View Full Version : What u think about these discus?

06-21-2017, 11:25 PM
Hi, i got these 7 months back as small ones.. and now they are more than 5 inches.
Please share your views.110601110602110603110604110605110606

06-22-2017, 10:24 AM
Very nice - well-shaped, healthy looking fish.

06-22-2017, 10:30 AM
Nice pics OP... Any idea of their age? How big where they when you got them and when was that?

Looking like a nicely growing group, with a lot of room for growth and further potential. In all honesty a few look a tad "beaky" but that is probably because they are young and haven't rounded out. Proportions look pretty good.

Care to share more about your routine and care practices?

06-22-2017, 11:13 AM
Very nice - well-shaped, healthy looking fish.


06-22-2017, 12:20 PM
I got them (total 7) when they were almost 2.5-3inches in nov 2016. Now they are almost 6 inches.
I added another one (the smallest one) about 3 months back after 4 weeks of proper Quarantine.. yes i agree that the shape of one or two discus are not as good as others. Their fins are not looking proper, but overall they look healthy.

Tank is 75gallon. I try to do 80-90% water changes daily (sometimes i miss a day in between). Tank has two sunsun 302 canister and two aquaclear 70 hob filter.
Food- nls thera A, hikari discus bio gold, cobalt hans fiscus flakes, nls optimum flakes, freezed dried Australian blackworms, and sometimes Azoo frozen bloodworms.

What i noticed is right after the water change, they discus display their true beauty with all the fins fully open and indeed look spectacular.

Any suggestions for improvements are well appreciated.
Thanks ��