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View Full Version : Finally, 6 wilds to join my 125

07-29-2017, 02:21 PM
The time has finally come, I'm finally getting wilds for my 125 on Wednesday. I'm getting 6 adult Rio Nanay discus for a good deal, they've been treated and acclimated to tap along with eating various foods. I've been waiting for about 2 years for this and its finally happening! I will for sure be adding more in the future.


Current stock is around 40 Cardinals, 40 or so Corydoras, 20 Nannostomus Beckfordi, a Whiptail cat and a Farlowella cat.

07-29-2017, 03:57 PM
That scape is stunning. Great luck w the wilds. I can't wait to see this !!

Care to share your source for the wild discus ? Or feel free to pm me if you prefer

07-29-2017, 04:03 PM
The time has finally come, I'm finally getting wilds for my 125 on Wednesday. I'm getting 6 adult Rio Nanay discus for a good deal, they've been treated and acclimated to tap along with eating various foods. I've been waiting for about 2 years for this and its finally happening! I will for sure be adding more in the future.


Current stock is around 40 Cardinals, 40 or so Corydoras, 20 Nannostomus Beckfordi, a Whiptail cat and a Farlowella cat.

That's a great looking tank

07-29-2017, 10:13 PM
Love your set up, nice bio-tope. keep the pictures coming pls.

07-30-2017, 12:15 AM
That scape is stunning. Great luck w the wilds. I can't wait to see this !!

Care to share your source for the wild discus ? Or feel free to pm me if you prefer

I'm getting them from Shawn Flynn, PureFishWorks. He's big in the Apisto game and I have purchased from him before, but he recently got a wild import from Peru and these were some of the fish. I'm so excited!

07-30-2017, 12:39 AM
That looks beautiful.

What's dimension & filtration system of your tank?

08-02-2017, 12:44 PM
Thank you

Dimensions are your typical 125, 72 X 18 X 23. Filtration is just an FX6

08-02-2017, 12:45 PM
They will get here on Friday instead of today, the wait is killin me!

08-02-2017, 01:11 PM
Awesome looking scape Dominic. I just realized who you are, we talk back and forth on Instagram, I am jfrip1208. Looking forward to seeing your new discus. where did you get the giant palm frond? is it on the inside or outside of the tank?

08-02-2017, 10:46 PM
Awesome looking scape Dominic. I just realized who you are, we talk back and forth on Instagram, I am jfrip1208. Looking forward to seeing your new discus. where did you get the giant palm frond? is it on the inside or outside of the tank?

Thanks! Yep! I'm in love with your wilds, I know my next wilds down the road will be from John and they might be some of the Tefe Grrens, they're stunning! The palm frond is on the inside. I work at a Botanical garden and we've got a bunch of palm plants, so when they get trimmed, I'll take some fronds.

08-03-2017, 05:30 AM
They will look epic in there. Wish I had your scaping skills. Looking forward to the progress

08-11-2017, 07:13 AM
Did you get the fish yet? Dying to see an update on this

08-11-2017, 10:45 PM
Thanks! Yep! I'm in love with your wilds, I know my next wilds down the road will be from John and they might be some of the Tefe Grrens, they're stunning! The palm frond is on the inside. I work at a Botanical garden and we've got a bunch of palm plants, so when they get trimmed, I'll take some fronds.

Love the palm frond idea. I have nothing but different varieties of palms at my house because I don't have the green thumb for other plants lol. I'll definitely have to hang on to some since I always am trimming for aesthetics

08-12-2017, 09:39 AM
Here's a late update I apologize everyone but they're all here safe and sound. Due to shipping being delayed twice my supplier gave me an extra discus for free! Now, first and foremost I was not expecting them to be the size that they are at. I had asked for adults and these are probably around 3-4 inchers. I really cant complain since I got them for a really god deal, but I just don't want the worry of me stunting discus, especially wilds. If anyone can get me some good pointers to food that'd be nice too. They're eating brine shrimp, discus pellets and flakes, but id like to offer more natural foods for them.

Here we go 111831 this is them acclimating, I should've dripped them but I didn't know then and they're all alive. I'm used to plop and drop to be honest.

111832 Here's them about an hour or so out of the bag, fins were damaged, but they have healed nicely since.

111833 same day, just later in the day

111834 sorry for the fuzzy image, but here's morning shot

111835 here's one of my favorite shots so far, a nighttime gathering

111836 and finally a full tank shot, I know I need a top-off, but I thought I'd share

Here's to the beginning to a "wild" adventure and any and all input is always welcomed!
I'd like to thank this forum to opening my eyes to the beauty of the wild kings of the Amazon

08-12-2017, 09:29 PM
Wow! Stunning! Really Love the scaping in this one. They certainly should feel right at home. I'd add beef heart to their diet but I've never had wilds so I'd defer to someone who's kept them.

08-13-2017, 02:50 AM
Looks amazing! Try Al's fdbw. High in protein and discus seems to love them. I'd stay away from the BH. Just gonna cause a mess and it's not natural for wilds so they may not take to them. They can be pellet trained but I didn't have the heart to starve mine. Good luck and welcome to wilds!