View Full Version : Not Enough Swim Room?

05-08-2017, 01:10 AM

after battling hair algae (and making the dumb comment that I kind of like the look of the tank with hair algae.........that is until I realised how hard it is to control!!) I decided during my next wc I was going to eradicate as much as I could and look for ways in which to manage it. I read that black diamond quartz gravel can assist in reducing hair algae....so, off I went and purchased said gravel; removed all of my white sand and replaced it with the very fine black diamond quartz. (Naturally ensuring I rinsed the new gravel well before placing it into the tank). I actually like the look better than the sand. I also purchased two amazon swords and planted them. I'm wondering now if with the Amazons I have too much driftwood in my tank and have not left enough room for my discus friends to swim? Also I purchased three more corydora catfish - currently in quarantine (tiny little things they are at the moment) and am wondering how long I leave them in quarantine before introducing them to my discus tank? Here's some pics (if I can remember how to load them)!?

05-08-2017, 02:58 AM
:bandana: Love the background, the substrate not so much. Looks like 7 beauties you got there so how many gallons is the tank? What filtration? What's your W/C regimen? What's the lighting? "T"

05-08-2017, 03:09 AM
Hi Tony.

Its 400 litres which I think equates to almost 90 gallons. Filtration is sump with filter sock, sponge media and a continuum exxodus bac brick. I run 80% RO and 20% bore water (you guys call it well water I think??). Age the water in a 550 litre tank and then pump into tank from outside. I do a 90% water change once a week and two smaller wc in between (say 50%). The iPhone photo makes the black diamond quartz look royal blue - might be because of the lights. I have two 15W Radion lights connected up to a reef link. There's actually 9 discus and 2 (very fat) corydora catfish which is why I've purchased 3 more - the original 2 in the tank are so obese they obviously need a little help to slim down i.e. something else that competes for the scraps. I have to start using my camera I think to take clearer shots and will reflect the true colouration in the tank.

05-08-2017, 05:03 AM
More than enough room for them to swim.

05-08-2017, 08:09 AM
With regard to the algae, dump the Corys and get a couple of Plecos. I've never had an algae issue with a Pleco or two in a show tank.

05-08-2017, 08:16 AM
Cheers Matt

05-08-2017, 08:16 AM
Thanks Gymrat; I thought Pleco fish can develop a taste for the discus slime?

05-08-2017, 09:50 AM
Thanks Gymrat; I thought Pleco fish can develop a taste for the discus slime?
Plecos are known to graze on discus, and they poop. A lot. Which can lead to more algae. The best way to control algae is clean water and low lighting. How long are your lights on per day?

05-08-2017, 10:39 AM
Looks like you have at least one PB strain in there. You will find that black sand will cause them to pepper. I actually did the opposite and went from black to white

05-08-2017, 01:27 PM
Hi Tony.

Its 400 litres which I think equates to almost 90 gallons. Filtration is sump with filter sock, sponge media and a continuum exxodus bac brick. I run 80% RO and 20% bore water (you guys call it well water I think??). Age the water in a 550 litre tank and then pump into tank from outside. I do a 90% water change once a week and two smaller wc in between (say 50%). The iPhone photo makes the black diamond quartz look royal blue - might be because of the lights. I have two 15W Radion lights connected up to a reef link. There's actually 9 discus and 2 (very fat) corydora catfish which is why I've purchased 3 more - the original 2 in the tank are so obese they obviously need a little help to slim down i.e. something else that competes for the scraps. I have to start using my camera I think to take clearer shots and will reflect the true colouration in the tank.

:bandana: 400liters is a little over 105g so there's plenty of room for now. Your set-up & husbandry sound great. You might wanna lessen the amount of time your lights are on to reduce that algae. That along w/ your mega W/C's should do the trick. Also adding more 'cory cats'? (some max at 1" others at 6") could begin to alter that fish to water ratio. Keep up the good work. "T"

05-11-2017, 10:14 PM
Thanks for replies all, still wondering though how long I leave the corydoras in quarantine though. Going to stick with corys at the moment as the two I have in there have been great but obviously need some help in keeping down the waste if their current fatness is anything to go by?

05-12-2017, 03:40 AM
Thanks for replies all, still wondering though how long I leave the corydoras in quarantine though. Going to stick with corys at the moment as the two I have in there have been great but obviously need some help in keeping down the waste if their current fatness is anything to go by?

Standard QT procedure is one month in separate QT tank with separate equipment ,with additional 2 weeks observation with one test discus mixed with them. If everything looks good with the test discus and the corries after this 6 weeks period then its safe to assume that you can put the new fish in your display tank with the rest of your discus .

P.s. Corries don't eat waste , they eat food , just like discus , so don't rely on them to clean your tank bottom from the poop .

05-12-2017, 09:18 AM
Thanks Filip, appreciate the advice. Cheers