View Full Version : WET Sleeves Again!!!

04-02-2017, 05:47 PM
Will someone please invent clothing that is aquarium safe please. Ideally with were short sleeves, light weight, and that is hydrophobic.

In all seriousness though. I have found that with my aquarium, being 60 cm deep it can be quite difficult to hoover up the various detritus in all the nooks and crannies of the aquarium. I have hit upon the idea of a densely planted aquarium but all the plants are attached to bogwood, this allows the complete removal of the plant and also allows the plant itself to be cleaned- in between the leaves etc- using the already syphoned out tank water.

A question however, for anyone who has carpeting plants. How do you remove the detritus within the carpeting plants?

I have hair grass, and short of mowing it to about 1 cm in height i can't get the dirt out, initially i didn't mind so much but my nitrate levels started to climb so i removed the hair grass, problem solved you might say, but i like the carpet so a bit of help would be wonderful.

04-02-2017, 06:33 PM
Tis the catch when trying to keep discus in a planted tank. It's extremely tough to keep the substrate clean enough to maintain water quality.

Also discus love to search for food at the bottom. Makes it really tough with a carpet.

It can be done but it really takes time and experience to truly be able to maintain the balance.

04-02-2017, 07:52 PM
The good ones do it in the buff :p

04-02-2017, 09:11 PM
My Mrs would suggest you to use long, full sleeve rubber glove and wash it with hospital disinfection after use lmao ^___^

04-03-2017, 08:54 PM
i roll my tshirt sleeves up and clip them in place with my hubbys office clips. they still get wet when i clean the 180g! its nowhere near as bad as it was when i tried cleaning the 210g...

i hear u, i loved my plants, but eventually i came to appreciate the bare tank because i was more comfortable with its cleanliness. i went from deep substrate thickly planted tank to plants in pots and wedged into or tied onto the wood, even tried using suction cups to stick plants to the glass walls... i just couldnt make plants work with my discus :/

04-03-2017, 09:55 PM
The good ones do it in the buff :p

Dang, I always do it topless! Does that mean that I'm half good?

04-03-2017, 10:35 PM
Sounds like you need a Simply Discus tank top! ;)

04-09-2017, 10:33 PM
Dang, I always do it topless! Does that mean that I'm half good?

LMAO... how did I miss this??? Liz, that means you're twice as good ;). See what I did there :idea2: