View Full Version : Is this HITH/ hex, something irritating my favourite boy :(

05-07-2017, 10:19 AM
My 6.5" male giant flora red turq is not well for the last few days. I know there is something irritating him and I'm on not mission to find out what. I have not miss a single water change for the whole year, still doing 80% twice weekly, nitrate stay 5-10, sometime even less.

Temp 28-29 Celsius, aged tap water with some bicarb soda/ calcium chloride. PH 6.8-7, no huge swing, GH 6 drop, KH 3 drops.
9 adult discus in 480L tank.

I have been busy for the last few week and haven't time to play eyeballing with him since. And about 3-4 days ago I notice that he is getting darker, not eating as much as he should, in fact he barely eat his favorite dried australian blackworms.
He still an alpha in the tank, picking fights there and then, still got chased away by the ram, but not as active as he should. He has a series of small holes around his head/eyes for sometime but today I detect so many of them plus a big hole over his left eye (could be result from a fight or hit himself to the driftwood I hope)
I hope nothing happen to him as he still greeting me, but his color indicate something bad.
I have the photo below, hope you guy can give me some tips. He is on the left in the last picture, as he greet me the color turn brighter for a few second, but after that it became dark again, nearly black sometime. The second from last is his gf, she start to have some too, that worry me.

I gave them some blackworm soak in metro today, but thinking about dosing the columm .... I'm going to cry


05-07-2017, 04:18 PM
I don't believe this is hex. My turqs, cobalts, and blue diamonds have these (in lesser amounts).

05-07-2017, 08:18 PM
Good to know that I'm not the only one, but mine has increasing number very fast, thus he getting all dark ...., I do not want to nuke the whole tank until I know what it is :(

05-07-2017, 09:20 PM
the tiny spots are perfectly normal sensory pits. the larger one over the eye is irregular and concerning. these holes in the head have been linked to hex. if the fish is showing other symptoms, u may want to consider qt and treatment. having good pics will help u track its progress over time. u may want to post in the emergency room for suggestions.