View Full Version : Can this be ich??

06-29-2017, 04:06 PM
Hello guys . So i have few of my disucs in my quarantine tank and one off them is having white spots on the body is it possible that its ich?? He is getting beaten a bit by smaller guy and he is sometimes very very dark .
But is it possible that ich can live in 35c temp??? And why no one else is affected?!

https://thumb.ibb.co/nnHy8Q/IMG_0179.jpg (https://ibb.co/nnHy8Q)

06-29-2017, 05:21 PM
Fungus? I will let others chime in on this.

06-29-2017, 06:02 PM
Hello guys . So i have few of my disucs in my quarantine tank and one off them is having white spots on the body is it possible that its ich?? He is getting beaten a bit by smaller guy and he is sometimes very very dark .
But is it possible that ich can live in 35c temp??? And why no one else is affected?!

https://thumb.ibb.co/nnHy8Q/IMG_0179.jpg (https://ibb.co/nnHy8Q)

Looks like bacterial pockets....small localized infections. What do you for water changes?


06-29-2017, 08:08 PM
Looks like what my newest discus had I used a combination of ick x, espsum salt and melafix in a quarantine tank. Turned the heat up to 86-88 and it went away in about three days.

I'm sure someone smarter then me will have better advice though110762

Here he is 3 days later much lighter and no spots
110763 terrible picture as he's hiding but you can see a color difference at least

I brought home three new discus that's the one you see with him once I noticed he was showing signs I isolated him in his own tank(still there)

07-01-2017, 07:12 AM
Dailiy 50% Wc + dosing epsom salt 1 table spoon for every 40L of water .
Looks like bacterial pockets....small localized infections. What do you for water changes?


07-01-2017, 09:10 AM
Epsom salts are just making your water harder in this case and nothing else.It will not cure what looks like pimples/pus(bacteria pockets).Large WC's usually take care of zits.Ich will not survive in temps higher than 86.You say 50% daily WC's.How big is your tank?

Keith Perkins
07-01-2017, 09:34 AM
Definitely agree with Al and Mervin, looks like bacteria pimples caused by water quality. It's not at all unusual for only one fish to be displaying the condition, I've seen it occur in one of my own tanks in the past. Better water quality alone will likely solve the problem. If necessary a PP treatment could also be tossed in to initially knock out the bacteria. The problem will very likely reoccur on this fish though if it's conditions don't improve. The good news however is that it's your canary in the coal mine telling you you have a problem before the rest of your fish display problems.