View Full Version : Discus attacking strange??? Swimming backwards and sideways

Nathan otto
09-04-2017, 09:02 AM
Please guys i need help!

I got given a discus from a friend of a friend, it was in a small foot by foot tank, I went out and bought a 2 foot, after two days I noticed alot of swimming sideways and backwards, please if there anything I can do, the transporting of fish was difficult because of the low water and small tank. Hope he never got injured... :cry: plz watch
https://ci4.googleusercontent.com/proxy/s_eol6YzvF-bC9RsOFXPh62IIbgNszj3Necmog5_zSxZ3SZbs5pztKtjdKrCS ura39yM5ye04koyJZHhOTeZ4inZI91IDJp0kT04gEgxZnmQBxT ybxt4Um46Y_7lpk4pDroBdToGJA3jxE9yvMKNkIR11SiS984Np _hbjgsWjSgZILtPLVsXAfh5=s0-d-e1-ft#http://i.ytimg.com/vi/Z_7kqhBFvLg/hqdefault.jpg?w=480&h=270&feature=em-upload_owner&sigh=T4sF0-j0hFOnXtJrFYLClmPH9cA

Second Hand Pat
09-04-2017, 09:31 AM
Hi Nathan, is the tank cycled? Can you measure the ammonia and nitrites in the tank water? Are you using a de-chloranator when you add new water to the tank?

Nathan otto
09-04-2017, 03:07 PM
yes, the tank is cycled, and I am using a de-chlorinator.

I think I found the problem, a friend said add gravel as his seeing his reflection and whats to swim along side another discus,

as soon as I added the gravel he went swimming sideways to hide, when he came out he was fine, can't believe it, but will wait a few days too see, will let to know.

09-13-2017, 01:56 AM
Nathan - you cannot have one Discus on it's own to start with - he will be very unhappy - most guys will say you need at the least 4 - 5 mates with him.

09-13-2017, 08:05 AM
sand is much better than gravel

09-13-2017, 11:54 AM
I agree- you definitely need to start with at least 5 to 6 discus fish. They are schooling fish and will be very unhappy and stressed if they are alone. i also agree with the sand- that is the easiest to maintain!