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View Full Version : Flooded Amazon Gardens

05-12-2017, 04:43 PM
Hello to everyone on simplydiscus.
After 473 days of hard work with discus fish Im still alive.
I have some frend on that great forum who allways are very helpfull and give me advice when I need it.
Its discuspaul.Thank You Paul,you are like neighbour who are allways in touch.
This thread will be for everyone who are interesting in keeping discus in planted tank.
All people can keep discus: its magical fish with character and its hard fish,stronger and more easy keeping fish like neons.
Stop dreaming about it,just follow me step by step.
A new restart are begins,wellcome.

05-12-2017, 04:50 PM
looking forward to the rebuild Juris!

05-12-2017, 05:21 PM
Its May 12.2017.
All starts from emty tank.
58kg of gravel was drain with '1'inch piton,so right now I've emty tank with 11 almoust full grown Stendker discusfish in 352L/92Gal of Riga tapwater:Gh12.Kh11,pH7.7
Im still with one filter_Eheim2128 heated by 210w.
Next week aquaristic.net promise to delivery additional filter Eheim Experiance250.its 700lph and it will be connected with Eheim UV 500 (9W)Its mirror surrounded and more powerfull than simply 18W UV lamp.
Little bit about 'empty' tank:all gravel is gone and its so easy to clean it,after feeding in 60min tank looks dirty but 20min and 60L WCH its cleen again.
First pictures.Gravel drained out,old Eheim filter cleaned and 45% water changed.109650109651109652

05-14-2017, 06:53 PM
That sounds like a great deal of work, but they sure do look great!

05-15-2017, 10:04 AM
Juris, it looks great as bb tank.....yes I said it

05-16-2017, 06:18 AM
Juris ,i have red your last thread three times with interest and look forward to another thread just as good as the last one ,i wish you all the success with your new project .
Please send us more photos.

05-16-2017, 04:25 PM
Yes,it was work for 10days.Each day about 40% WCH to take all gravel off.Layer of Tropica Growth was very very roily so I was realy careful to do not make fish jumpy.
Last four days in BB tank discus becomes greedy and like in old days allways are like chain dogs before feeding.
My 11 discus consume Stenkers ''GoodHeart'' 500gr blister in 21day x2meal=11.9gr, 23.8gr daily. (Its max by Stenkers family formula)
So it means fish are healthy and all ''flood works'' runs smoothly.
In a future I'll try to make individul picstures of fish and plants as well.

For that moment good news are:German "DHL" parcel of technic and plants are in a way.(two shops_aquaristic.net and aquasabi).
Little bit about aquasabi plants:

1.Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Green' will be 1-2Grow up,about 30roots - one black clay pot-cluster in 90days.

2.Sagittaria sabulata will be more than 30 roots,in 30days that plant grow up till 15cm/6i,in 90days will be full pot.

3.Echinodorus grisebachi 'Amazonicus' will be two roots,two separate pot,in 90days can be till water line with lots of stalks

4.Echinodorus grisebachi 'Broad leaf'-like Amazonicus but even bigger and with wide leafs-its a giant! (two roots,two black pot)

5.Echinodorus grisebachi 'Parviflorus' I take 4roots (all what was in shop) that will be planted in wide black two pot (2+2)its very bashy plant but only 12i high.

About routine-how to work with new plants from a start-next time.

05-23-2017, 04:19 PM
Black cobalt sand was not enough.
Echinodorus plants was great,Cryptocoryne 50/50 but Sagittaria sabulata was a nightmare-so tiny and allmost imposible for planting.
All black pot was not the same black coloured,at least I pay only half price from downtown price.(In pics.'filled with ADA+Tropica nutition capsules').
As micro nutrition Im using 'EasyLife' "ProFito" 1/4 part of full dosage first six weeks.First time I add 8ml for all water amount.
After a wile I'll share with picstures (plant need some time to enchor109924109925109926)

05-25-2017, 04:58 AM
Next step_2017.May24_new Eheim eXperiance attached.
In pic. You can see out flow hose make a somersoult than goes throw Eheim UV500 but water inflows into a tank are good. Prommised 700lph.
UV lamp aren't switched ON yet.
About UV.It will be OK,if Im adding nutrition fluid 'ProFito' and UV sterilizer are constantly 'ON' ?
Discus are feeling good,feeding only at 8pm.(Lighting only 6hours_from 4p.m. till 10p.m.)109953

05-26-2017, 04:29 PM
About liquid nutrition with EasyLife product 'ProFito'.

EasyLife.nl : ''Our products like Filter Medium, EasyStart, EasyCarbo and Voogle are not sensitive to UV, but ProFito is. This product contains nutrients that are chelated. These chelating agents are destroyed by the UV, so that plants have difficulty absorbing these nutrients. So when you use ProFito, turn off the UV. You can turn it back on about 2 hours later. Most nutrients are then absorbed by the plants''

05-29-2017, 03:56 PM
First 10 important days are passed.Plants do not uptake macroelements through roots yet.
After 21h with Eheim UV500 (9W) water are cristal clear !
And Black Angel reaction was -trying to lay eggs...alone

My first YouTube video_ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymmhscqnry0

Need patience to wait till plants will grown up.

05-31-2017, 10:00 AM
Congrats on your hard work and on your new tank look Juris.
Why did you decide to perform a complete makeover on your bottom and tank ?
I would try to put some wood or more sand to camouflage the pots here .
Even though your new bottom looks very elegant and calming , unfortunatelly it will darken the colours of your discus .
Great Stendkers Juris .

05-31-2017, 11:10 AM
Juris, awesome looking rescape with the potted plants and new choice of larger leaf plant types. This will make for really easy clean up. My only critique is that a sand substrate would have made the pots stand out a little more and IMO look more aesthetically pleasing. Great job on the youtube video.

05-31-2017, 04:53 PM
Thank You for critique.
Im afraid how deep can be that sand bad.That is finest sand i ever had (0.1mm-0.5mm!)
I start with 2kg+2kg than +2kg+2kg and therd time again 2kg+2kg.
And of course its boiled an washed more than 20times.(very very very dusty) but its cheap 2.95€ per one 2kg bag.
Its two weeks passed,from tomorrow I add 30min lighting period than next 30min in same 3rd week.
First problem -Sagittaria Sabulata melt off.
Dosing 1/4 part of EasyLife "ProFito" its like no use it at all (safe for fish).
Im awaiting plants start to use fertilizers from roots,after that progress will be eye visible.
to be continue...

07-23-2017, 02:54 PM
At last I can take a look to my "Flooded Amazon Gardens".All plants was in brown algea for last 30days.
And wife says:lets clean your tank,we take off one by one all pot ,wash every leaf,wash with shover and put them back.
Unbelievable it takes only 45-50min (+39% WCH)111223111224

07-23-2017, 03:03 PM
My Stendkers discusfish shape.
In my uderstandings:Black Angel heve a bad shape.
Blood Pigeon_good
Red Pigian_normal
Lets see what hapens after fish will have full size in my option I hope my fish will reach 7.5i at least 6 of them111225111226111227

Second Hand Pat
07-24-2017, 11:10 AM
Hi Juris, these guys have certainly come a long way. You have grown them out nicely. :D On the shape it is hard to tell with one picture per fish. A video may work better for that.

07-26-2017, 04:48 AM
Nice shape and size of discus Juris .
How old are they by now ?
I guess they are well above one year of age meaning they have done their initial growing stage and addition growth will be much slower and limited . thickening and getting fat and bulky will be their next growth stage :) .

And don't worry about the brown diatom , its a normal stage in newly setup aquariums and it goes away on it's own , once your tank mature and stabilize.

07-26-2017, 08:11 AM
fish and plants look great Juris. I like the new potted set up a lot. the discus look huge

07-27-2017, 04:48 AM
How old are they by now ?
They reach full 21month of age on 1.st july.

07-27-2017, 05:52 AM
I look forward to this thread as i have a BB tank with a big planted pot ,it's interesting to see how the tank ,plants and the fish progress over time .
More photos including full front tank shot will be appreciated .
Well done Juris.

08-27-2017, 12:55 PM
Every leaf are algea green ! Twice a week WCH45%-anyway.
So ,we again (me and my wife) take out every pot and scrub cleane every leaf! 8pot=1hour.
In that time I'm cleaning all other things.
2h30min and we are done.
Results in pics.112109112110112111

08-27-2017, 06:42 PM
Gorgeous. Really pretty display

08-27-2017, 07:00 PM
Get a couple Chinese algae eaters, they will take care of any algae on the plant leaves.

09-07-2017, 02:50 AM
At last,get enough food for my fish.
Thanks to good man from Berlin.
My neighbor frend who lives in Berlin (I never seen him before):1.Ordered,2.Make deposit in advance.3.Keep in freedge till flight,4.Pay for flight baggage.
Take 16.
Total_12.20€ for one.112186

Fish have food till 2019.January.

03-30-2018, 01:08 PM
Hi to everyone.
Still keeping Discus.On 1st of April 2018 my Discusfish will be fully grown.
I have all 11 fishes at good health, feeding once a day ,regulary running with my WCH buckets and at last Im smart enough to keek my Discus in BARE BOTTOM TANK...
Since they are in bare bottom tank :they eat better,look better and are swimming around much more as previously...And mean sing is-Im feeling more more better with all this situation.
Little bit later I will measure my Discus at full grown age.

Discuskeeper Juris from cold Riga.

03-30-2018, 01:29 PM
nice fish! post updated pics when available.

04-08-2018, 10:44 AM
I was trying to get some good pic.,but Im not a pro and still work just with Sony Z2 phone camera.
Good thing is : after 365days measure again my fish and get a results_
Bigest fishes are Blood Pigion and two of Brilliant Turquoise discus are full 7in.
Then four discus are 6.5+in.
Rest four discus are 6in and up.
In last 365days growth was just +0.15in till great 0.8in.
All discus are healthy-eat very well,no fights.
Im feeding them just once a day,than after 1hour clean up...
Once a week 45% WCH and every day 9% in 9min (my two buckets)
Holding T=83.3'F114869

p.s. One of Blue Diamond are hiding

04-19-2018, 07:27 PM
Your fish looks great Juris.
Its been 1 year since you have them or are they one year old in total ?
If they are only 1 year old they still got growing up to do .

Your planted tank looked better , but I'm pretty confident that your fish feels better in this spotless environment than before . So I guess whatever makes them happy should make you happy too :) .
Please do some close up photos of each one of them in near future , for us to see their beauty .
Cheers Juris .

04-21-2018, 03:31 PM
Im with those Stendkers 2015.october Discus since January 2016.(Till today=2years 3month)
Right now its full 2years 6month +~21th day fish.
And thank you...they realy looks good and Im so old for planted tanks...
...buy the way_they looks even better with lights off-only with room light but its impossible for maiking snapshots.
Blue Diamonds becomes electro blue,same as Turquoise-very colourfull.
They eat very well- I hope the smallest fish will attached some extra size bcs they are without inch against biggest fishes...

05-11-2018, 10:58 AM
I've some frightening story.
Thats a story...Im making everyday waterworks,sometimes twice a day.Two filters running...All is great.
One morning I see a terrible sight-biggest Blue Diamond is sleeping like pancake ..breathing normal but without even 5% of power.
After 48hours without changes -I taking fish in my hand-lift fish normaly and making 2min "walk"....once twice triple times a day...
After 72hours fish looks blinde with one eye and still without power to swim ...
Im looking into the fishtank and thinking_"Im bad owner,Im bad Discus fishkeeper"
My little son says :"kill the weak fish or you loose all 11 Discus
Im looking with last hope to Blue Diamond-fish look like very weak...and what a f..k...my georgeous Blood Pigion is making moves like trying to sleep horizontally as well !!!
BUT my biggest Turquose in that moment swim clouse to him and DO NOT ALLOW TO DO THAT !!! gently pushing him into vertical position!
I decided immediatly take off the weak Blue Diamond.I put my hand into the tank gently take take fish to last "walk" - but with last hope saying swim swim swim ...
And fish start to swim -after 72hours without any move on top glass...
Right now 5days are past and everything with all wish is great ! Blinde eye becomes cristal clear in three days ,from very dark blue fish becomes healthy light blue in 60hours...

Paul Sabucchi
05-11-2018, 03:24 PM
Glad all turned out ok in the end but it must have been real scary! Any idea what caused it? Did you change anything? Different food?