View Full Version : White stringy Feces !! PLAN B?

03-01-2017, 03:54 AM
Hello its again me with my problems ! So my discus have white stringy feces for some time now apox week! I been looking for meds here in Denmark but with no succes i just can't get metro vets just wont sell it and if they doo i need appointment after that vet will decide what to treat and staff !(so its usless) any ideas how to treat it different way ? ! I read one article where some ppl told that soaking food in epson salt solution can treat it !? should i try that or is there better solution!?

03-01-2017, 04:55 AM
If they are eating then food soaked in a 3% Epsom Salt solution is reported to work. I have used it, but only in combination with other drugs. See if you can find AZOO anti endoparasite or Kusuri wormer. If there are no plants or other fish in the tank, you can increase the temperature and oxygen. When I do this I normally take the temperature up to around 35-36 degrees Celsius for 5-7 days. If you do this, make sure you do it slowly and if they look stressed then drop it down. Mine never look stressed at that temperature.

03-01-2017, 05:04 AM
If they are eating then food soaked in a 3% Epsom Salt solution is reported to work. I have used it, but only in combination with other drugs. See if you can find AZOO anti endoparasite or Kusuri wormer. If there are no plants or other fish in the tank, you can increase the temperature and oxygen. When I do this I normally take the temperature up to around 35-36 degrees Celsius for 5-7 days. If you do this, make sure you do it slowly and if they look stressed then drop it down. Mine never look stressed at that temperature.
will try to search that !! really can they take 35+ degrese ?! the problem is i live in Denmark and the rules here are so annoying so any petshop in denmark can't sell anykid of drugs so my only hope is ebay , amazon so on! trying to search something in Germany but im just bad with finding something in German language :D!

03-01-2017, 06:06 AM
Yep - they can take high temperatures and it kills most parasites, increases their metabolism and stimulates feeding.

03-03-2017, 12:51 PM
Yep - they can take high temperatures and it kills most parasites, increases their metabolism and stimulates feeding.
Will 34C do the trick? my Jager heaters dont go higter than 34 :( . and i cant really find any what can heat up to 35-36F found one digital one (over priced ) what dose heat up to 36C but its 150W only

Mark N
03-05-2017, 06:39 PM
Your heater is ok. Just use what you have. 34 should be plenty. Can you mail order? Look for medicated food if you can and buy it on line. From what understand it is more effective to treat them in there food.

Ps I am no expert. There are others here that are by far more qualified to help you.

03-06-2017, 07:21 AM
Your heater is ok. Just use what you have. 34 should be plenty. Can you mail order? Look for medicated food if you can and buy it on line. From what understand it is more effective to treat them in there food.

Ps I am no expert. There are others here that are by far more qualified to help you.

After rising my temp up to 32c they was acting very great all eating and approaching top of aquarium when i come in room .. they eat great right now will keep my 33-34c for 7days and how they will recover .. i have ordered some metro and other staff from USA the only problem is that it takes arround month while it will arrive ..

03-06-2017, 09:01 AM
Great - sounds like they are on the road to recovery

Mark N
03-06-2017, 02:29 PM
The warmer temperature increases their metabolism. It also seems to increase their appetite. This in itself may be all you need to do. Medicated food would be better if you can find it. Angels Pluss has some. Also a world of knowledge also. Best to you and your fish.