View Full Version : Pair Spawning

03-18-2017, 10:48 PM
I was watching two discus cleaning a section of driftwood and went to grab my iPad to get a few pics. When I came back I was surprised to see eggs on the driftwood.
Unfortunately I don't have the equipment or knowledge to isolate this pair.
Any chance the eggs survive? I have other small tropicals in the tank including ruby red nose, rosey tetras and Cories.
Where can I find is a good source to learn how to care for a pair and fry?

When I previewed the post before posting, the pics previewed sideways. Not sure why. Is there a way to rotate them the next time I post?. The pics were from an iPad

03-19-2017, 08:05 PM
Its always a nice experience to see a pair spawning in a community display tank Gordo . Its even a greater treat for every discus keeper if they hatch and you get to see a couple of days of fry guarded by its parents . Unfortunately that is fairly rare picture in a communnity tanks that depends first from your water quallity and parameters , TDS below 100 ppm (50ppm even better) and from the parent-discus abbility to properly take care about eggs and fry in a enviroment full of other distractions and predators .
So it is not impossible but rather rare in ocurence .

You can learn about breeding discus here on SD in our breeding section and abot the pictures , try to edit something to the pic before posting it i.e. change a bit of colour , balance , brightness and post the edited pic. I think that should do the trick for not having the pics posted sideways .

03-19-2017, 10:15 PM
@Filip, thanks for reply. Unfortunately the blue discus ate the eggs. If nothing else I guess the water quality must be good to get the discus to spawn. My set up prior to this tank was a planted 75 gal and my WC routine was a 1/4 what I do now. During the 6 years I had that set up I never noticed pairing. Since changing to my current set up 6 months ago , based on what I have learned on SD, I have seen discus pairing and now the spawning. It is exciting to see.