not go all sponge filters?

01-28-2017, 11:18 AM
I've already traded it in I have now got 3 sponge filters there easier to clean than a canister filter but I might get a small canister filter in a couple months see how this goes first but I'm Draining the hole tank later and giving it a good clean b4 starting my cycle again. And I have my room for aging my water now so that's a big bonus

01-28-2017, 11:21 AM
+1 - you already have it why downgrade... but I see your want to age, if that is the case, why not go all sponge filters?

Yes mate I think I'm gunna go all sponge filters but I've got to thank you guys for all your help and support ☺

01-28-2017, 12:31 PM
What did you trade the cannister for? What was the deal?

01-28-2017, 01:12 PM
What did you trade the cannister for? What was the deal?
It was £80 when I got it but my mate owns a Aquatics so I traded it in and got £70 in store credit so spent it on bits and bobs aswell as setting a quarantine tank up under my main tank aswell as heaters and sponge filters air pumps and equipment to age my water so spent my credit on thing that's important to the setup and fish ��

01-28-2017, 01:14 PM
Sounds like a good deal to me... to only loose 10 for something that you almost seemed burdened by and now you got a bunch of new goodies. You seem happier and more comfy with the ease of sponges and I can not say you are wrong in anyway!

So nice score and some good connections and wheelin and dealin on your part!

01-28-2017, 01:24 PM
Sounds like a good deal to me... to only loose 10 for something that you almost seemed burdened by and now you got a bunch of new goodies. You seem happier and more comfy with the ease of sponges and I can not say you are wrong in anyway!

So nice score and some good connections and wheelin and dealin on your part!

Yes buddy i feel alot better now. I got space for ageing water as ino it's really important for the fish got a quarantine tanks ready to setup wich is something you MUST have! And more filteration so it's a big win win for me but like I said before.. a big thanks to you guys for the help and support ☺

two utes
01-28-2017, 06:26 PM
I've already traded it in I have now got 3 sponge filters there easier to clean than a canister filter but I might get a small canister filter in a couple months see how this goes first but I'm Draining the hole tank later and giving it a good clean b4 starting my cycle again. And I have my room for aging my water now so that's a big bonus

Ash. I commend you for not taking the easy way out. You have taken the advice given and taken action to start on the right foot. Well done mate!

Please do not purchase your discus from someone that is not taking proper care of them, or you will be back where you started. I think you may know enough from the info' you may have gathered from this site to know.

01-28-2017, 07:15 PM
Ash. I commend you for not taking the easy way out. You have taken the advice given and taken action to start on the right foot. Well done mate!

Please do not purchase your discus from someone that is not taking proper care of them, or you will be back where you started. I think you may know enough from the info' you may have gathered from this site to know.

Thank you Joe ☺ yes all my discus are going to be from the one guy he deals with just discus so that's were he puts all his time so I'm going to get them from there.