View Full Version : Melafix and K1 moving filter. DON'T ! nasty result

07-04-2017, 10:38 AM
Hi All,
I haven't seen this topic anywhere so I should start one lol.
I used Melafix for the first time today with the K1 running tank, everything look fine at the beginning, after a few moment, the melafix form a bubble foam in the K1 tank (thanks to air stones), the foam so thick that crumbed all k1 media together and overflown out of the filter like washing machine with too much soap. My floor is the mess now and the Mrs is pissing off, and me, will be sleeping on the couch tonight .....:bomb::bomb::bomb:, didn't see that coming :flame::flame::flame::flame:

07-04-2017, 10:50 AM
That stuff would be great to take a bath in or wash your hands by the sound of it,but not much good for fish tanks.The types of bacteria that would cause fish illness,that stuff would not be strong enough those pathogens.

07-04-2017, 10:55 AM
haha, the only thing Melafix good at is when your fish have battle wounds and you want to prevent infection. That all it use for and I can get them very cheap

07-04-2017, 11:29 AM
I have used melafix and pimafix numerous times and I although it seemed to work well with wounds and damaged fins I don't know how well it works for anything else. It does make a nasty foam though that's for sure. It did make it easy to use a net and clean the top of the water though

07-04-2017, 08:43 PM
IMO Melafix and Pimafix just make your fishroom smell nice.

07-04-2017, 08:57 PM
IMO Melafix and Pimafix just make your fishroom smell nice.

+1, but try them for wounds and fin damage, quick result. But I swear not on K1 moving filter again, It stop the k1 from moving for the last 12 hours, hope my bb in there not dying from suffocation

07-04-2017, 09:48 PM
Melafix is just Tea Tree oil. Does no one here use Tea Tree oil as a home remedy? I've used it to kill nail fungus before. It's an antiseptic, something you use to help heal cuts and scrapes, or nail fungus...
So yeah, it's not going to have the punch of a real antibiotic - think of it more like Neosporin. And it really does make your fish room smell nice :)

07-05-2017, 07:24 AM
I love it in my shampoo.Leaves the scalp feeling tingly.