View Full Version : Juvies ?

07-01-2017, 11:26 AM
When is a discus considered an adult and not a juvie.

07-01-2017, 03:40 PM
I'm not positive but I think 4/4.5 are getting out of juvenile. I could be dead wrong that just seems to be what I heave read somewhere on here at one point. Someone with more experience will chime in im sure. Hopefully I'll learn something to as I. Curious as well.

07-01-2017, 04:01 PM
I think you will get different answers depending on the sources but to me...

Fry are the first month after free swimming or around there... juvies are 1 months to 6 months..young adults are 6 months to 1 yr... adults anything over 12 months or anything younger than it that breeds.
Size wise the above usually fall into....generally fry are free swimming to 3/4-1"
Juvies 1" to 4"
Young adults 4" to 5"
Adults 5" and up or smaller that breed.

This is totally subjective on my part...it's just how I think of them.
