View Full Version : Not all dechlorinator's are created equal

02-24-2017, 05:20 PM
Now granted my water change method may not be liked by everyone, but its what has worked (2+ years) and I have the ability to do at the moment. So last night was water change night and I was running later into the night than usual. I start my routine of scrubbing and getting hoses set up. begin draining and refilling and realize my Api Tap water conditioner is empty (fudge) its after 9pm, no store that sells API is open. So decide to use Amquel instead and see how it goes. Finish change routine, and fish seem Ok huddled little closer than normal but that's all. So I get work stuff ready for morning and wind down before going off to bed 1 hour later. And I walk into bedroom and my heart stops. everyone still huddle together not off swimming around yet except one of my 6in Fire Reds, dead as a door nail laying bottom of tank, nicest fish in whole tank swims with everyone and stays out of all sparring matches. so next 3 hours is a mad dash to Walmart to get a different dechlor, and complete drain of tank and refill, dechlor and watch till 2a.m Up for work at 4a.m. and everyone spread out sleeping and looking great. Anyways please make sure your dechlor fits your routine, apparently some work in different ways or something. I know I should let water stand over night but don't have the space for bulk water holding and heating. anyways thanks for listening.

P.S. 90 gallon bow BB, 7 Stendker from Hans 6-7 inches Fx-6

jim LI
02-24-2017, 05:24 PM
I have always had great success with Prime and Safe.

02-24-2017, 05:28 PM
I have always had great success with Prime and Safe.100 % agree,I got both of them so that I would not run out.

02-24-2017, 05:36 PM
watch till 2a.m Rich

Been there, done that, for other reasons/mishaps. The panic that sets in consume you especially in the middle of the night.

02-24-2017, 06:43 PM
Makes no sense to me,the Amquel should have neutralized the chlorine/chloramine just like Prime would have.....unless you had a really old bottle or a bad batch? Are you running Purigen in your filter by the way?

02-24-2017, 08:19 PM
I use Amquel with Purigen all the time. I just dump it straight into the tank with every water change.
Have never had a problem.
Amquel will lower your dissolved oxygen levels when you first dump it in.

02-24-2017, 08:21 PM
I have not had a problem with AmQuel. I switched to a new jug of NovAqua Plus last week and found that it didn't work very well. The jug was unopened, but had been in my store room for who knows how long. To simplify my life, it went down the drain and I went back to Prime.

At least I know NovAqua Plus has a shelf life and mine apparently had gone past that date.


02-24-2017, 11:44 PM
I am in no way saying that Amquel does not work or is bad, I am just stating that not all work the same way apparently, and yes my guess was O2 issue as well. No purigen. I add my water straight from tap and add half when half full and other half when full, been doing this 2+ years now with no issues ever during changes. Besides micro bubbles that they twitch off.


02-25-2017, 01:46 PM
I am in no way saying that Amquel does not work or is bad, I am just stating that not all work the same way apparently, and yes my guess was O2 issue as well. No purigen. I add my water straight from tap and add half when half full and other half when full, been doing this 2+ years now with no issues ever during changes. Besides micro bubbles that they twitch off.


Why add half then half when you are dosing for entire tank volume?

02-25-2017, 02:17 PM
Wow... Brutal... Makes my skin crawl to read stories like this, heartbreaking!

I echo the others questions, was this bottle old? Expired in some way, tampered with, etc?

Unfortunately I have had this occur and I feel your pain... Once, way early on keeping discus, I had read something, I think here actually, some guys from Jersey were saying they did water changes with "straight jersey tap juice" I took that as just reg tap and nothing else was best. I feared any additives may harm the fish, took their advice. On top of that, I forgot to restart my filter after I refilled and well, yea, lots of dead fish and a hard lesson learned...

02-25-2017, 02:23 PM
Just the way I have always done it. fill to about 50 gallons, dose for that 50, then fill to top and dose for another 50. Why? I
s there a difference?


02-25-2017, 02:26 PM
What % wc are you changing? Not saying you are wrong or anything just curious.

02-25-2017, 02:28 PM
100% +

03-10-2017, 03:04 PM
Just use this. Much cheaper and just as effective. https://www.amazon.com/Fritz-Aquatics-Concentrated-Chlorine-16-Ounce/dp/B00OTH5KY6/ref=sr_1_2?s=pet-supplies&ie=UTF8&qid=1489172579&sr=1-2&keywords=sodium+thiosulfate

03-10-2017, 04:39 PM
How is this cheaper when 500ml of Prime is $12.50.
Plus, why play around when you buy Prime.

03-10-2017, 04:59 PM
Just use this. Much cheaper and just as effective. https://www.amazon.com/Fritz-Aquatics-Concentrated-Chlorine-16-Ounce/dp/B00OTH5KY6/ref=sr_1_2?s=pet-supplies&ie=UTF8&qid=1489172579&sr=1-2&keywords=sodium+thiosulfate

Actually, that's not accurate. Sodium thiosulfate will bind chlorine. It does the same if your tapwater contains chloramine, which is true for just about every municipality these days. But, sodium thiosulfate breaks chloramine into chlorine and ammonia, binds the chlorine and release the ammonia. If your pH is near neutral or acidic, this is not a problem. If it's not (if your water is hard or requires a water softener), the ammonia released is toxic. Eventually your nitrogen cycle will get rid of it, but you're essentially adding ammonia with every water change.

If you really want cheap sodium thiosulfate, it's sold in hobby photography stores as "hypo" or "fixer". Same chemical. You can also buy it in crystalline form and blend 1 kg/gallon of water.


03-11-2017, 12:01 PM
I have been using sodium thiosulfate in the crystal form for the past 15 years.Our municipality uses chlorine only which is perfect for this neutralizer.The chemist I bought it from says not to mix up a large volume at once.Apparently,it says much more stable and less stable after mixed for long periods.It is very safe and I use one crystal per 5-10 gal. of water.A Kg.(2.2 lbs) costs about $20 here in Canada and it'll last for several years as long as you keep it in an air tight,dark,dry place.

03-13-2017, 01:25 PM
Because it treats 3 times the amount of water for a dollar more. And is only sodium thiasulfate (dechlorinator) and not all the unneccesary additives.