View Full Version : Fire eel or mormyrid?

08-22-2017, 03:41 PM
Hello, i have a 135 gallon (6'x2'x18") aquarium currently stocked with 5 discus just over the 4" mark. I want to add a fire eel, i had one for the past 4 years but he recently jumped out of my quarentine tank and died. I would like to get another one because they truly are some of the more "pet like" fish but i was wondering if anyone has experience with them around discus. I dont think food aggression would be an issue becuse of the differing active times for these species but what problems do you forsee with this combo? How about an elephant nose mormyrid? They produce very small electrical currents to sense their environment but not in ways strong enough for a human to feel, do you think it would be disruptive to a discus?

I dont currently have either of these species and i am genuinely curious if people have an opinion or a legitiment reason why these fish should not co habitate in this set up.

Thank you.

(attachment of my old eel, mushu)

08-24-2017, 08:29 AM
I had A 13'' tire track eel with out issue for 2 years before selling him to a buddy. He would hang out in the stump and I would target feed him raw shrimp every morning. I only got rid of him because I wanted cardinals and I knew he would make haste on eating every one of them.

08-24-2017, 11:57 AM
Thank you, I couldn't really think of any logical issues but you don't see many people with the combination so I didn't know if I was just missing something obvious or if people just aren't that into spiny eels. I love them, so personable.

08-30-2017, 11:09 AM
Fire eel will grow to 50 cm, so there is size problem and how would discus react to such a giant. Elephantnose need company, big aquarium and live/frozen food. They are also slow eaters, so i would keep them either alone or with african butterfly fish or such-