View Full Version : Wild Discus Question

07-17-2017, 01:33 PM
Hello everyone,

I am new to the forum, not exactly new to discus but its my first time in awhile since I went a monster fish binge for a few years.

A about a month ago, I set up a 55 gallon tank, to hold me over until my work contract finishes. I started with some Wild Red Spotted Greens that I was told were from Tefe region of Brazil. Everything was good, I have my tanks sides and back painted white, and a thin layer of sand on the bottom for aesthetic purposes and I do Regular water changes every day or two when I get a chance.

A few weeks ago, I got in touch with an importer and was able to pick up some Cuips directly from Santarem that are exactly the same size as my greens. After quarantining the Cuips for 2 weeks I introduced them to the tank. After a day the cuips started harassing the greens like crazy and constantly chasing them.

Any recommendations on how long I should leave this or what I can do to eliminate it? I've never experienced this with the domestic discus I've kept before.

Thanks in advance,


07-17-2017, 04:00 PM
How many of each strain are in there. ?

07-17-2017, 04:41 PM
Thanks for the reply, I have 3 greens, and 3 cuips. They are all between 4-5 inches.

07-17-2017, 04:53 PM
my advice is a bigger tank. a 55gal is too small for 5 adult discus, and wilds are more territorial than domestics on top of that. for a group of 6 wilds I've even seen aggression in a 75gal tank. you need an upgrade. do you have things in the tank to create various territories, like wood pieces or plants?

07-17-2017, 05:09 PM
my advice is a bigger tank. a 55gal is too small for 5 adult discus, and wilds are more territorial than domestics on top of that. for a group of 6 wilds I've even seen aggression in a 75gal tank. you need an upgrade. do you have things in the tank to create various territories, like wood pieces or plants?

I will add some wood and plants to create some territories tonight. I'm gonna be stuck with the 55 for at least a few months but once I am back home, I will be moving fish to a 180. Is adding structure the best way to go for the time being?

07-17-2017, 09:20 PM
I've seen it done both ways... some will tell you to pack them in and it cuts aggression. Others will say as jack has said that the tank is going to need to be expanded

I have 8 in a 72 bow and I am starting to see some agression in my own tank and continplating what to do.

I do agree that some areas to break sight lines and establish turf is best.

07-19-2017, 04:17 PM
I do agree that some areas to break sight lines and establish turf is best.

My planted 55 is usually overcrowded with 7 or so fully grown fish, and plenty of other catfish, tetras, plecos, etc. but there are large Radicans Swords and Valiineria to break up line of sight and create buffer spaces. Works.