View Full Version : discus fry

04-12-2017, 08:43 AM
thought i would include a source for those that wish to buy small fish as i did, after searching the net for weeks looking for a source of small discus i found one,,, i got 10 on 1-26-17 , 5 different strains, he sells them as nickel size, mine were dime to quarter sized, now 2 1/2 to 4 inches,, after contacting one of the esteemed breeders in this forum and getting only " how much money you got?" response from him i decided to give this guy a try and couldn't be happier.... he sells all his fish for $15 each and can ship up to 20 fish for flat $16

04-12-2017, 11:35 AM
Are you going to tell us who it is?

04-12-2017, 11:55 AM
I'd like to know how he ships for $16!

04-12-2017, 12:25 PM
I think he is referring to somefinsfishy.com. I did buy discus form them before. I got a few last year shipping is 2-3 days shipping. Good customer service but I stopped buying from them because of the size being extremely small.

04-12-2017, 12:43 PM
you are correct sanjay, the size is what i wanted,,now i have well adjusted,healthy fish,,,,, great guys, and they will ship, live delivery guaranteed in the lower 48 for 16 bucks

04-12-2017, 12:59 PM
Do share some pictures if you can.

04-12-2017, 02:03 PM
will see what i can do,, have to get my resident geek,wife, to show me how to post

04-12-2017, 02:28 PM
will see what i can do,, have to get my resident geek,wife, to show me how to postTo upload photos on the forum
Use the forum "Insert Image" icon which is third from the right along the top of the reply box. Your images should be less than 2MBs.Step by step Click ...............Image icon Next >from computer Next >select files( Open folder your image is in) Next click on image Next >open next > upload and post ………. hope this helps

04-13-2017, 07:01 AM
108665108666108667108668108669108667sorry for the poor quality on some,, got the fish, built the tank, the 3D background, cabinet , all since 1-26-17,, fish have been in the tank for a month now

04-13-2017, 07:06 AM
bought the fish before i had a tank for them, kept in a 20 gal. for a month while i built the tank, and i mean built the tank, the 3D background with waterfall, top, light, cabinet,,, fish have been in for a month now

04-13-2017, 07:18 AM
Really cool background! Like the shelves in it.

04-13-2017, 08:49 AM
thanks,, took about a week to do just the back.. its not carved but each piece is individually cut , shaped and glued into place, covered in cement and epoxy coated to minimize the leaching out of the mortar

04-13-2017, 12:14 PM
That is a really awesome looking background and set up! Hope the fish grow big strong and healthy for you. Are you planning to add more or some other types of fish?

04-13-2017, 01:29 PM
just the discus,,, have a planted 75 gal. i started a background for today, might turn that into a disc tank also,,,will see

04-14-2017, 11:31 AM
Buying smaller fish was always the way I had to do it in the early 90's because that's about the only type of Discus I could get from the LFS's in the NJ/NYC area. Occasionally you'd found larger fish but who could afford them at the time, certainly not me.

There's a great satisfaction derived from growing out and pampering your own juveniles to see them become full grown adults, though back in the day you couldn't be sure exactly what strain you were getting but they were mostly Browns and Red Turquoises.

Aside from Wilds which I've never been able to purchase smaller and grow up, I still prefer to do it this way and assuming you can verify the strain I think it's the way to go. They always felt more like "my fish" and I got a greater sense of accomplishment growing out smaller fish to adults.

04-14-2017, 01:38 PM
i go farther back, the 70's, when all there was ,was green and brown and all they had was a little color on their fins and gills, and ditto to everything else Stu,,, lost many adult fish over the years and it seems whether kids, dogs, cats or fish its easier to adapt when young,,,,i think this time in spite of all conventional wisdom of discus keeping i may succeed.

04-16-2017, 09:24 PM
What level - eg how fast and who was the carrier again for $16 shipment?

How much water do the 20 fish come in? How Big is the box? How Insulated and with how many heat packs etc? $16 seems very, very almost impossibly low cost for shipping!

04-16-2017, 10:07 PM
They are looking good.

That is a really interesting background. Maybe you could ask your wife to post a video so we can see your waterfall falling! ;)

04-17-2017, 06:30 AM
dont think she has a u-tube account rochester, by the way, lived just down the road from you many years,,oswego,,,,,to oliverk,,, they use kordon breathing bags and use the USPS for shipping,, amazing stuff,one fish one cup of water,, they say they can fit 21 fish in a standard USPS shipping box,,, I visited the guys and do believe them!!!!

SomeFin's Fishy
04-18-2017, 05:35 PM
Chris- Beautiful tank! Glad to hear the fish are doing well and thanks for the pix. Once the fish leave our location, we rarely get to see them again. It's always nice to see them as they grow up. Keep the pictures coming. Oliverk: All of our fish are shipped via Priority Mail through the USPS and generally arrived in 2 days (unless you're really out in the sticks).

04-19-2017, 07:41 AM
Chris- Beautiful tank! Glad to hear the fish are doing well and thanks for the pix. Once the fish leave our location, we rarely get to see them again. It's always nice to see them as they grow up. Keep the pictures coming. Oliverk: All of our fish are shipped via Priority Mail through the USPS and generally arrived in 2 days (unless you're really out in the sticks).didnt know you guys were in here,, couldnt be happier with the fish so i thought i would give you a plug in the forum,,,being as all i told you to do was to give me two of each you had ready to ship now i'm trying to id the strains,, lost 3 of the 12 you gave me, two for free, thanks,,,,the two smallest ones must have been over stressed by the 800 mile ride home and the third did himself in by jumping out of the tank during the move to the big tank,,,looks like i have 2 yellow face lemons, 3 blue cobalts,1 blue diamond, 1 red alenqerk, and 2 i cant id,, really deep orange color already,,, just started redoing my 75 gal. tank so i will be in touch for more fish,, that is if i survive the wife's tongue lashing,,, even tho she loves the fish now....


04-19-2017, 01:21 PM
OK 2-3 day shipping - did the fish come in a box with lots of insulation? Did the box have heat pads in it? How big was the bag(?) the fish were in and how much water? Was the box marked as live fish? Just curious if you know what are his shipping rates for larger fish and does he ship those differently? How long is "live delivery" does on the last legs but still breathing count? 24 hours? A week? At some point after arrival responsibility must go to the purchaser.

Believe me I hate shipping charges and like to grow out small fish so would like to find a great way to have shipped for less and know discus breeders "cull" fry upon occasion and suppose this shipping method may be a last method of culling and you therefore may have gotten strong fish - maybe a benefit?

Don't know but 2-3 days in a small amount of water without filtration, even if the fish are underfed/not fed for a couple of days prior to shipping sounds problematic to me for water quality, aeration, and water temp.

Glad you got fish you like and hope you enjoy them.

04-19-2017, 02:39 PM
he only sells nickel sized fish,,,, if you check out their web site all your questions would be answered, also check out the kordon web site,,,,
P.S. i should say " they only sell",,, its mark and matt

SomeFin's Fishy
04-19-2017, 04:06 PM
oliverk: As Chris mentioned, please check out the FAQ section of our web site and most of your questions should be answered. The size of box we use depends on the number of fish being shipped and the time of the year. During warmer months, the boxes are lined with 3/4" foam. In cooler months, we line the boxes with 1 1/2" inch foam. Even thought he web site says "nickel size" most of the fish are actually closer to quarter size. That way people aren't disappointed with the larger size. All fish are shipped using breathing bags which require a small amount of water. The fish are fasted for 2 days prior to shipping to minimize waste and ammonia buildup in the bag. Each bag is wrapped in newspaper to avoid plastic-to-plastic contact and increase air flow. The fish are packed in shredded newspaper to keep them from bouncing around, and for added insulation, and the appropriate number of heat packs are used depending on the weather conditions (at both ends of the shipping process). Our live delivery guarantee not only covers the cost of the fish, but also covers the shipping costs, so if there are any DOAs, we will replace those fish and ship them to you at no charge. We raise all of the fish we sell. We do not import our fish, and we do NOT sell our culls. If we were to do this, we would not be selling our fish very long. We guarantee to sell you strong, healthy fish, free of any physical defects. We just ship our fish a lot smaller than most re-sellers. We have been selling and shipping fish for just about 10 years, and we are very proud of our 100% positive feedback rating on the various sites.

Sorry if this sounds like an ad. It wasn't meant to be. Just trying to answer the questions.

02-04-2018, 10:10 AM
Good info