View Full Version : Did a bad thing today...

05-14-2017, 08:46 PM
My plants look a little anemic so I bought some liquid NPK fertilizer.
I dosed for a low light tank.

Let me say the kids did not like that!!
I came in from doing yard work, they are all dark huddled in the corner breathing is kind of shallow.
Of course I don't have any water aged, but I do a water change with straight tap.

They are back to normal...won't do that again!

05-16-2017, 09:41 AM
What kind of fertilizer did you put Neptune , and at what dose ?
Was it an aquarium product or commercial fert for terrestrial plants ?

05-16-2017, 06:16 PM
What kind of fertilizer did you put Neptune , and at what dose ?
Was it an aquarium product or commercial fert for terrestrial plants ?

I dosed for low light tank(min EI dose) with a product specifically designed for aquariums.