View Full Version : sick discus - I need help!

06-01-2017, 12:44 AM
83 F
6.4 ph
0 ammonia
0 nitrite
nitrate somewhere between 40 and 80 because I can't tell on my tester (api)

Over a month ago I moved our 55gallon tank and got a new discus. It was similar in size but hid and rarely ate. After a week I noticed some of my other discus breathing fast so I treated with CLOUT as recommended by the local fish shop that carries discus. I did two treatments following directions and the discus looked better. The newest fish was still shy and not eating much.
A week or so later a few discus started breathing heavy again. I treated for 5 days with CLOUT. The silicone in my tank is now bright blue, and my krebensis died (not sure if the death is related or if it was just old). I had to set up another tank for my loach and snails while treating the discus, but left the pleco, blue acara, tetra, and siamese algae eater in the tank with the medicine. After a few days without the medicine (+ water changes, and carbon back in) I put everyone back together (...and on a side note my giant apple snail laid eggs - yay!)
A week without medicine and I noticed the dominant discus breathing heavy. It was the most dominant fish and now it stays alone and hides. I don't notice it eating, but its stomach looks full. Another week has passed, and he is starting to look skinny behind his bloated belly, and still not eating, but he is coming out more. The original shy fish that started all the sickness is just starting to eat and be less shy, but it is Very skinny. Tonight one I noticed that of my smaller discus has a small white thread coming out of its mouth. It has a great appetite - eats the most and bosses the larger fish.

I used to change 25 - 30% of the water weekly. Since I have noticed problems I change 25% in the middle of the week, and 50% on the weekend.
I feed Thera+a pellets and bloodworms twice a day and an algae wafer in the evening.
When I moved the tank a month ago and added the shy discus, I switched from black gravel to white sand. It is a planted tank with driftwood and a white stone. All of the plants, wood, and stone were the same from before I moved the tank.
When changing water I use RO water with seachem neutralizer and discus buffer to adjust ph, discus trace to add back minerals
I add excel and flourish for the plants once a week (but I've been forgetting since I'm focused on the discus)
What is going on? Who do I treat for what?

introduced a new discus = new fish not eating, and after a month is now very skinny and starting to eat

dominant fish breathing rapidly, treated with Clout got better, but now breathing heavy again, shy and not eating, bloated but thin behind the bloat

slightly smaller discus has great appetite, somewhat dominant, and now has white thread coming out of mouth

Three other discus seem to be fine, other fish seem fine, and snails are happy.

06-01-2017, 10:07 AM
Were all the fish fine before this new one was added?

Get those nitrates down. Way too high. For discus they should be below 20 and preferably 10 or below.

06-01-2017, 10:52 AM
You really need larger and more frequent WC's.A 55 gal is rather small for a community tank with discus.Try 50% or more every other day at least.Ditch the plant food(just adds more nitrates);they are way too high.Did you cross contaminate the fish once again by putting untreated fish back with the treated fish?Fill out the questionnaire for emergency room;a lot of info is missing in your post.