View Full Version : Worth getting Corydoras in Discus community tank?

02-10-2017, 12:23 PM
Hey guys need some advice regarding Corydoras and Plecos as tank mates for Discus.

I have a 40g tank, they house 12 Rams (Electric/GBR/Golden Balloon), a couple Rummynose Tetra and 3x Endlers.

My Discus shipment is expected tomorrow.

A few days back I was on the hunt for Sterbai Corydoras and Pleco and I managed to get them. But the seller incorrectly gave me 6x Three-lined Corydoras instead, I will be returning the Corys back but will keep the 2x Dwarf Albino Bristlenose Plecos. Both are very small (under 2").

Now the main issue: These Corys have been in my tank past few days and previously there were no scavengers in my tank and I religiously used to siphon and do PWC every 2 days and the tank would be really clean. Since I've got the Corys and Plecos, past 2 days the white sand substrate looks like a bed filled with black poop everywhere !!! I'm positive soo much poop is not from any of my older fishes. The amount of poop is almost 5-10x what was there in tank prior to introducing these guys.

In the long run,does it help having these Corys? I read a piece of info today that says even though they poop a lot they help to control algae growth and any uneaten food is also consumed by these guys. Is it still a better trade off?

Is it possible that I'm finding soo much poop because these guys are newly introduced to the tank and are having a hogathon eating food that wasn't visible to me? Or do they in general poop a lot regularly?

I have very few plants and probably will remove them once the Discus are in.

I would like opinions & suggestions please, thanks!

02-10-2017, 12:44 PM
My guess is you're on the right track. I have read the plecos poop a lot, and that probably means they're eating stuff you might not usually notice, and possibly making it easier to remove as poop. Are you planning to quarantine you new discus?

02-10-2017, 12:54 PM
Sounds like a planted tank, given the BN, and yes they poop a lot.

02-10-2017, 01:14 PM
My guess is you're on the right track. I have read the plecos poop a lot, and that probably means they're eating stuff you might not usually notice, and possibly making it easier to remove as poop. Are you planning to quarantine you new discus?

Thanks !
Should I get the Sterbai Corys aswell?
I have a small 18g tank I can QT in but I'm getting the Discus from a very reliable breeder who keeps them in good condition, do I still need to QT?

Sounds like a planted tank, given the BN, and yes they poop a lot.
The tank has a decent amount of Driftwood and exactly 3 plants (Amazon Sword, Vallisneria & a small bunch of Hairgrass), if these are gonna cause any issues I'll take them out straight away.

02-10-2017, 01:38 PM
OP are you planning on keeping the discus in a 40gallon tank? You probably know where I am already headed with this

02-10-2017, 02:05 PM
It will be in 40g for a few months, I will be upgrading shortly (I'm aware I need a massive tank to add all the awesome strains and drool watching them)

02-10-2017, 04:34 PM
IMO,your not ready for discus tomorrow.You may already have contaminated the tank with these newer fish.That's up to you tho.If you really want to raise beautiful discus.Start simple and not be in a hurry for a planted tank or other tank mates.

02-10-2017, 04:45 PM
IMO,your not ready for discus tomorrow.You may already have contaminated the tank with these newer fish.That's up to you tho.If you really want to raise beautiful discus.Start simple and not be in a hurry for a planted tank or other tank mates.+ 1 Very good point

Jack L
02-10-2017, 08:56 PM
i have cories, they don't seem to make a lot of droppings

regardless, in a 40g, you already have a significant bioload with the fish you listed. Discus make more mess than other fish.

02-11-2017, 08:42 AM
Yeah discus poop a lot.

02-13-2017, 07:38 PM
If you are looking for a cleanup crew stick with the Corys. The plecos with have a far greater impact on bio load. Far far greater. Every morning you will see brown spaghetti everywhere. That's from the plecos searching for food and pooping all night.

Discus poop a lot also but plecos are pooping machines

02-13-2017, 11:05 PM
can never go wrong with corys. and like other said. pleco's poop a LOT. i have 40 high end rare cory's in my 135g.

02-13-2017, 11:14 PM
pleco is the only fish i have ever had that poops more than goldfish. Compare to them, discus poop is nothing. On the bright side, at least you didn't get a common pleco.

02-16-2017, 05:06 AM
Well, I decided to keep the 6x Three-lined Corydoras (juvies) in my tank along with the 2x Dwarf Albino Bristlenose Pleco (juvies) as they are doing a great job and the alarming amount of poop that freaked me out initially has dropped back to normal after a couple days since they were introduced, so my initial suspicion was right. Infact, the only significant amount of poop visible is only from the newly added juvenile Discus in my tank and I'm doing daily WC now instead of alternate days, so nothing major.

Thanks for the responses!

07-07-2017, 02:57 PM
What Corydoras species are compatible with WILD discus water and temps ? My PH is 6.0 and temps 82-84F ... it is a not a planted tank , although I have a few growing / rooted pothos in there.

07-07-2017, 06:23 PM
Pipa, any cory that is compatible with domestic discus would work for your wilds as well. Sterbai are a very good choice..