View Full Version : Back in the saddle again

05-02-2017, 10:49 AM
Four moves in the last year, and I'm starting to scrub those tanks down and plan the discus room 🤗😁 my husband was like, has to be discus huh? I said " honey it's a big room I have two tanks for you we can have whatever you like In there too!" So I think I'm winning lol 😝.

Have a wooden floored, upstairs and don't want to do basement fish room because....well The basement isn't pretty! So I had to win him over to allow me to share space in his tiled library and have some tanks in there as IRs near the kitchen sinks. Course it's a well, but the discus won't mind.

There is lots and lots of clean water, I haven't even tested it - it will be fine lol I will test it's just not a deciding factor and the rose garden outside needs it as we are more in the desert now, no longer in the ski resort village. I train dogs and home all day so I can't wait to get some discus back in those tanks! And other freshwater fish like Cories, rummy nose tertras/rosy/lemon

Just want to see happy healthy fat friendly discus again and life will be about perfect quite honestly.

So fun starting the process with empty tanks after having many discus under my belt as a beginner still I'm not worried with ample storage space for water tanks to keep those changes and good filtration, lots of time and an almost willing hubby, I'm super excited.

So many to choose from is the agony! Seeing Josie's albino Platinum at the NADA show still stuck in my mind or Han's breeding pair. Kennies and Forrests blues and reds good lord it may take me a longer time to decide than to get the tank set up.

I'll start posting pictures of the space and build out. Looking forward to reading everyone's threads again.

Marnie's Menagerie
15 dogs (don't try this at home, folks)
2 horses
2 cats
2 bunnies
Small adorable child

05-02-2017, 10:59 AM
Welcome Back Marnie!:)


Second Hand Pat
05-02-2017, 11:12 AM
Super nice to see you Marnie and so much fun seeing you get back into discus. :D