View Full Version : Advice needed to finish growout.

Flow Tamer
06-14-2017, 10:22 AM
Greetings All! I am getting 12 neon sapphires from Kenny for 150gal. bare bottom. They will be 4.25-4.5" and l would like to get them all close to 6" eventually. I was wondering if l should use a divider and keep all 12 in a portion of the 150 or let them freely roam the whole tank or split the tank and put 6 per side so there is less feeding competition. I am fully automated for water changes allowing me to change 75% daily in minutes and also have a vacuum wand for feces and uneaten food that is very convenient. If anyone could give a protocol that includes dividing or not dividing the tank, plus water change and feeding schedule to bring this group the rest of the way to 6" it would be much appreciated! Thanx a bunch everyone, this forum has been a fabulous asset to me since I srarted 8 yrs. ago! walt

06-14-2017, 10:26 AM
No reason to divide. It sounds like your plan and setup are solid! This is going to be a beautiful tank and you will have no problem growing these guys out to 6"

Congrats! Please post pics when you get your fish. Great choice going with Kenny :)

06-14-2017, 10:51 AM
It sounds like you have many options, any and all plans and combos could and should work... However, like Eric, I see no reason to do much of anything.

You are getting the fish at a nice big size, passed the crucial grow point, so big solid water changes and a good feeding diet and routine should have those guys maxed out in no time... Why only shoot for 6" ;) Lets go 8!! haha

The one thing I would recommend is if you want optimal growth, and water changes are super easy for you and the fish can handle it then do as much as possible and really get the debris and food out of there. I have never used the whole auto method or wand clean up method. I am a firm believer in a full siphon out of water and waste and good clean water back in...

Try some things and see what works for you but sounds like a nice project, please post pics soon!

Flow Tamer
06-14-2017, 12:46 PM
Thanx for lighting response! I figured maybe l was overthinking it, Thanx for the tips, l will def post pics! Kenny is the best!

06-14-2017, 12:54 PM
Thanx for lighting response! I figured maybe l was overthinking it, Thanx for the tips, l will def post pics! Kenny is the best!

It truly is simple and not as hard as it may seem. Quality food, a varied diet and lots of clean water and you will have some amazing fish. As you know the quality of the fish Kenny provides is top notch and there is no reason you shouldn't be able to go 6+ keep in mind different strains will grow to different sizes though. Not sure about the neon sapphire. I have a younger one also. From what Kenny told me they are bred for their unique color moreso than shape.

Flow Tamer
06-14-2017, 03:12 PM
Thanx Ryan! I have always cheated and only bought adults! Lol! ln the past l have followed the posts of everyone who jumped in so far to help my learning curve. Thanx Guys!

06-14-2017, 04:00 PM
Thanx Ryan! I have always cheated and only bought adults! Lol! ln the past l have followed the posts of everyone who jumped in so far to help my learning curve. Thanx Guys!

I like that's the most fun part. I got all mine from Kenny at 3"-3.5" It had been great watching them grow and develop pattern and color over the past year.

I definitely want to try to grow out smaller ones next time and do things right from the very start

Good luck look forward to seeing them

Flow Tamer
06-14-2017, 05:43 PM
Just one more question, l have beautiful pieces of manzanita at the ready, fully leached and water logged. Kenny said leave em' in it doesn't matter, l didn't wanna second guess him so l bounced it off the brewmaster and he said Kenny is probably right at that size it won't matter, but he did say territories may develope which could impede "even" feeding that sounded logical. And he likes complete grow out in an empty tank. What do you guys say and at what size would you reintroduce driftwood? Thanks