View Full Version : I thought I was prepared!

03-10-2017, 06:32 PM
A windstorm blew through Upstate NY on Wednesday with peak gusts of 80 mph. The damage was pretty bad- 200,000 homes were left in the dark. Our power was out until 8 pm Thursday night. It could have been worse- some of my co-workers still do not have power, more wind right now with gust up to 40 mph is not helping the crews trying to get the lines back up. Temps are dropping and will be sub zero with the wind chill tonight.

I thought I was prepared. I had purchased 2 battery operated air pumps when I got the discus trying to foresee any issues. We did not own a generator but had the money and plans to get one, we just had not done it yet. (One will be arriving on Monday just in time for next week's forecast of a storm.) I had planned on using heated water floating in bottles to keep the tank warm. Great idea in theory but as the house got colder so did the tank even with blankets thrown on it and the water bottles got harder to keep up with. There is no way I could have kept that up for a day and a half. Let alone several days if I was on the other end of those outages.

My neighbors who knew how much I love my discus came knocking on our door with their generator.:angel: They were in the dark too but had a wood stove and an empty fridge and thought the generator was a pain to refill it's small tank every 2 hours. We have a gas stove top so we fed them a nice dinner. It was a long exhausting night and next day but worth it. Our house was at 48 degrees and the fish were in their balmy 83 degrees. I did put in a call to Kenny since he was my only contact I did not need the internet to look up to ask some questions he so graciously, as always, answered thoroughly and patiently.

So we made it but I am curious to know if any other members were able to get through an extended outage without a generator? Kenny assured me that the oxygen and water quality were more important than temperature as long as it did not drop too quickly. That surprised me, that they could get pretty low and bounce back. I always learn so much after talking to him. He put my mind at ease as I listened to that old machine backfiring and gasping in the backyard. Interested on hearing your stories, hopefully with happy endings like mine.

As a post script- I just let my 75 gallon community tank go- didn't do anything to try to save them and felt very guilty but my energy and resources were tapped out on the discus. Those hardy little devils were just fine. I lost one elderly Tiger Barb- may he rest in peace...:sad:

03-10-2017, 06:46 PM
Hi Jenene - as it would have it, I'm currently in the middle of a power outage here in Michigan. Our power went out on Wednesday and our only estimate is that it is likely to be back by Sunday. I was able to grab a couple battery powered aerators as well to keep things going. Luckily we still have hot water so I have just been doing mini-wc's every 6 hours or so to keep the temp up. Going on 48 hours now!

I'm glad you made it through!

03-10-2017, 06:57 PM
Hi Jenene - as it would have it, I'm currently in the middle of a power outage here in Michigan. Our power went out on Wednesday and our only estimate is that it is likely to be back by Sunday. I was able to grab a couple battery powered aerators as well to keep things going. Luckily we still have hot water so I have just been doing mini-wc's every 6 hours or so to keep the temp up. Going on 48 hours now!

I'm glad you made it through!

Oh I feel for you!!! That is a long time. Good thing you got the pumps. That is one thing every fish owner should have. Kenny mentioned the mini changes as well. I was worried about fluctuations but nature isn't even either. Thinking of you. Hope it comes on way earlier than the estimate. Keep us posted...

03-10-2017, 07:07 PM
Thanks! I'm sure we're not the only fish keepers affected - close to 800,000 people were without power here after the storm. I was just lucky enough to be able to find 2 air pumps at the store after the power went down. Without those I'd have been toast - should have been more prepared for sure.

It has been interesting to watch how the temps change on the different tanks. I have one 75gal and two 29gals and our house is about 50 degrees. The 75gal will only drop about 0.5-1 deg/hr whereas the 29's drop much quicker. Makes sense I suppose.

I do think the portable generator is a smart investment after all this. Will probably be looking into getting one myself.

03-10-2017, 07:19 PM
Thanks! I'm sure we're not the only fish keepers affected - close to 800,000 people were without power here after the storm. I was just lucky enough to be able to find 2 air pumps at the store after the power went down. Without those I'd have been toast - should have been more prepared for sure.

It has been interesting to watch how the temps change on the different tanks. I have one 75gal and two 29gals and our house is about 50 degrees. The 75gal will only drop about 0.5-1 deg/hr whereas the 29's drop much quicker. Makes sense I suppose.

I do think the portable generator is a smart investment after all this. Will probably be looking into getting one myself.

The larger the water volume the slower the drop. Mine was dropping quicker for some reason...

Yes. I figure now that my fish are almost fully grown they must be well over $1000 let alone my emotional attachment (priceless). We found a portable generator that will go for 9 hours on a tank and power quite a bit in the house. I am thinking of getting into a small reef tank so it will be a must have. You were really lucky to have found those pumps.

One tip for you trying to stay warm at night. Set up a camping tent in your warmest room. Your body heat will be insulated in the tent.

03-10-2017, 10:25 PM
thats one thing we havent done yet: prepare for outages. i have a wood stove near the tank tho, i wonder if that could keep it warm enough... gets to -40C here.. what kind of battery air pumps didnyou guys pick up?

03-10-2017, 10:43 PM
thats one thing we havent done yet: prepare for outages. i have a wood stove near the tank tho, i wonder if that could keep it warm enough... gets to -40C here.. what kind of battery air pumps didnyou guys pick up?

The wood stove would sure help Kyla. I am sure it does get cold up there. These are the ones I have. They take 2 "D" batteries so I think they would go for about five hours or more? I only used them for a few before the generator hooked up but they worked great. I put one under my media in the sump and the other powered a cycled sponge filter I pulled from the sump and another air stone. I just added a splitter. Ran both fine.


03-10-2017, 10:54 PM
I have a few of these. They turn on automatically when you lose power.


03-10-2017, 11:50 PM
Well good news - power is back! No casualties as of yet (the majority actually came out to eat). I ran 2 of the battery powered pumps mentioned by Jenene above for 50 straight hours with no signs of stopping.

03-11-2017, 07:45 AM
I have a few of these. They turn on automatically when you lose power.


That is a great alternative I would need 3 of them though unless I could find a more powerful one. I have very limited outlet space with all the gadgets the tanks require. It is pretty tight in that cabinet with all the cords. I could probably do one big one.

03-11-2017, 07:49 AM
Well good news - power is back! No casualties as of yet (the majority actually came out to eat). I ran 2 of the battery powered pumps mentioned by Jenene above for 50 straight hours with no signs of stopping.

Wow! That is fantastic that they ran so long. Who knew? I sent my husband out for back up batteries and never used them.
So good to hear you made it through. Are you in the path of the next one that is brewing? You may want to get a fresh supply of batteries! March is not over yet...

So glad to hear they are okay!

03-11-2017, 07:57 AM
Wow! That is fantastic that they ran so long. Who knew? I sent my husband out for back up batteries and never used them.
So good to hear you made it through. Are you in the path of the next one that is brewing? You may want to get a fresh supply of batteries! March is not over yet...

So glad to hear they are okay!

Thanks Jenene - fresh batteries sound like a good idea! I was pretty happy with how well those pumps worked too. I was even able to triple split one so I could aerate a barrel for some water changes (in addition to 2 sponge filters). Of course the best idea still sounds like that generator...

03-11-2017, 08:06 AM
Thanks Jenene - fresh batteries sound like a good idea! I was pretty happy with how well those pumps worked too. I was even able to triple split one so I could aerate a barrel for some water changes (in addition to 2 sponge filters). Of course the best idea still sounds like that generator...

I did the same thing. They did split well. I also had a cycled sponge filter in the sump, that was useful.

Yes I think the peace of mind alone is worth the money. Ours arrives on Monday and most likely will not need it for years. Just have to maintain it like everything else around here! Hope you can get some rest this weekend. You earned it!

03-11-2017, 11:17 AM
Living where I do in the Hurricane Belt I wouldn't think about not having a back-up generator. Back in September 2004 Hurricane Ivan knocked out power for 6 weeks straight here. I had to refill fuel in my generator every 12 hours, change oil every few days or so. Didn't have any aquarium back then though.

03-11-2017, 11:54 AM
Living where I do in the Hurricane Belt I wouldn't think about not having a back-up generator. Back in September 2004 Hurricane Ivan knocked out power for 6 weeks straight here. I had to refill fuel in my generator every 12 hours, change oil every few days or so. Didn't have any aquarium back then though.

Aquariums add an interesting dimension to emergency preparedness. Six week is a very long time. Could not have done it with the tiny tank of the generator we had at every 2 hours it got old very fast. The new one goes for nine hours. Better.

03-11-2017, 12:58 PM
Aquariums add an interesting dimension to emergency preparedness. Six week is a very long time. Could not have done it with the tiny tank of the generator we had at every 2 hours it got old very fast. The new one goes for nine hours. Better.

It felt like forever. It was total devastation, honestly looked like a huge bomb had blasted the entire Island.

03-11-2017, 01:15 PM
You can get alarms that sound when the power goes off, but instead what I have is thermometers with temp alarms. When the power goes off the battery air pumps start running, and a little while later, if the tank temp gets down to about 80, the alarms go off. That wakes me up so I can go pull the cords into the house and start the generator.

03-11-2017, 01:43 PM
I'm on my phone right now so can't link but AL has a really great thread on backup power

03-11-2017, 02:14 PM
Ricardo, I think this is the thread you have in mind:


And a thread on generators:


03-11-2017, 03:02 PM
Ricardo, I think this is the thread you have in mind:


And a thread on generators:


Wow- those are awesome threads. I wish I would have seen these before last Wednesday but the electrical stuff is pretty far over my head. Kenny was explaining an inverter to me on the phone and we do have something with outlets we can plug into the car. Now I am thinking this is more of what he meant. Kind of hard to explain over the phone, especially to me, and to me on no sleep for 2 days. :huh:

I think everyone should have a backup plan like the title of this thread stated I thought I was prepared and I was lucky it all turned out okay. I will go back and re-read both of these even though we already have a better generator on the way.

Just have to say- of course all had a solar powered tree house. I don't know why I was even a tiny bit surprised. I am trying to think of something he can't do. Al? What can't you do? :confused:

03-11-2017, 05:57 PM
If anyone has a car or truck with a diesel engine you could get a inverter & run till power comes back on. During SANDY i ran my work van 7-24 for days.

03-12-2017, 12:16 PM
I had a 5-day blackout happen very early on in my discus keeping time in early May when straight line winds went through here and knocked down all the trees and power lines. Early May in Minneapolis can be pretty cold. Didn't have a generator and I needed the water in our hot water heater for showers.

No heat, no filtration, no aeration for the entire time. Temperatures in all the tanks dropped to 70F but I didn't lose anything. In retrospect, this is where minimal stocking and regular water changes really paid off.


Paul Sabucchi
03-12-2017, 12:55 PM
You would be surprised but I am sitting close to the mediterranean coast (central Italy) and 2 months ago we had a heavy snowfall (5 ft here, over twice what can be expected), knocked the powerlines leaving hundred of thousand without power for a week+. Luckily after a similar blackout, but only lasted 36 hours, two years ago I bought a 3.5kw generator. Nothing fancy, petrol fuelled, about 10 hours on a tankfull. Enough to keep my 5 tanks going (no discus yet so 23C is ok to keep them going). Had some problems getting more fuel as no power even for the petrol pumps to run -note to self: next winter stock more petrol- but it really saved all my fish. It also kept the freezer going and allowed us to watch some telly. The only thing that would not run was the gas central heating/hot water, probably the electricity was not stabilised enough for the liking of the fancy thermostat - probably need an inverter; as we have a wood fueled furnace that worked perfectly well (and a pellet stove and a log burner) that was no big deal.
In a nutshell I think that wherever we live we are likely to be getting more of these weather extremes and lengthy powercuts. I think generators are preferable to powerbanks as, provided you can get fuel, they can keep you going almost indefinitely. It may not be an option if you live in an appartment/condo but otherwise I think they are invaluabe. Actually before I set up the discus tank in December I may even buy a backup generator, maybe a small portable 2kw honda/yamaha with inverter. We have a lot of money and emotions invested in our tanks. Spending about $350. Is not unreasonable to have peace of mind. Ciao

03-12-2017, 01:14 PM
I'm so glad your fish are okay!! I know you would be devastated if you lost them. I was so worried when I started reading your thread.we have lost power after a hurricane and we were able to save our tropicals.now we have a generator.Good investment!

Paul Sabucchi
03-12-2017, 02:27 PM
Glad you are ok too, the snow was bad (horse stable collapsed under the weight- horses ok), the blackout was a nuisance but what was scary was the 4 big earthquakes that happened half way through the blackout and when we were trapped in by the snow without the means to escape anywhere. The thought of having tons of snow on the roof while the house was shaking, that was real scary. Unfortunately people staying at a mountain lodge/spa a few miles from here were not so lucky, an avalanche wiped it out 29 did not survive. Puts things into prospective. Still glad I had the generator though. Ciao from Italy

03-12-2017, 03:53 PM
It felt like forever. It was total devastation, honestly looked like a huge bomb had blasted the entire Island.

After reading some of the accounts here like yours and others our little wind storm was a walk in a breezy park.

03-12-2017, 03:55 PM
I had a 5-day blackout happen very early on in my discus keeping time in early May when straight line winds went through here and knocked down all the trees and power lines. Early May in Minneapolis can be pretty cold. Didn't have a generator and I needed the water in our hot water heater for showers.

No heat, no filtration, no aeration for the entire time. Temperatures in all the tanks dropped to 70F but I didn't lose anything. In retrospect, this is where minimal stocking and regular water changes really paid off.


Wow. That is some crazy stuff. The one thing that surprises me in the lack of aeration. That was one of the 2 things that Kenny stressed. The oxygen level and water quality as you mentioned. I was able to keep up the water changes so that helped as well.

03-12-2017, 04:09 PM
You would be surprised but I am sitting close to the mediterranean coast (central Italy) and 2 months ago we had a heavy snowfall (5 ft here, over twice what can be expected), knocked the powerlines leaving hundred of thousand without power for a week+. Luckily after a similar blackout, but only lasted 36 hours, two years ago I bought a 3.5kw generator. Nothing fancy, petrol fuelled, about 10 hours on a tankfull. Enough to keep my 5 tanks going (no discus yet so 23C is ok to keep them going). Had some problems getting more fuel as no power even for the petrol pumps to run -note to self: next winter stock more petrol- but it really saved all my fish. It also kept the freezer going and allowed us to watch some telly. The only thing that would not run was the gas central heating/hot water, probably the electricity was not stabilised enough for the liking of the fancy thermostat - probably need an inverter; as we have a wood fueled furnace that worked perfectly well (and a pellet stove and a log burner) that was no big deal.
In a nutshell I think that wherever we live we are likely to be getting more of these weather extremes and lengthy powercuts. I think generators are preferable to powerbanks as, provided you can get fuel, they can keep you going almost indefinitely. It may not be an option if you live in an appartment/condo but otherwise I think they are invaluabe. Actually before I set up the discus tank in December I may even buy a backup generator, maybe a small portable 2kw honda/yamaha with inverter. We have a lot of money and emotions invested in our tanks. Spending about $350. Is not unreasonable to have peace of mind. Ciao

I remember that storm from the news Paul. Pretty hard to forget. That was awful. When you described being trapped with earthquakes on top of it is something from your worst nightmares. So glad the horses were okay too. These storms are getting worse. My husband and I were just talking about that today. The extremes are happening more often. We have another storm warning for tomorrow through Wednesday. Hearing stories like yours really makes you appreciate things and puts perspective on it.

I was at my grandparents' in Wyoming one summer when they had 4 tornadoes coming in at once. They had horses as well but they were in a field. They went down on their front knees to put their bodies at a 45 degree angle so the hail did not hurt them as much. It was surreal. I was also in a cast from a tearing a ligament on a pitchfork and was not able to run. I had nightmares for years. I imagine you had some bad nights as well.

So glad you are here to tell your story. That is a life changing one.

03-12-2017, 04:13 PM
I'm so glad your fish are okay!! I know you would be devastated if you lost them. I was so worried when I started reading your thread.we have lost power after a hurricane and we were able to save our tropicals.now we have a generator.Good investment!

Thanks Patty! Yes I would be devastated. As you know we become very attached. The generator will arrive tomorrow in time for the next storm. Warnings are up for Monday through Wednesday. My tropical tank was ignored but they were fine except the one poor tiger barb. They are much hardier than I thought.

Was just thinking of you this morning. Anything new on your situation? PM me if you have some time.

03-14-2017, 01:32 PM

Hope everything is fine over there for you. I know the weather up there is pretty brutal. Let us know how you're doing.


03-14-2017, 02:07 PM

Hope everything is fine over there for you. I know the weather up there is pretty brutal. Let us know how you're doing.


Thanks for checking in Kenny, that is very thoughtful of you. Yes it is getting pretty bad out there but power is on and the new generator is in the garage. It arrived yesterday. I am one of the lucky ones when schools are canceled I get to stay home too. My husband had to battle his way into work. Getting worried he may have to stay at the office tonight. Hoping everyone else out there stays safe. This is a nasty storm. This pic was taken from my front door. There is supposed to be a house across the street. I think it is still there...108041

03-14-2017, 04:18 PM
Thanks for checking in Kenny, that is very thoughtful of you. Yes it is getting pretty bad out there but power is on and the new generator is in the garage. It arrived yesterday. I am one of the lucky ones when schools are canceled I get to stay home too. My husband had to battle his way into work. Getting worried he may have to stay at the office tonight. Hoping everyone else out there stays safe. This is a nasty storm. This pic was taken from my front door. There is supposed to be a house across the street. I think it is still there...108041

Saw this "iced-over" home near Rochester, NY on Yahoo! News this morning: http://fox6now.com/2017/03/13/yes-this-is-a-real-house-completely-encased-in-ice/


03-14-2017, 04:51 PM
I know! That is crazy. Just a few miles from me. We get lake effect snow all the time. Never saw lake effect ice before! First thing you think is you hope no one is in there!:eek:

03-14-2017, 10:17 PM
I know! That is crazy. Just a few miles from me. We get lake effect snow all the time. Never saw lake effect ice before! First thing you think is you hope no one is in there!:eek:

Tell me about it, imagine being in there and waking up in the morning!

03-15-2017, 06:49 AM
Why is it iced up, but the house next door isn't? Is it because no-one is there and the heating is off or something?

03-15-2017, 08:40 AM
I know! That is crazy. Just a few miles from me. We get lake effect snow all the time. Never saw lake effect ice before! First thing you think is you hope no one is in there!:eek:

EDIT: duplicate post

03-15-2017, 08:41 AM
Why is it iced up, but the house next door isn't? Is it because no-one is there and the heating is off or something?

The article says that house has a 'retaining wall'.

03-15-2017, 08:45 AM
Why is it iced up, but the house next door isn't? Is it because no-one is there and the heating is off or something?

Yes. Most likely they left since power was out. Some people have wood stoves or generators and were able to stay. This was from the windstorm last Wednesday that left most of Rochester without power. This house is very close to Lake Ontario and the wind was blowing lake water on it and freezing. It would be interesting to see it now since there was no warm up and then the snow storm hit. The storm is still blowing. Should finally end this afternoon.

03-15-2017, 08:58 AM
The article says that house has a 'retaining wall'.

I believe they all have retaining walls. They are just a few feet from the water line. It looks like they have a little dog house in the back left of the picture. Did you see that? Poor woofie!:(