View Full Version : How do these look?

02-02-2017, 04:56 PM
Hi All,

I'm planning to buy some new discus.
This breeder is selling some (we don't get that many options in NZ) and was just wondering if they looked healthy/good shape/growth for their age.
The breeder has said they are about 9months old.

Thanks :)

02-02-2017, 05:51 PM
They look nice.Here is a growth chart

02-02-2017, 07:35 PM
Take a look at my signature (found below) or take a look at my blog which you should see under my avatar here on the left side:

I pretty much showed the growth stages of my group. I have a 9 month mark I believe.

With that said, personally I think these should be a little larger than they currently are for 9 months. With that said, they look to be in good health and look nice.

02-02-2017, 07:48 PM
They look great in colour, pattern and shape BGK but their age makes me wanna think twice about buyin them .
I guess they might be runts or the smallest leftovers from the whole breed , because they look small but have good shape and decend eye to body ratio .
If you are personally satisfied with their size i would say , go for it , but if you are expecting to grow some more size from them , than i would think twice about the purchase.

02-02-2017, 08:05 PM
Thanks for the input guys.
He says they are about 9+cm excluding tail.
So i am guessing including tail they will be about 11+cm?
I will go see for myself tonight to make sure, but if they are, then I guess they would be about right in size based on the growth chart?

02-02-2017, 08:15 PM
Thanks for the input guys.
He says they are about 9+cm excluding tail.
So i am guessing including tail they will be about 11+cm?
I will go see for myself tonight to make sure, but if they are, then I guess they would be about right in size based on the growth chart?

on 9th month they ussualy should look almost full grown 14-15 Cm. discus BKG . Go to Ricardos growout thread as he said , and see how big they can grow in less than 8 months of age .
11- 12 Cm.in 9 months is past their growth potential IMO.

02-02-2017, 09:29 PM
they look beautiful to me

02-03-2017, 01:44 PM
They are nice discus.
I would buy them.
Good luck.

02-03-2017, 02:06 PM
Looks decent.

02-05-2017, 12:46 AM
Hey guys.
Thanks for all your input.
I bought 6 of these yesterday.
I know they might be a little smaller for their age but like I said. In New Zealand there ain't too many options. And they look pretty healthy all around.
They seem pretty happy so far. I fed them a little today and most of them are already eating :) also did a 90% water change today.
I will take a few photos of the ones I chose in the coming days and perhaps you guys can let me know what you think then.

Thanks for all your help guys!

02-05-2017, 08:22 AM
Good luck with them BGK . They have great colours , patterns and shape and look very healthy .They still have some catching up to do with their growth though.

I'm looking forward seen pictures of your selection of discus in your tank .

02-08-2017, 05:47 AM
Here's a few pics of the 6 discus that I chose (sorry picture quality is not the best).
They are in a 50gal.
I've been trying to do 80-90% water changes daily but have missed a couple of days (today is the 6th day i have had them, and i have done 4x 80-90% water changes)
They I have 2 canister filters running.

So far 1 is eating the tetra color bits (a LOT of it lol)
2 are eating my beefheart mix.
The others don't seem to be eating yet. Should I be worried?
They all swim together and come out quite often, although they are still a bit timid and scared at times.

02-08-2017, 08:07 AM
Increasing the water's temperature by a few degrees will stimulate their appetite.

02-08-2017, 10:45 AM
They look great BGK .
Don't worry about their timid and shy behaviour and their hesitant appetite .
They still need some time to adjust to the new environment and water parameters .
As for food , its best to ask the breeder what are they mostly used to , and give them that for a start just to get them to eat . Afterwards you can experiment new variety of foods if you like .
Try not to skip daily WCs , at least for this first month .
Good luck BGK.

02-10-2017, 06:58 AM
Thanks for the help guys.
However, today is officially 1 week since i got my discus.
still only 1 eats the tetra color bits (he eats HEAPS of them)
I saw 2 of them peck on 1 tetra color bit once and spit it back out.

There's also 2 that will nibble on my beefheart mix.

All of them comes out swimming around, and actually asks for food when i go near the tank.
Only thing is that they don't eat it when i actually put the food in.
I've been keeping up with my daily water changes of 80-90%

Tomorrow i may try to buy some freeze dried blood worms to see if they eat that.
I have asked the breeder what he was feeding them, and he said that he feeds them tetra color bits and beefheart mix.

I will try to increase the water temperature to 30celcius tomorrow when i do my water change to try and encourage them to eat.
Am I doing anything wrong here?
Should I be worried?
Apart from not eating, they all seem to be extremely healthy? (a tiny bit skittish still at times when i walk to fast)

two utes
02-10-2017, 04:54 PM
You have done well with the group that you selected, and l look forward to see their progress. Would be a better idea to purchase freeze dried blackworms instead of bloodworms. I would give them a few weeks to settle in before raising the water temp

02-10-2017, 10:13 PM
Hey guys,

Just an update, I just fed them some of my beefheart mix and i can see 4 of them eating it.
This is a good sign as before only 3 fish were eating.
The other 2 still not eating.
I just went out to buy some Tetra Freeze Fried Bloodworms (we don't have blackworms in NZ, not sure why)
I will do a 90% water change soon (they are still pecking at the beefheart right now)
and later tonight i will try the freeze dried bloodworms and see if that helps (it says 50% protein)

I really hope the other 2 will start eating soon.

02-18-2017, 11:29 PM
His are your new discus BGK 2 ?
Did they all started eating , or you still have some hardknocks left ?