View Full Version : aged water and still microbubbles

06-21-2017, 06:14 PM
I just did my first water change on my new tank and I have a question I aged my aquarium water for about 24 hours added a air pump and air stone to it and a heater when I did the water change I'm getting microbubbles and pretty cloudy water all over the tank am I doing anything wrong does it matter if the lid on the aging barell is on or off I remember when I was in this hobby about 5 years ago I would age for about 24 hrs and id be good to go I'm kinda confused what happened would appreciate any feedback thanks

06-21-2017, 06:32 PM
I guess I wouldn't say microbubbles all over tank but theres a few on the glass and the driftwood was expecting no microbubbles after aging water figured 24 hours was long enough

06-22-2017, 09:30 AM
You shouldn't see any unless you were not using an adequate air supply for aging, but thats hard to believe after 24 hours.. trying bumping that aeration up. Also it maybe your pump from storage to tank...it may be adding some small amount of air into the water.

do the fish look stressed.. if not, I would not worry.


06-22-2017, 04:38 PM
You shouldn't see any unless you were not using an adequate air supply for aging, but thats hard to believe after 24 hours.. trying bumping that aeration up. Also it maybe your pump from storage to tank...it may be adding some small amount of air into the water.

do the fish look stressed.. if not, I would not worry.


Thanks Al no the fish aren't stressed they weren't a lot of microbubbles just some sticking to side of tank and driftwood but I thought aging water was suppose to get rid of them
I don't have discus in there yet just some cardnials it is a cheap airpump maybe I need a more powerful airpump I'm going to give it a try atleast I can get this figured out before getting some expensive discus in there

06-23-2017, 07:19 AM
Sometimes when the class and objects hit the air,it dries a bit during WC's,you can get a few air bubbles on things,but it's not what we call micro bubbles.

06-23-2017, 06:13 PM
Ok thanks that's what it was doing and now I'm just trying to figure out my ph out of tap its 7.4 aged for 24 hours is 8.2 and in main display tank is 8.0 I have driftwood in there maybe that's whats giving the different reading I always though aging water lowered ph is the 24 hour aged water safe to use does .2 ph swing affect the fish or should I age water and see what happens thanks

06-24-2017, 08:58 AM
The ph out of the tap will rise as co2 off-gasses. Your tank water will always be slightly lower than your aged water due to biological processes. .2 swing isn't anything to worry about and even less of a swing if you consider you're dilluting it with tank water too (assuming you're doing something like a 50% water change).

06-24-2017, 09:12 AM
By the way,drift wood will not lower the PH in that short amount of time.It takes a well and then with only small WC's;not likely in a discus tank due to the amount of WC's.

06-24-2017, 10:23 AM
By the way,drift wood will not lower the PH in that short amount of time.It takes a well and then with only small WC's;not likely in a discus tank due to the amount of WC's.

Ive had the driftwood in the tank for about two months cycling with no fish. now I have tetras in there wasn't doing any water changes until last week when I finally put some small tetras in there but i think the waters good i just did another water change yesterday and just a few bubbles sticking to wood no microbubbles and I tested the tank water and aged water and its only a .1 to .2 difference so i think my water seems pretty good after aging it thanks for the help

07-10-2017, 04:25 PM
How are you transferring the water from your aging barrel to your tank and how much pressure is the water under when it goes into the tank?