View Full Version : Want to know your opinion

03-08-2017, 05:54 AM
I have a 500 l planted tank with 10 discus ,about a month ago i took a small piece of driftwood with some anubias out of the tank and put it out under pergola in a shallow container with water covering the plant ,the idea was that later on i can use it in a different tank , 2 days ago i brought it in and it was full of alive and dead mosquito also little red worm about 1/4 inch in length also some creature like a tadpole but much smaller about 1/8 inch , i took the plant out of the driftwood and microwave the wood for 2 minute and wash the plants as good as i could and supper glued it to the wood and put it in new container with fresh water and this time i left it behind the window inside the kitchen ,well today i inspected it and it is full of very small tadpoles but no red worm , we live in the outer suburb of Melbourne Australia.
Has any body experienced this before ,my question is are these creatures dangerous to discus or possibly carry parasites and how to disinfect the driftwood .
Any suggestion is welcomed and appreciated .

03-08-2017, 07:07 AM
Hi Sayid
Have not seen that before, but I would treat the plants and wood before returning to a tank. A salt dip or potassium permanganate would be the go. Get PP at the chemist- it is cheap.

03-09-2017, 05:02 AM
Hi Mat
Thanks for the reply, i was on the same wavelength as you and made a solution of 2 mg per ml . i use 1 ml of this for every liter of tank water to treat fluke in my discus , i was thinking of using same
concentration or stronger for about 4 hours alternatively use i part bleach in 19 part water and deep the plant/ wood for 1 minute ,what do you think? i have never tried salt deep in plants .

03-09-2017, 05:04 AM
Don't use bleach - last time I did that it severely damaged my plants. Go with the PP.

03-09-2017, 05:15 AM
Thanks Matt for your input.

03-09-2017, 09:03 AM
I purposely feed my fish mosquito larvae, its their favorite food of all time.....ever. also the little red worms are likely blood worms (larvae stage of the midge fly) also not harmful to your fish. I would simply rinse the anubias and put it back in the tank without a second thought.

03-10-2017, 06:12 AM
I purposely feed my fish mosquito larvae, its their favorite food of all time.....ever. also the little red worms are likely blood worms (larvae stage of the midge fly) also not harmful to your fish. I would simply rinse the anubias and put it back in the tank without a second thought.
Thanks Jacklyn ,some thing new i learned today.