View Full Version : Move from growout to display

07-25-2017, 04:56 AM
Hi there.

At what size/age is it best to move juvies from growout to display tank? I have a small batch(16) that I am currently growing in a growout tank. They are soon 8 months and vary from 2-5 inches(no culls as this is first batch and it was so small. Want to see how they grow up.)

07-25-2017, 06:01 AM
If you want to see how will they grow up to be or how much will the little guys catch up with the rest then you better leave them in your BB growout with daily WCs and min 3 feedins until they turn 12-15 months .

If you are tired from your hard grow out routine + display tank routine , you can select the best looking 4-5 inchers and transfer them in your display and give away the rest 2-3 inchers.

That way you can focus on more frequent and diligent care for your display tank instead of having 2 different tanks to care for .

The choice is yours Belkar :).

07-25-2017, 07:09 AM
Yeah kinda what I tought. Only reason I am eager to move them is that I currently only have 3 adults in the display. And the couple is harrazing the last one. He is not leaving them alone tough. Perhaps he will learn soon. I have a pretty sweet setup with aging barels, plumbing and pumps in the garrage so the growout maintenance is not really that bad.
They are spoiled rotten so they are still getting feed every other hour from 07 to 23 :P. Will keep it up untill they are 12-15 m months then before moving any of them. If the fighting in the display does not stop I will just move the couple out to a spawning tank again instead. Its just so empty in the display since I sold the wilds :/. Perhaps I need more fish :D