View Full Version : Is 440 TDS from tap safe to drink?

07-16-2017, 12:31 AM
About seven years ago when I installed a 7 gallon per day RO DI unit in my basement for the Rams and angels I was keeping back then my tap water was around 325 TDS straight from the tap. I just tested it a few minutes ago and now I'm getting a reading of 440 TDS straight from the tap. All of my fish seem fine minus the fact that I've discovered it's impossible to hatch discus eggs in my water. The thing is everyone in my house has varying degrees of dry skin issues which in the past I always had attributed to a family history of excema (sp?). Now I'm starting to think that our water is just aggravating my families already sensitive skin. I recently decided that I'm going to install a new 150 gallon per day RO DI so I can start breeding my 3 established pairs. The only thing is now I'm worried if drinking this water for so many years has been in some way unhealthy for my family and I'm seriously considering getting a home water softener as well. Do you guys think the home water softener is necessary and does anyone have any experience with sensitive skin in hard water? Thanks in advance and I know the health aspect is kinda off topic but we have a lot of very smart people on this forum and I hope they might be able to help me and my family.

07-16-2017, 03:09 PM
Your tds us in the acceptable range for drinking water although it's not mountain spring water quality. I don't know that it would be a health issue but having hard water can cause soap residues and things like that.

07-16-2017, 03:33 PM
Is your TDS meter calibrated and was it stored in a proper storage solution when not used?If not that might explain the change in TDS.

Your water as it is Tds wise is fine for drinking and bathing. Mine is similar if not higher.

07-16-2017, 10:12 PM
TDS only tells you the concentration of dissolved solids, not what those dissolved solids are. If your tapwater is from a municipal source, you should be fine. However, the only way to know exactly whats in your water is to have it tested by a company.

07-17-2017, 01:13 AM
I have an electronic TDS meter. I just replaced the batteries in it yesterday before I took the reading. Before I tested my tap water I tested the water from my RO unit and the reading was accurate.

07-17-2017, 11:28 AM
Is your TDS meter calibrated and was it stored in a proper storage solution when not used?If not that might explain the change in TDS.


Do you need to store the TDS meter in special place when not in used ? Can you please explain what I need to do ? Thank you Al !

07-18-2017, 11:19 AM
Maybe some TDS meters need some sort of special solution or storage. But most don't. After I use mine, I blow on it to dry it off and put the cap back on. I've replaced the batteries several times over 15 years and it works great. Ph meters on the other hand are finicky little things that do need to be calibrated regularly and stored in a special solution.

07-19-2017, 02:53 PM
As others have said..

1. TDS is total dissolved solids...does not tell you what those solids are...they can be anything from innocuous calcium to health threatening nitrates, pollutants, etc.
2. Water softener will remove the general hardness, which is better for pipes, skin, etc,
3. Water softener will not remove any dangerous chemicals.

I have sensitive skin and and a water softener helps with that a lot. It also helps with clothes and dishes getting cleaner with less detergent as well.

I use a 50/50 mix of softened water and RO water for my tanks.