View Full Version : New Group of Wilds

04-19-2017, 09:16 AM
My initial project of Wild Green's didn't go as anticipated so I had to redirect my efforts towards another group of Wilds from John.

John was great to work with and we came up with a great group of 2 Cuipeua, 2 Alenquer Semi- Royal and 2 Oriximina Red Semi-Royal. I received them yesterday and they are doing well.

I fed them a cube of Al's Bio-Pigment Plus stuck on the glass. Some have discovered it and are pecking at it. The others haven't given it a go yet. I was wondering if I should have put it in the water return from the AC Filter so it would get broken up and dispersed better? I see a lot of searching on the sand bottom by them.

04-19-2017, 10:40 AM
my wilds prefer Al's loose worms. It allows them to search in the water column and along the bottom as the current catches them and sends them all over. The biopigment loose are their favorite.

04-27-2017, 09:54 AM
I couldn't pass up an opportunity to add 1 more Cuipeua to this group. I received it yesterday and it has settled in nicely!

Two things though.....I have noticed that the Cuipeua are much more aggressive than all the others. Especially at feeding time. One in particular has established himself as the owner of the tank and he lets everybody know. He will chase them all. Some will try to stand their ground but eventually will turn away. Is there some way I can calm him down?

Also, I have 1 Alenquer who had been doing well but I noticed this past Monday that he is hanging out next to the back glass by the AC Filter intake. He will come out and about but always ends up going to the back. I also haven't seen him come forward and eat at feeding time. It's like he turned shy all of a sudden. Any suggestions?

04-29-2017, 01:31 PM
The shy one is still not eating. I have only been feeding the FDBW Bio-Pigment from Al and all the others really go at it. This one is just not interested. So around noon today I turned the light on and fed them 2 cubes of Frozen Blood Worms. All went after them except this guy. I took the opportunity to really look at this guy and was able to spot white poop coming out of him. It looks like I'll need to treat him with something. I'll have to look that up!

Do I treat the whole tank? Decisions, decisions!

They sure do look good though! Very happy with my purchase! Nice Fish!

04-29-2017, 04:13 PM
If the others are doing fine, you may want to place the 1 in a quarantine tank and medicate alone (you don't want the others getting sick). Depending on the size of the tank, it could get expensive to medicate all and no need if the others are not showing symptoms of being sick. Start with clean water and peat. There are so many directions to go but I use the KISS method (Keep It Simple Stupid) to start.

04-30-2017, 03:52 PM
The water is clean. What would I expect the Peat to do?

05-01-2017, 08:57 AM
Kirby, have you dewormed the fish? Did John?

05-01-2017, 12:31 PM
Lost this guy! :( I ordered Prazi and Levimasol but haven't received it yet. Will start as soon as I get it. I was going to move this guy to another smaller tank to treat him, but lost him before I could do that.

So bummed!

Second Hand Pat
05-01-2017, 12:41 PM
That really bites Kirby :( Sorry to hear.

05-01-2017, 12:57 PM
I just hate losing a fish......any fish! It's discouraging! To me, it's not about the $, it's all about the fish. I just hope I'm not in over my head!

I just fed the others and they are eating very well. They look good.

05-01-2017, 01:44 PM

05-01-2017, 04:54 PM

I am sorry, I missed the post where you said you lost one~! Very sorry.

I am pretty sure John deworms during his QT procedure but you can ask. If the rest of the fish look well and are eating well. I would not rush to medicate just because you lost one. That one could have had any number of individual issues. It could have been harmed during shipping. etc. There are many reasons why a fish may perish, it doesn't mean all of your fish are infected...

All too often people jump to medicate and you can actually do more harm than good this route.

I would observe and wait and see. It is good to have the meds on hand but DO NOT just start to dose and chase the loss of that fish.

If you can post pics or video maybe other here can help you based off what they see.